BTW... here is my step-by-step image creation doc.

Deleted all partitions
Created 3gb NTFS partition
Installed win2k SP2 from shipped with Compaq PC
Used CD key from label of Compaq PC
Admin acct pw: *******
Eastern timezone

Unchecked Welcome to Windows
Installed NIC Driver via USB drive: 82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN 6.2.10 Rev. A
Installed Audio Driver via USB drive
Installed USB2 Driver via desktop. Copy to desktop from USB device first.
Installed Video Driver via USB drive

Set screen resolution to 800x600x16 bit
Windows Update: install SP3

Windows Update: Install IE6SP1

Windows Update: All Critical Updates and Service Packs

Turn off Automatic Updates
Windows Update: Q328523, Q322913, Q327269, Q322842

Windows Update: Windows Media Player 9
Defrag Disk

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Install MS Office 2000SR-1 from CD1
Install Publisher 2000SR-1 from CD2
Install Flash/Shockwave 6
Install RealOne Player, Custom turn off all desktop settings, turn off default player settings
Install RealOne Security Update
Configure RealOne player to open with player only
Turn off auto update on RealOne Player
Install Adobe Reader 5.1 Full
Install Mcafee 4.5.1
Install Mcafee SP1

Disable tray icon for Mcafee scheduler
Configure mcafee
Update & Upgrade McAfee
Copy console.cmd to winnt
Hide McAfee Icons except for Virus Scan
Set McAfee menu folder to read only
Removed Outlook Express Icons
Removed Adobe Reader, WMP icons from desktop
Created MSOffice folder, moved Icons and other MS program folders into that one
Configure Internet Properties\Programs\to MS Office apps
Install Chameleon from MSI
Update the Atlanta Icon to FMMIS, copy consultec.cfg from good PC
Netmanage LPD service to manual
Install Informix32 from MSI
Install Informix16, copy Hosts & Services, create Prog Group
Install Oracle 7

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Start all programs to remove first time run events
Local machine/user policies as per John Terry
Add Screen saver policy
Do not use search-based method when resolving shell shortcuts
Add logoff to start menu
Create temp account
Clear MRU list HKCU\SMWCVE\RunMRU & Map Network Drive
Empty Temporary Internet Items
Empty Trash
Login to temp admin account
Copy admin profile to Default User
Clear Event Viewer
Resize Page File to 2x Ram
Login to admin account
Delete temp account
Delete temp profile
Delete video/display adapter (enables VGA mode)
Uninstall all obvious hardware drivers
Empty trash

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How to ask questions the smart way <-----------> Before you ask