#68473 - 2002-07-18 08:20 PM
OK, if I wrap a twenty around a floppy
Fresh Scripter
Registered: 2002-03-08
Posts: 46
Loc: DC Metro area
can you tell me where I am being stupid ... seems to run ... but no majik ... Cobbled together from various scripts, my compliments to all I stole from ... the list is far too large to put here ((grin))
;************************************************************ ;** Script: Login Splash Screen ;** Version: 2.1 ;** Created: July 04, 2002 - 09:14 PM ;** ;** Purpose / Comments: ;** ;** Show the User something nice while they are waiting ;** ;** Original splash screen code - Ruud van Velsen ;** ;************************************************************
;************************************************************ ;** Script Debuging
;** On the command line define "$DEBUG=1" to get a ;** more detailed output. (Without quotes) ;**
;************************************************************ ;** Common defines ;**
$TRUE = 1 $FALSE = 0
;************************************************************ ;** Globals ;**
; Your institutions name goes here $Title = "NEA & SA Bureau Unclassified System"
;************************************************************ ;** Script Start ;**
; Turn break on
Break On
; Start of Script :MAIN ; Signal start of script If $DEBUG = $TRUE "*** Start of Script ***" ? ? EndIf ; Set output to ASCII Dim $PreviousASCIIState $PreviousASCIIState = SetASCII ("ON") ; Clear the screen Cls ; Show the splash screen Gosub SPLASH_SCREEN ; Progress meter init ; NOTE: A Full bar is 34 $Progress = 0 $AjustProgress = 0 ; ; Setting Network Time ; SetTime "\\NEASASNTSA" sleep 2 IF EXIST "%systemroot%\formdata" goto FF21 else MD "%systemroot%\formdata" :FF21 ENDIF
;Clear network drives Use * /delete ; ; Do network drives ; ; Use F: @HOMESHR ;***:GROUP_CONFIGURATIONS If InGroup("Domain Admins") Use f: "\\neasasntsa\f\NeaEX\DSD\@userid" /persistent if @error = 0 goto filesok AT (15,25) "ERROR: Network drive unavailable" sleep 20 shell "cmd /C net send %computername% NETLOGON ERROR: network drive is down. Call NetAdmin at 7-1745 > NUL" shell "cmd /C net send neasaexdsd10 net files at %computername% is down, shit is happening. > nul"
goto files :filesok ; Awesome, your home directory is mapped ... Color G+/n AT (15,25) "Server folders mapped" sleep 5 :files EndIf EndIf sleep 2 Use I: "\\NEASASNTSA\FF21" /persistent AT (15,25) ""I" Drive mapped" Sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Use G: "\\AXIS256158\Guides" /persistent AT (15,25) ""G" Drive mapped" sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Use P: "\\AXIS256158\policy" /persistent AT (15,25) ""P" Drive mapped" sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Use R: "\\AXIS256158\Regs" /persistent AT (15,25) ""R" Drive mapped" sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Use L: "\\AXIS256158\learn" /persistent AT (15,25) ""L" Drive mapped" Sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Use M: "\\AXIS256158\EFORMS" /persistent AT (15,25) ""M" Drive mapped" Sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Use Z: "\\NEASASNTSB\Archive\@UserID" /persistent AT (15,25) ""Archive" Drive mapped" Sleep 1 ; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 ; ; Seperate Kix scripts ; Call "\\neasasntsa\c$\kixscpt\background.kix" $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Call "\\neasasntsa\c$\kixscpt\srvcomnt.kix" $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 Call "\\neasasntsa\c$\kixscpt\bck.kix" $AjustProgress = 1 ; add 1 more blocks Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS sleep 1 run "\\neasasntsa\c$\securitybar\sbu_bar.exe" sleep 1
; Microsoft Systems Management Server (start) ; SMS Build 1493 Shell '%comspec% /e:1024 /c smsls.bat' ; Microsoft Systems Management Server (end)
; Update progress bar $AjustProgress = 14 ; were done Gosub DRAW_PROGRESS ; Popup Password age If InGroup("Domain Users") And @DAY = 1 Call "\\neasasntsa\c$\kixscpt\pwdage.scr" EndIf
; ******************************************************** ; Reset the output mode $X = SetASCII ($PreviousASCIIState) ; Clear the screen again Cls ; Signal end of script If $DEBUG = $TRUE ? ? "*** End of Script ***" ; EndIf Exit ; Quit
;************************************************************ ;** Script Subroutines ( GOSUBs ) ;**
; Draw screen information :SPLASH_SCREEN
; Background grid Color n/N Box (0, 0, 24, 79, Grid) ; Title banner Color G/N Box (3, 3, 5, Len ($Title + 8) + 5, Å) ; shadow Color G+/N Box (2, 2, 4, Len ($Title + 8) + 4, FULL) ; box ; Information box Color G/N Box (8, 21, 18, 61, Å) ; shadow Color G+/N Box (7, 20, 17, 60, FULL) ; box ; Draw the progress bar Color G/N Box (20, 21, 22, 61, Å) ; shadow Color G+/N Box (19, 20, 21, 60, FULL) ; box ; Center the title on the screen Color Y+/N At ( 3, 4) $Title ; Display some text strings Color W+/N
if ((@time > "00:00:00") and (@time < "12:00:00")) at (8, 25) "Good Morning, "+@fullname else if ((@time >= "12:00:00") and (@time < "18:00:00")) at (8, 25) "Good Afternoon, "+@fullname ELSE at (8, 25) "Good Evening, "+@fullname endif endif
At (11, 25) "Privilege : " At (12, 25) "Workstation : " At (13, 25) "Domain : " At (14, 25) "Logon Server : " ; ...and some macro's Color Y+/N
At (11, 40) @PRIV At (12, 40) @WKSTA At (13, 40) @DOMAIN At (14, 40) @LSERVER Return
; Draw progress bar :DRAW_PROGRESS
; Setup progress bar ajustment $AjustProgress = $Progress + $AjustProgress ; Bump progress up While $Progress <= $AjustProgress ; Diplay curent progress Color R+/N At (20, 22 + $Progress) Chr (219) $Progress = $Progress + 1 Loop Return
[ 18 July 2002, 20:23: Message edited by: Beelzel ]
If not for the last minute ... nothing would get done ...
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