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#88016 - 2002-09-18 09:53 AM devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
patrick, found already a mistake... lacking of one zero on one line...

I uploaded it already, just get it there.

to others, only changes accomplished since 1.1.1:
1) corrected pronouncing of buddies
2) link points directly to last post on even multipaged topic

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#88017 - 2002-09-18 09:56 AM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
I was just about to say it didn;t work...

Wil try again with this one.


added the new checker source to make the topic longer...

; BBChecker II - KiXtart Bulleting Board New Post Checker
; Dependencies:
; Wkix32 - GUIfriendly KiXtart 4.11
; kixforms.dll - KiXForms 2.0.5
; IE5
; -Lonkero
Break on
Gosub "init" $
While $m.visible $=Execute($m.doevents) Loop
Gosub "final"
Exit 0

Function update()
If $s
$m.caption=$s+" - BBChecker II"
If $Beep Play "1g256t1d500f1g256t1d400f1g256t1d600f" EndIf
If $sslider slide($s,$hlurl.text) EndIf

Function parse()
While $httpObj.readystate<>4 $=Execute($m.doevents(1)) Sleep 0.02 Loop
If 5000<Len($data)
$bl.clear $bll.clear
If InStr($data,'ubb=get_profile')<InStr($data,'guest(s)')
$users=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,' and'))
For Each $user in Split($users,'</a>, ')
For $c=0 to 7
$data=SubStr($data,InStr($data,'&nbsp;<a href=')+15)
$x[$c]=SubStr($data,1,InStr($data,'</a>') - 1)+" "
If InStr(SubStr($data,1,1),"<")
If $my AND InStr($users,$logon)
For $=0 to 7
If $x[$]<>$old[$]
$hl.additem($x[$]+" "+Left(@time,5)+" on @mdayno. of "+Left(@month,3)+" {"+$forum[$]+"}",0)
While $httpObj.readystate<>4 $nul=Execute($m.doevents(1)) Sleep 0.02 Loop
If InStr($nul,'</a> <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"> Pages: <a')

Function show($)
If $m.height=340
If $=2
$ = $m.height-38
$ = $m.height-20
$ = $
$ = $
$ = $

Function hide($)
If $=1
$$screen - (taskbar() + $m.height - 3)
$ = $m.height-38
$ = $m.height-20
$ = $
$ = $
$ = $

Function TaskBar()
If @dos=="4.0" $_S="StuckRects" Else $_S="StuckRects2" EndIf

Function slide($sc,$scv)
Dim $t,$d,$l,$c,$p
$t = $screen - taskbar()
$d = 1
$p = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$p.BorderStyle = 0
$p.Height = 22
$p.Width = 300
$p.fontsize = 10
$p.fontname = "helvetica"
$p.forecolor = 0
$p.fontbold = 1
$p.BorderStyle = 1
$p.backcolor = $p.RGB(255,255,0)
$p.Top = $t
$p.Left = $m.screen.width-760
$p.ShowInTaskbar = 0
$l = $p.hyperlink("$sc",2,2,296,18)
$l.Backcolor = $p.RGB(255,255,0)
$l.value = $scv
$c = $p.Timer(20)
$c.OnTimer = "
If $$d=1
If $$<($$t-40)
If $$d=2
$$p.Top=$$p.Top + 1
If $$>$$t
Else $$d=2
$p.TopMost = 1
While $p.Visible

Function misc()
$f = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
$f.caption = "bbChecker II - Miscellaneous"
$f.clientwidth = 250
$f.clientheight = 330
$ = $screen/2-100
$f.Left = $f.screen.width-720
$f.fontname = "Bookman Old Style"
$f.printxy(20,10,"bbChecker II 1.1.2")
$f.printxy(20,30,"Based on:")
$f.printxy(20,45,"Kixtart 4.11 (wkix32.exe)")
$f.printxy(20,60,"KixForms GUI (KixForms.dll)")
$f.printxy(20,80,"Special thanks for helping me out")
$f.printxy(20,95,"and making things possible go to:")
$f.printxy(20,110,"Ruud Van Velsen")
$f.printxy(20,125,"Shawn Tassie")
$f.printxy(20,140,"Chris S. ,Patrick Rutten ...")
$f.printxy(20,155,"everyone contributing to bbs")
$f.fontname = "helvetica"
$fp = $f.checkbox("Don't show my posts",20,235,130,15)
$fpt = $f.textbox($logon,150,235,65,17)
For $=10 to 99 $lt.additem($) Next $lt.value=$looptime
$f.printxy(20,260,"Post check interval (secs):")
$fo = $f.checkbox("Beep on post",20,280,110,15)
$fs = $f.checkbox("Show slider",20,300,90,15)
$fp.value = $my
If $fp.value $ Else $fpt.hide EndIf
$fo.value = $Beep
$fs.value = $sslider
$fb = $f.button("OK",170,305,75,20)
$fb.onclick = '$$f.hide'
While $f.visible Sleep 0.02
If $fp.value $ Else $fpt.hide EndIf
If 99<Val($lt.value) OR 10>Val($lt.value) $lt.value=$looptime EndIf
$looptime = Val($lt.value)
$Beep = $fo.value
$sslider = $fs.value
$my = $fp.value

$m = CreateObject("kixtart.form")
Global $x[7]
$forum=Split("Starters Scripts General COM UDF Beta Suggestions FAQ")
$old=$x $y=$x
$runie = "run '"+ReadValue("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\open\command","")+" "
$m.caption = "BBChecker II"
$m.width = 430
$m.height = 40
$m.Left = $m.screen.width - $m.width - 20
$m.borderstyle = 0
$m.fontsize = 8
$m.fontname = "helvetica"
$m.forecolor = 0
$m.fontbold = 0
$msg = $m.hyperlink("Loading elements...",15,2,410,15)
$ = $screen - (taskbar() + $m.height - 3)
$fbe = $m.button("Exit",2,20,65,19)
$fbe.onclick = "$$m.visible = 0"
$fbs = $m.button("Miscellaneous",69,20,80,19)
$fbs.onmouseup = "$$ misc() $$"
$fbh = $m.button("History",$m.width - 68,20,65,19)
$fbh.onclick = "$$fbh.enabled=0 show(2)"
$fbb = $m.button("Buddies",$fbh.Left - 68,20,65,19)
$fbb.onclick = "$$fbb.enabled=0 show(1)"
$m.visible = 1

;history block
$hl = $m.listbox(0,2,2,426,170)
$hl.visible = 0
$hl.OnDblClick = "$$ $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hbh = $m.button("Hide",$m.width - 80,175,75,20)
$hbh.visible = 0
$hbh.onclick = "hide(2)"
$hbo = $m.button("Show Topic",5,175,75,20)
$hbo.visible = 0
$hbo.onclick = "$$ $$hlurl.listindex=$$hl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+"'+$$hlurl.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hba = $m.button("Today's Active topics",150,175,130,20)
$hba.visible = 0
$hba.onclick = "$$ $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"ubb=get_daily"+Chr(34)+"'"
$hlurl = $m.listbox(0,0,0,0,20)
$hlurl.visible = 0

;buddies block
$bl = $m.listbox(0,2,15,200,80)
$bl.visible = 0
$bll = $m.listbox(0,0,0,0,20)
$bll.visible = 0
$blt = $m.label("Logged on users:",5,2,150,12)
$blt.visible = 0
$bbh = $m.button("Hide",$m.width - 80,15,75,20)
$bbh.visible = 0
$bbh.onclick = "hide(1)"
$bbp = $m.button("Show Profile",210,15,78,20)
$bbp.visible = 0
$bbp.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"ubb=get_profile;u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$bbr = $m.button("Recent Posts",210,40,78,20)
$bbr.visible = 0
$bbr.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"ubb=recent_user_posts;u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"
$bbm = $m.button("Send Message",210,65,78,20)
$bbm.visible = 0
$bbm.onclick = "$$ $$bll.listindex=$$bl.listindex $runie "+Chr(34)+$org+"ubb=private_message;u='+$$bll.text+'"+Chr(34)+"'"

If NOT KeyExist($bk)
$=MessageBox("bbChecker II installation corruption!@crlfThis propably is due to unclean installation@crlfRe-install needed","bbChecker II",16)
Exit 0

;xmlhttp related func
$xK="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"
$httpObj = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")

;at some point might want to have one instance for every forum for speed...
;global $forumIE[7]
;for $=0 to 7 $forumIE[$]=CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp") next

;finalize starting
$hl.additem("started at @time @date")
$msg.caption = ""
$Loop = $m.timer(1000*$looptime)


[ 18. September 2002, 09:57: Message edited by: MightyR1 ]
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88018 - 2002-09-18 09:59 AM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
Added another reply to see if the jump is correct.
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88019 - 2002-09-18 10:01 AM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
sadly no one is posting....

so, I decided to spam [Big Grin]

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#88020 - 2002-09-18 10:03 AM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
I think it's working [Smile]

checking what happens if the topic is already in an IE window...
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88021 - 2002-09-18 10:05 AM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
it still seems to fail on me...
am I using wrong version or something...

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#88022 - 2002-09-18 10:05 AM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
Nope it didn't.

Checking if IE has another page loaded (not KiX BB)
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88023 - 2002-09-18 10:09 AM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
for me it did work.

as long as the the address field is not the same last post on that topic.

download KiXnet

#88024 - 2002-09-18 10:34 AM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
Found something else,

if you dblclick in the list box, a new browser window is opened. Clicking on the URL loads the page in an existing window...
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88025 - 2002-09-18 10:38 AM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
this has been allways there.
before shawn made his hyperlink, it did always open new window.

the thing that I'm worried about is that the execution of the main form hangs during the slider as before.
that was one major reason to keep it out of the checker file.
dunno, will probably take it out again and make ppl change to build their own sliders.

also, taking the parser part of the main script and calling it would ease up the upgrade when bbs changes...

download KiXnet

#88026 - 2002-09-18 10:45 AM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
The open in new browser thingy was there all the time? Well then forget I mentioned it...

I changed the appearance of the slider already..
If the hang problem is solved by making a slider.kix again, just do it (no connection here with NIKE). You've got my permission... [Big Grin]
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88027 - 2002-09-19 12:30 AM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
uploaded the current files.
parse.udf and slider.kix are the changes

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#88028 - 2002-09-18 01:06 PM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
going for coffee... you could check the new one...

does not quite work perfectly but if you check the code, you see that it supports already separate forums...

could do a nice memory load...

download KiXnet

#88029 - 2002-09-18 01:35 PM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands

check out this checker...
The DOS box display " slider.bottom slider.height". Can you explain the jump from 2 to 27 at the beginning?

Does your checker take more time to load the elements too???

Break on
$d = 1
$h = 22
$h1 = 18
$w = 300
$p = CreateObject("Kixtart.Form")
$q = $p.screen.width
$p.BorderStyle = 0
$p.height = 0
$p.width = $w + 6
$p.fontsize = 10
$p.fontname = "helvetica"
$p.forecolor = 0
$p.fontbold = 1
$p.BorderStyle = 1
$p.backcolor = $p.RGB(255,255,0)
$p.Top = $t
$p.Left = $q-$p.width
$p.ShowInTaskbar = 0
$poplabel = $p.label($sc,2,$h1,$w,$h1)
$poplabel.backcolor = $p.rgb(255,255,0)
$poplabel.borderstyle = 0
$poplabel.alignment = 2
$p.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=1 $$poplabel.fontunderline=0"
$poplabel.onmousemove="$$poplabel.fontbold=1 $$poplabel.fontunderline=1"
$poplabel.onmouseup="$runie "+Chr(34)+$scv+Chr(34)+"' sleep 0.5 $$p.visible=0 "
$c = $p.Timer(20)
$c.OnTimer = "
If $$d=1
$$p.Top=$$p.Top - 1
If $$<($$t-3*$h1)
If $$d=2
$$p.Top=$$p.Top + 1
If $$>$$t
Else $$d=2
$p.TopMost = 1
While $p.Visible

[ 18. September 2002, 13:49: Message edited by: MightyR1 ]
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88030 - 2002-09-18 01:37 PM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
it takes up, about 10 times more time to load...

can fix that as soon as get my button change made.

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#88031 - 2002-09-18 01:45 PM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
actually, don't know where you get that dos box as for me the slider just errored out [Big Grin]

anyway, tried to change that on new build...

it has it's own problems but anyway, will try to get it run nicely...

download KiXnet

#88032 - 2002-09-18 01:47 PM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
Found the solution/problem myself...

it has something to do with the borderstyle. Changing the $p.BorderStyle to 0 gets rid of the jump from height 2 to 27 in the beginning.

It still doesn't explain the Jump!!

Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

#88033 - 2002-09-18 01:54 PM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
ok, if you take bbchecker and parser...

most of the stuff should be fixed.

most importantly the boot time is really short.

download KiXnet

#88034 - 2002-09-18 01:56 PM Re: devel of new checker
Lonkero Administrator Offline
KiX Master Guru

Registered: 2001-06-05
Posts: 22346
Loc: OK
what jump you are talking about?

having the border ofcourse makes the height relations different...

download KiXnet

#88035 - 2002-09-18 02:07 PM Re: devel of new checker
MightyR1 Offline
MM club member

Registered: 1999-09-09
Posts: 1264
Loc: The Netherlands
If you change the slider code to:
$c.OnTimer = "
? $$ ' ' $$p.bottom ' ' $$p.height sleep 0.2
If $$d=1

the dos box gives:
969 971 2
968 995 27
967 995 28

Notice the change (jump) in the .bottom (height) of 25.

I increment the height by 1!!!
Patrick Rutten

- We'll either find a way or make one...
- Knowledge is power; knowing how to find it is more powerful...
- Problems don't exist; they are challenges...

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