More Background:

as my final treeView will have 3 levels I want that if one checks a Node all child Nodes will get checked as well .. which I fear I will have to do programmatically \:D

oh, and leaving out the condition in the update of TextBox will make it even clearer:

function treeView_Click()
	dim $checkedNodes
	for $i = 0 to $Form.Treeview1.Nodes.Count - 1
		if $Form.Treeview1.Nodes($i).checked
			$checkedNodes = $checkedNodes + $Form.Treeview1.Nodes($i).FullPath + @crlf
		; here would go something like
		; if $Form.Treeview1.Nodes($i).HasChild ..
	$Form.TextBox1.Text = $checkedNodes

Edited by Jochen (2012-04-10 03:58 PM)
Edit Reason: code adapted