#86861 - 2002-07-17 08:17 PM
Kixforms: Wish-list
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
I'm putting together a personal wish-list for the next release of Kixforms, heres a few ideas (some are already implemented):
- Multi-Page Bitmap Support
- Enhanced default Focus handling.
- Add Icon property to Form and Button object
- Windows 9x support
- ActiveX Server (.exe) support
- Font property support (font,size,bold,...)
- Location,Size properties
- RGB replaced with n,n,n syntax
- Cloning controls (very neat, always wanted to include that one)
- A read/write combobox
- Listboxes and comboboxes that support columns
- MousePointer / MouseIcon properties
- A menubar, dockable that is
- Form tabs
- Flat buttons
- Support for transparency in graphics
- A nice drag and drop IDE to design forms ![[Wink]](images/icons/wink.gif) [ 30 July 2002, 18:22: Message edited by: Shawn ]
#86862 - 2002-07-17 09:11 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Chris S.
MM club member
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 2368
Loc: Earth
Shawn, check out this thread ( Browse For Folder Using Shell32 ). I'll bet you can find this useful.
#86864 - 2002-07-17 10:17 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
#86865 - 2002-07-17 10:35 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Chris S.
MM club member
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 2368
Loc: Earth
Jim, I think you forgot Progress Bars.
#86867 - 2002-07-18 02:05 AM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Neil V
Registered: 2002-01-14
Posts: 4
Please, please, please add Windows 95/98 support. I've tried various ways of adding a GUI to Kix scripts, but they have always let me down one way or another. I thought I had found a better way several months back with KixForms, but then I discovered the lack of Windows 9x support. It is nearly worthless to me without it.
#86868 - 2002-07-18 04:07 AM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Guys, great to see feedback and ideas. Now we're talking - now were cooking with grease ... (or back-bacon, or something)...
Yeah, a control inherits it's font from it's parent. Which imho, for most applications, is a very desirable behavior. Set the font once on the form, and be done with it. The font get passed along from parent to child, like a gene Forms that have too many fonts are generally recognised as a bad thing (I didn't say that, heard it somewhere)
Color options for everything. Kixforms supports color options for everything except the Button object.
Support for grouping (optionbuttons). Kixforms supports that.
Progressbar. Build 21 supports progressbars.
Windows 9x - Build 21
Fully functional ComboBox - Build 22
I modified the first post in thread to preserve all these ideas. [ 18 July 2002, 04:14: Message edited by: Shawn ]
#86869 - 2002-07-18 02:04 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Starting to like KiXtart
Registered: 2001-06-08
Posts: 178
Loc: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
How about being able to change the mouse pointer to an hourglass (or anything else for that matter) to indicate system activity or status. I am currently using KiXGUI for an application that automatically updates Anti-Virus software on remote workstations, the only problem is that I have to pop a 'System Busy' dialog and lock the parent form while the domain is enumerated, which isn't the best. I must admit it is more of a nice to have than a necessity, but you did ask and if implemented then I'm sure I will have to defect to Kixforms
Oh, and how about updating the documentation so that we can all take advantage of the new features that you have already implemented. The current Word document still refers to features coming in Build 8! I know that documentation is a PITA to write, but it helps enormously.
Finally, many thanks for investing so much time in this product; the GUI libraries really add a whole new dimension to an already excellent language.
#86874 - 2002-07-18 06:47 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Registered: 1999-08-13
Posts: 8611
Jim, yes, I've been scrambling to get FORMS 22 out the door, certainly haven't been humping the freak'n laser - if thats what you mean
Seriously, I've been around long enough to tell the difference between your serious and non-serious suggestions. It would be cool to think that at the end of the day, one could write their own FORMS GUI designer, using just FORMS and Kixtart itself (theoretically possible given a proper object model and toolset).
But I get a real thrill out of using these tools (KIXGUI and KIXFORMS) ... Alex did an amazing job with KIXGUI and creating FORMS has been pure joy for me as well. Think the thing is - they provide a departure from the routine stuff (writing login and admin scripts) ... give us a chance to push the boundaries a little and have some fun.
#86875 - 2002-07-18 08:22 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
KiX Supporter
Registered: 2000-02-29
Posts: 3167
Loc: Houston TX
and thanks to you Shawn!!! I have gotten a number of "this is Kix???" type reply
#86876 - 2002-07-18 08:34 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
#86879 - 2002-07-18 10:28 PM
Re: Kixforms: Wish-list
Seasoned Scripter
Registered: 2001-11-15
Posts: 513
Loc: PA, USA
Shawn, like I said, nothing I asked for is high priority. Rather than flat buttons, buttons that can contain graphics or rather graphics that can handle the onclick event would be nice, currently not available with KixGUI. However, I'm not complaining either. I'm as happy as a pig in sh** just being able to do this stuff. And again I apologize if KixForms has this ability and I'm just ignorant to the fact. Gotta re-read the manual. BTW, how up to date is the most recent manual? Can you provide the link yet again?
Lonkero, I still have to finish with some of the code. Like I have been waiting on the Remote Execution God to shine some light on us forever. [BTW, I found out for 100% certain that is indeed impossible to proxy out of any telnet like impersonation connection. Whether it be WMI or WSH. This from a guy who wrote one of those Programming Windows Security books. I'll update the Driving Me Insane post.] Also using Shawn's ADSI example for managing the services and the pause routine has been giving me some problems. And I have to incorporate process checking for the Netmeeting RDS service (exist? Paused? UnPause) so that launches correctly.
Fourtunatley, this will all be done by next Wed. so hang in there.
Good news is that all code is native to Kix, WMI and WSH. No external crap required, except I am going to add the option to use PSEXEC.EXE to overcome the telnet proxy issue.
The next thing that someone will have to explain is how I'm going to post this? I had a compiled installer version because it requires regisrty entries in LM and CU, shortcuts, 20+ images, and several scripts. Any ideas? Or if some has WWW/FTP hosting space for around 1.5MB that would rock.
...the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
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