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#57474 - 2001-07-23 04:50 AM KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
Dear members,

We have make a short list which represents the top 25 of
active members of this board.
A nice conclusion is that those persons create over 50% of items.


member posts
Shawn 1445
Bryce 1264
MCA 1075
jpols 769
cj 762
DDavidson 374
DrillSergeant 353
Radimus 330
JackLothian 292
bleonard 272
Paul_Berquam 246
BoxKite 213
kholm 210
Fabian 192
Lon 189
Lonkero 184
kdyer 175
Fuse 168
bonky 161
Svendre 128
bvvanor 123
Jos 121
awinkel 119
Elvis2000 110

total items by top 25 members 9425
mean items/person 377

total items by all members 19153

We think it is a nice summary of this board.
It also means that 23 items/day avarage were be posted.
Of course we know that each month the amount of active
members and items are growing.

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#57475 - 2001-07-23 05:39 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
cj Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2000-04-06
Posts: 1102
Loc: Brisbane, Australia
I shall reply 8 times to claim 4th position


#57476 - 2001-07-23 07:36 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
for me that amount will give two positions higher rating.
but, I quess when jpols sees that list he will work harder too

download KiXnet

#57477 - 2001-07-23 07:59 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Jochen Administrator Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-03-17
Posts: 6380
Loc: Stuttgart, Germany
I bet you're right

#57478 - 2001-07-23 09:02 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
cj Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2000-04-06
Posts: 1102
Loc: Brisbane, Australia


#57479 - 2001-07-24 05:46 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
Dear CJ, JPols,

we will see how your and other position will have changed
after two months.

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#57480 - 2001-10-12 03:35 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU

We have create a new list.


10.10.2001 23.7.2001
Shawn 1705 1445 17,99%
Bryce 1406 1264 11,23%
MCA 1092 1075 1,58%
jpols 1028 769 33,68%
cj 782 762 2,62%
NTDOC 542 150 261,33% 2
LLigetfa 503 38 1223,68% 1 new
Lonkero 499 184 171,20% 3
DrillSergeant 387 353 9,63%
kdyer 377 175 115,43% 4
DDavidson 376 374 0,53%
Radimus 343 330 3,94%
bleonard 336 272 23,53%
JackLothian 292 292 0,00%
Paul_Berquam 252 246 2,44%
kholm 220 210 4,76%
BoxKite 213 213 0,00%
bonky 193 161 19,88%
Fabian 192 192 0,00%
Lon 191 189 1,06%
Fuse 168 168 0,00%
awinkel 157 119 31,93%
Fuentez 144 96 50,00% 5 new
masken 143 96 48,96% new
Svendre 128 128 0,00%
11669 9301 25,46%
466 372

  • a lot of new reaction were created in two months (2368 reactions).
  • top 3 positions are unchanged.
  • the members LLigetfa, NTDOC, Lonkero and kdyer has created a very great
    amount of reactions. Hi guys didn't you have a vacation?

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#57481 - 2001-10-12 09:15 PM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
Quantity is easy. fe, this post...

But, quality is another matter, much harder to quantify. Yes, there's the "Rate Member" thing but unfortunately it's not well used.

Keep up the good work y'all!

p.s. MCA, I had just 2 weeks vacation in that time period, not 2 months, like some people.

[ 12 October 2001: Message edited by: LLigetfa ]

Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#57482 - 2001-10-12 11:54 PM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Bryce Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-02-29
Posts: 3167
Loc: Houston TX
wow! LLigetfa you posting mad man you!

My kixing has slowed down over the past couple of months. Mainly because ya'll beat me to the posts!!

Aside from that... nothing is going on at work... nothing! they have even taken my servers away.

ahh the joys of having a really strong severance package when your company is sold. Bryce, you have guaranteed employment until Dec. 31st ... just we have nothing for you to do. So just sit here and watch the paint dry......

But, I do have a tele-commute job in the works, doing ... of all things .....KiXtart programming! But the company is under a hiring freeze because of the Sept. 11 bombing's


#57483 - 2001-11-01 10:48 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU

An update or our top 25 members:


01.11.2001 delta 10.10.2001 delta 23.7.2001
Shawn 1.798 93 5,5% 1.705 260 18,0% 1.445
MCA 1.499 407 37,3% 1.092 17 1,6% 1.075 1
Bryce 1.456 50 3,6% 1.406 142 11,2% 1.264
jpols 1.128 100 9,7% 1.028 259 33,7% 769 5
cj 790 8 1,0% 782 20 2,6% 762
LLigetfa 677 174 34,6% 503 465 1223,7% 38 2
NTDOC 604 62 11,4% 542 392 261,3% 150 4
Lonkero 500 1 0,2% 499 315 171,2% 184
kdyer 394 17 4,5% 377 202 115,4% 175
DrillSergeant 392 5 1,3% 387 34 9,6% 353
DDavidson 376 0 0,0% 376 2 0,5% 374
Radimus 348 5 1,5% 343 13 3,9% 330
bleonard 342 6 1,8% 336 64 23,5% 272
JackLothian 292 0 0,0% 292 0 0,0% 292
Paul_Berquam 252 0 0,0% 252 6 2,4% 246
kholm 220 0 0,0% 220 10 4,8% 210
BoxKite 213 0 0,0% 213 0 0,0% 213
bonky 196 3 1,6% 193 32 19,9% 161
Fabian 192 0 0,0% 192 0 0,0% 192
Lon 191 0 0,0% 191 2 1,1% 189
Fuse 168 0 0,0% 168 0 0,0% 168
masken 161 18 12,6% 143 47 49,0% 96 3
awinkel 160 3 1,9% 157 38 31,9% 119
Fuentez 144 0 0,0% 144 48 50,0% 96
Richard Howarth 138 138 0 new
12.631 1.090 9,4% 11.541 2.368 25,8% 9.173
mean per member 505 462 367

total members 3.406
total reactions 25.503

  • the amount of reactions has past 25.000.
  • the mean amount of reactions for the top is growing.
  • top 3 positions are changed.
  • most reactions by LLigetfa, jpols, Shawn and MCA.

For LLigetfa: do you like a new completion? Of course you think.

What is it: enter the most reactions to different topics on one day. Current value is 74 items.

Next month a new update.

(our reaction 1500 to the board)

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#57484 - 2001-11-03 05:05 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
You have once again retaken top position in the number of reactions since last tally. 407 to my meager 174, and your's have far more substance.

In your last post, you asked "do you like a new completion? Of course you think." I don't want to appear rude and ignore a direct question, but I don't understand what it is you're asking.

I trust the record for most reactions in one day (74) belongs to you.

Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#57485 - 2001-11-03 06:56 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?

You looking for a new job? Here at ScriptLogic, we're always hiring - full & part time!

#57486 - 2001-11-03 04:55 PM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
Dear Les,

We doesn't mean "completion" but "competition". With the word of "completion" we also doesn't understand it.

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#57487 - 2001-11-04 06:41 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Les Offline
KiX Master

Registered: 2001-06-11
Posts: 12734
While I do enjoy a bit of one-upmanship, I don't really see it as a competition. I like to give a little to the KiX community because it is an excellent way to learn. What I get back (experience) is for more valuable. I toss out an idea and maybe someone tosses out a better one. That's how it goes. It exercises the thought process.

So, if you're asking if I'd like to one-up your record for most reactions in one day, I think not, but I'm flattered you think I may be up for it.


Give a man a fish and he will be back for more. Slap him with a fish and he will go away forever.

#57488 - 2001-11-05 03:10 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Bryce Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-02-29
Posts: 3167
Loc: Houston TX

You looking for a new job? Here at ScriptLogic, we're always hiring - full & part time!

Would i have to move to Florida?

Even though I am not against moving... I am going to give the local Houston job market an opportunity first.

Like i said. I have current job until end of the year... and even then I will be able to afford taking a month or two off.

The Houston IT market is still very strong. Lots of company's in this area, not to mention Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin areas


#57489 - 2001-11-05 07:01 PM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?

Maybe we could get together in Houston. Our channel manager is setting up a road trip to meet with Dell, Compaq, HP, and a number of large integrators in the Texas market over the next couple months.

Hey, Florida's not that bad -- other than an occasional hurricane or two... Best of all, the job's 100% KiXtart programming...

If nothing else, give me a call at the office (number's on the website).


#57490 - 2001-11-05 07:17 PM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
Jochen Administrator Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-03-17
Posts: 6380
Loc: Stuttgart, Germany
Maybe MCA should rename the topic to :

'Top 25 posters & jobs @ scriptlogic'

In the mean time I will enjoy raising my amount of replys by posting useless reactions furthermore


#57491 - 2001-11-06 03:18 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
Dear JPols,

You know it isn't possible that we can rename the topic. Only a new topic
with your name can be introduced.
When this top 25 can inspire people for a new job who cares.
This board is the only place for the real kixtart lovers.

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#57492 - 2001-11-06 11:00 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?

Nice to see my name in the listing, I'm proud of it.
#57493 - 2001-12-01 07:46 AM Re: KIX-INFO: what is the top 25 of ""?
MCA Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU

A new update of top 25 list.


01.12.2001 delta 01.11.2001 delta 10.10.2001 delta 23.7.2001
Shawn 1943 145 8,1% 1.798 93 5,5% 1.705 260 18,0% 1.445 2
MCA 1729 230 15,3% 1.499 407 37,3% 1.092 17 1,6% 1.075 1
Bryce 1595 139 9,5% 1.456 50 3,6% 1.406 142 11,2% 1.264 3
jpols 1219 91 8,1% 1.128 100 9,7% 1.028 259 33,7% 769 5
cj 800 10 1,3% 790 8 1,0% 782 20 2,6% 762
LLigetfa 795 118 17,4% 677 174 34,6% 503 465 1223,7% 38 4
NTDOC 680 76 12,6% 604 62 11,4% 542 392 261,3% 150
Lonkero 500 0 0,0% 500 1 0,2% 499 315 171,2% 184
kdyer 474 80 20,3% 394 17 4,5% 377 202 115,4% 175
DrillSergeant 443 51 13,0% 392 5 1,3% 387 34 9,6% 353
DDavidson 376 0 0,0% 376 0 0,0% 376 2 0,5% 374
bleonard 375 33 9,6% 342 6 1,8% 336 64 23,5% 272
Radimus 367 19 5,5% 348 5 1,5% 343 13 3,9% 330
JackLothian 306 14 4,8% 292 0 0,0% 292 0 0,0% 292
Paul_Berquam 252 0 0,0% 252 0 0,0% 252 6 2,4% 246
kholm 233 13 5,9% 220 0 0,0% 220 10 4,8% 210
BoxKite 213 0 0,0% 213 0 0,0% 213 0 0,0% 213
bonky 196 0 0,0% 196 3 1,6% 193 32 19,9% 161
Fabian 192 0 0,0% 192 0 0,0% 192 0 0,0% 192
Lon 191 0 0,0% 191 0 0,0% 191 2 1,1% 189
masken 175 14 8,7% 161 18 12,6% 143 47 49,0% 96
awinkel 173 13 8,1% 160 3 1,9% 157 38 31,9% 119
Richard Howarth 171 33 23,9% 138 138 0,0%
Fuse 168 0 0,0% 168 0 0,0% 168 0 0,0% 168
Fuentez 146 2 1,4% 144 0 0,0% 144 48 50,0% 96

13.712 1.081 8,6% 12.631 1.090 9,4% 11.541 2.368 25,8% 9.173
mean per member 548 505 462 367

total members 3.659 253 7,4% 3.406
total reactions 27.579 2.076 8,1% 25.503


  • no new members to top 25 list.
  • top 3 is unchanged.
  • +/- 50 reactions on working days.

Important issues this month were
  • KiXtart 4.00 & 4.01 releases
  • new UDF's library forum

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