#86884 - 2002-07-19 12:41 AM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Well, I'll make an extra concerted effort to build a 100% fully functional ComboBox in the next release ... and maybe I can convince you to try forms for your next project. Regardless, would still love to hear more of your ideas and feedback. Not just for forms, but for this whole GUI business (that goes for you too Jooel) ! ![[Wink]](images/icons/wink.gif) [ 19 July 2002, 00:42: Message edited by: Shawn ]
#86885 - 2002-07-19 01:20 AM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
The reg data is not really dynamic and does not populate based on the network. Entries are made manually and stored there for future reference and use. That's a great idea though. Poll all active boxes on the network and populate a menu. That can be stored in an temp array. I think I ask Alex to incorporate a WIN32 Network Browser method, don't remember the outcome?
Shawn, Sorry to keep adding, but tack that on list too. File, Folder, and Network browsers.
No convinving necessary, I was thoroughly impressed with KixLander and Light brite. I was also working on a user manager when you submitted yours. We used Enterprise Administrator until the W2K active directory came along and then sent us NetIQ's DRA tool which is SOOOOOOOOOOO slow. The project got dropped indefinitely. Recreate what wheel I said? See pic below.
However, this project will be rewritten for Forms as soon as the combo is ready. That was the original intent due to optionbox issue and read-only combo in KixGUI. Also from what I remember, Alex was taking a break on kixgui development for a while.
Speaking of SCSI, can you believe that Seagate shipped me a $5000 external Viper Ultrium LTO today, and didn't include a frickin' $10 terminator??? Throw me a frickin' bone here. I'd love to meet the accountant who made that call...
...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
#86889 - 2002-07-19 08:12 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-02-29
Posts: 3167
Loc: Houston TX
Shawn, how about the ability to change the default icon that is being used.

#86892 - 2002-07-20 10:22 AM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-02-29
Posts: 3167
Loc: Houston TX
Thanks Shawn!
Bryce, what'ch you got there?
Well... do to a lack of challenging admin projects... can't really do to much kix when all you are doing is a mind numbing PC tech work...
I started playing around and this side project that I have been working on, and this was born...... (thanks to kixforms)
Version 1.0 was nothing more than an exercise in pulling web page data and printing it in a dos screen....
You can find the code here http://isorg.net/~jumpgate/BIN
#86893 - 2002-07-20 06:55 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Build 22 of Kixforms (a maint build) is available here:
Kixforms Build 22
The syntax for setting the FORM ICON is:
$Form.Icon = "FullPathToICO"
Caveat: the next major version of Kixforms will have a new method for doing this:
$Form.Icon = $Form.LoadIcon("FullPathToICO")
Also fixed that show(0) thingy.
All: I have to devise another versioning scheme for Kixforms, think I move to Lonkero's suggestion. Or maybe just make it like Kixtart's scheme, ie: 1.22 and then 2.0 kinda thingy
#86894 - 2002-07-20 09:20 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-02-29
Posts: 3167
Loc: Houston TX
Thanks Shawn!!
has win9x been fixed yet?
#86895 - 2002-07-21 10:03 AM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-04-28
Posts: 5152
Loc: Netherlands, EU
We have also add on the main page a direct URL link to your package. So everybody can easy get the latest release from original source.
Current version on our site
Some wishes for the package - can you add your examples to the package. so members doesn't need a copy-n-paste action. - can you add release notes to the package. currently we had to read this topic to get the possible changes you have made. greetings.
#86896 - 2002-07-23 01:00 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2001-06-08
Posts: 178
Loc: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
I originally decided to develop with KiXGUI as opposed to Kixforms due to differences in functionality (comboboxes, progress bars etc.). However, times have changed and due to Shawn’s dedication, Kixforms has marched on and most issues have either been already addressed or are currently being worked on. The only problem remaining is the out of date documentation.
Therefore, rather than wait for Shawn to do everything for us I would like to suggest the creation of a web site listing all the Kixform commands and their syntax. I would be more than happy to create and host (via a free ISP) the content, however I would need a little help in compiling the up-to-date command list. At the end of the day, Kixforms is Shawn’s baby and therefore the decision is ultimately his, however I would be interested in other KiXtarter’s opinions. Please note that if this does get the green light, the web-site would not appear tomorrow as there would be a significant amount of work involved.
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