Board Rules
Welcome to the bulletin board. In order to make your experience here more productive and enjoyable, you should take a moment to understand how the board works. Following board etiquette can go a long way toward getting better replies.


Forum moderators may alter or delete your post.
  • The subject description may be revised to better reflect the nature of the post.
  • Cross-posts may be closed and linked to the other post or deleted.
  • Layout (formatting i.e. long lines, [CODE] tags, UDF standards) may be corrected.
  • Your post may be moved to a more appropriate forum.

Take a moment to read and respect the short description beneath each forum. For your convenience, I will outline them here.
When you are new to KiXtart, you can post your questions here.
This is not limited to just new users and should include basic questions with or without code snippets.
Examples of scripts can be posted/discussed here.
This is for more advanced topics. A new topic should contain at least a snippet of code.
This forum is intended to discuss the beta of KiXtart.
This is where bugs and features of beta releases should be discussed. Once the version is out of beta, it should be discussed in scripts if a sample of code is included or in general discussions otherwise.
Discussion of new KiXtart features and suggestions for new KiXtart releases.
Leave your suggestions for future KiXtart versions here. This includes suggestions for the KiXtart manual. Do not leave suggestions on how to make the board or the world better.
KiXtart FAQ & How to's
Here you can find common answers to commonly asked questions...
Sorry, this one's read-only except for moderators, but don't let that stop you from perusing.
UDF library
User Defined Functions Library
Please familiarize yourself with the document Topic: Guidelines() - for posting in the UDF forum before posting.
COM scripting
Discussion on COM automation (includes ADSI, WMI, etc. within the context of KiXtart)
Please limit your discussions to COM.
general discussions
All topics/ideas/suggestions that may or may not relate to KiXtart or may not properly relate to one of the other forums.
Basically, if it doesn't fit in the other forums, then this is the one.
Do not cross-post. Pick the most appropriate forum and post a question just once. The board 'regulars' watch for all new topics and will see your post. Remember, it doesn't pay to annoy those you're asking for help.
This is a multi-threaded board. Pay close attention to which Reply button you use as it affects the threaded view. While hijaaking or taking the discussion off-topic are discouraged, posting to the wrong thread in the topic is worse yet.
If you have more than a few lines of code, use the CODE link found under 'Instant UBB Code' below the editing window. It will place a [CODE] and a [/CODE] tag pair. Paste your code between the tags. It will preserve the indenting and allow certain characters UBB would otherwise forbid.
Don't paste long lines of code between [CODE] tags. It will cause the entire thread to go real wide making it difficult to read (sidewards scrolling). Break and indent them instead. Doing so will not harm the code.
Note: If you fall victim to someone else's indiscretion on this matter, all is not lost... you can still salvage the situation. If you look down at the bottom you will see a link to "Print Thread" which is more than just "printer" friendly. It will make all lines that are not between [CODE] tags wrap at the edge of the screen.
Don't be cheap with words. Explain your problem and provide details about KiX version, OS version, server version, etc. Show us that you are not lazy. Links to examples of other similar threads can help. If you show you have already RTFM and STFW, you are more likely to get help.
Please, PLEASE, P L E A S E, it's KiXtart, not KixTart! KiX 'Tarts' are annoying leeches that don't have any of their own code in their script but rather pieces of everyone else's. Show us that you respect the name.
Solution Followup - If you try a solution and it works, please let the person and the board know it works by posting a response. If it does not, also let them know.
Why? - There is probably someone else out there that is having the exact same issue that you are. It may not be right now, but if they see it in a search it can be addressed more quickly than trying to "patch together" the final pieces in a solution.
Dredging up or hijaaking (recycling) old topics - Please don't dredge up old topics unless you have good information to add. Don't recycle (hijaak) one as your own. The originator may have enabled email notification and may not want the email. Better instead, to start your own (new) topic and provide a link to a similar topic if it helps to describe your case.

I accept the Board Rules.
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