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#170867 - 2006-12-01 01:07 AM KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run [Project 01 - Lesson 01]

Next Lessons:
Project 01 - Lesson 02
Project 01 - Lesson 03

  • All scripters are welcome, Beginners to Masters.
  • KiXforms.Net version or newer must be used. To verify your version of KiXforms.Net, use KiXforms.Net Version Checker (found below).
  • Please do not use this series just to bump your post count.
  • Do not post solutions until after solution post time is announced.
  • Collaboration is not allowed until after solution post time is announced.
  • I will post to indicate when solution post time starts.
  • Comments are a must, be descriptive but not excessive.
  • Use descriptive variable names to make it easier for yourself and others to follow what is happening.
  • The only help allowed is:
    • 'KiXforms.chm'
    • 'Kixforms.System.tlb'
    • 'Scripted Resource (Base64) Development Kit'
    • 'KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)'
    • 'The Script Center Script Repository'
    • ' UDF library collection'
  • Note: 'KiXforms.chm' can be found in KiXforms.Zip (KF.NET Development Build)
    'Kixforms.System.tlb' can be found in your System32 directory after the installation of KiXforms.msi (found in '').
    To view 'Kixforms.System.tlb' use iTripoli Type Library Viewer.
    If you choose, you can create a shortcut to the 'iTripoli Type Library Viewer' then, modify the shortcut target to:
    "C:\Program Files\iTripoli\Tools\TypeViewer.exe" Kixforms.System.tlb,
    then the shortcut will automatically open 'Kixforms.System.tlb'.
    Get Scripted Resource (Base64) Development Kit if you want or need it.
    Get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta) if you want or need it.
    Go to The Script Center Script Repository if you want or need to.
    Go to UDF library collection if you want or need to.
    You can also modify UDFs found in ' UDF library collection' if needed but make sure you comment on your changes.
  • All submitted code should be as though it were to be used in production.
    • Code should set options to On.
    • Error checking should be in place where needed.
    • All variables including form and controls should be Dimmed.
    • All UDFs should be self contained and all variables Dimmed.
  • All code should be in code tags.
  • When creating KiXforms the command console is not desired so use 'WKiX32.exe' not 'KiX32.exe'.

KiXforms.Net Version Checker:
;KiXforms.Net Version Checker

;Set Break to On if not in Logon Mode.
If Not @LogonMode
  Break On

;Set Code Options to On
Dim $SO
$SO=SetOption("NoMacrosInStrings", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("NoVarsInStrings", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("Explicit", "ON")

;Setup Variables.
Dim $System,$nul,$MainForm,$ProductVersionLabel,$ProductNameLabel

;Create 'Kixforms.System' Object.
$System = CreateObject("Kixforms.System")

;Verify the 'Kixforms.System' Object was created if not, notify and exit.
If Not $System
  $nul= MessageBox("KiXforms.Net Not Initiated."+@CRLF+
  "Please verify KiXforms.Net is installed."+@CRLF+
  "This Script Will Now Close.","Error",16)

;Create Form and Controls.
$MainForm = $System.Form()
$MainForm.StartPosition = $System.FormStartPosition_CenterScreen
$MainForm.Size = $System.Size(338,83)
$MainForm.Text = "KiXforms.Net Version Checker"

$ProductVersionLabel = $System.Label()
$ProductVersionLabel.Dock = $System.DockStyle_Top
$ProductVersionLabel.Text = "Ver. "+$System.ProductVersion
$ProductVersionLabel.TextAlign = $System.ContentAlignment_MiddleCenter
$nul = $MainForm.Controls.Add($ProductVersionLabel)

$ProductNameLabel = $System.Label()
$ProductNameLabel.Dock = $System.DockStyle_Top
$ProductNameLabel.Text = $System.ProductName
$ProductNameLabel.TextAlign = $System.ContentAlignment_MiddleCenter
$nul = $MainForm.Controls.Add($ProductNameLabel)

;Show the Form

;Loop to catch form events.
While $MainForm.Visible
  $nul = Execute($MainForm.DoEvents())
Exit 0

Objectives for Lesson 01:
  • Create a form script with KiXforms.Net.
  • The majority of Events and Functions will be developed in Lesson 02.

Standard Code Set Options:
;region Set Code Options
;Set Break to On if not in Logon Mode.
If Not @LogonMode
	Break On

;Set Code Options to On
Dim $SO
$SO=SetOption("NoMacrosInStrings", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("NoVarsInStrings", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("Explicit", "ON")
;endregion Set Code Options

  • A user intuitive, sizable form that centers it's self upon startup.
  • The form and it's controls should resize and or adjust as the form is resized.
  • A 'MainMenu' with the following functioning 'MenuItems';
    • File
    • File>Exit
  • The 'File>Exit MenuItem' to exit the form.
  • A 'ComboBox' at the top of the form, used to choose the registry run to look at or alter.
  • A 'ListView' on the top half of the form, that resizes when the form is resized.
  • A 'Splitter' so the height of 'ListView' can be altered.
  • A 'Label' to describe what the bottom 'ListView' is for.
  • A 'ListView' below the 'Label' to show the registry run entries to be deleted.
  • A stack of six 'Buttons' (Control Stack) for the following (Events and Functions to be developed in Lesson 02):
    • 'Save' - to save the changes made to the registry.
    • 'Backup' - to make a backup copy of the current registry.
    • 'Restore' - to restore the registry from the backup.
    • 'Refresh' - to refresh the registry entries in the top 'ListView'.
    • 'Delete' - to delete the registry entries in the lower 'ListView'.
    • 'Exit' - to exit the form.
  • An 'ImageList' for the 'Control Stack'. Each image in the 'ImageList' will be 16x16.
  • The Images should be converted to a Base64 string for implementation in the form.
  • GridLines should be enabled for both 'ListViews'.
  • The form should start with the size 600,400 (Width, Height).
  • The minimum size of the form should not be allowed to be smaller than 600,400 (Width, Height) if it is resized.
  • An icon for the 'Form.Icon'.
  • The 'Form.Icon' should be converted to a Base64 string for implementation in the form. The 'Form.Icon' will be 16x16.

The Form Appearance:


Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#170869 - 2006-12-01 01:17 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
You may use the image strip that I use for the 'ImageList' or create your own:


Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#170870 - 2006-12-01 01:19 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
You may use the image that I used for the icon for the 'Form.Icon' or create your own:


Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#170871 - 2006-12-01 01:19 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
The only Events and Functions you should work on/create is for:
  • 'Exit MenuItem' to exit the form.
  • The minimum size of the form.

I will post when solutions may be posted.
You may begin..
Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#170878 - 2006-12-01 05:33 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
My apologies you should also include functions for:
  • The 'Form.Icon' - Base64 string.
  • The 'ImageList' - Base64 string.
Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#170890 - 2006-12-01 03:36 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
If you are participating please post that you are.
Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#170897 - 2006-12-01 06:51 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesso [Re: Benny69]
NTDOC Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA
As soon as I get some time freed up I want to participate.
#171027 - 2006-12-05 12:23 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesso [Re: NTDOC]
pearly Offline
Getting the hang of it

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 92
Me too.
#171044 - 2006-12-05 10:37 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Jochen Administrator Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-03-17
Posts: 6380
Loc: Stuttgart, Germany
I'll try to get some time for it too... need to start with stuff anyway

#171068 - 2006-12-05 08:24 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Jochen]
Gargoyle Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2004-03-09
Posts: 1597
Loc: Valley of the Sun (Arizona, US...
Just saw this. I will work on it tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

#171176 - 2006-12-07 04:01 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Gargoyle]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
What does everyone think;

Should we wait until next week before we reveal code?
Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#171179 - 2006-12-07 04:41 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Gargoyle Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2004-03-09
Posts: 1597
Loc: Valley of the Sun (Arizona, US...
Yes please. I looked at it, and that is as far as I was able to get with mine.

Having to implement things that I have never done before so... A bit of a learning curve
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

#171180 - 2006-12-07 04:47 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Mart Moderator Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2002-03-27
Posts: 4673
Loc: The Netherlands
Like I already said in a PM time just does not allow me to take part in this but I'm following the thread. I’d like to see code but next week is fine.

- Chuck Norris once sold ebay to ebay on ebay.

#171188 - 2006-12-07 08:51 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesso [Re: Mart]
NTDOC Administrator Offline

Registered: 2000-07-28
Posts: 11624
Loc: CA
Really sorry Benny. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to do this. I've just been quite busy as well and have not done work on it.

Next week some time would be better I think.

#171209 - 2006-12-08 12:10 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesso [Re: NTDOC]
Witto Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2004-09-29
Posts: 1828
Loc: Belgium
Yes, thanks for waiting Benny69.
#171220 - 2006-12-08 08:38 AM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Jochen Administrator Offline
KiX Supporter

Registered: 2000-03-17
Posts: 6380
Loc: Stuttgart, Germany

I say wait until END of next week!
I have started, but my time's short these days and still I fiddle with WindowState property in coexistence with StartPosition ... there must've been some changes do kf.classic, eh ? \:\)

#171234 - 2006-12-08 02:37 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Jochen]
Arend_ Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 1895
Loc: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Hey, I saw you on the daemon tools forum (
And was wondering if you knew a Kix way of changing the drive letter of daemon tools.

#171236 - 2006-12-08 04:29 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Arend_]
Gargoyle Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2004-03-09
Posts: 1597
Loc: Valley of the Sun (Arizona, US...
Well I am ready to admit that I am already having problems, and this is just form creation... Thanks Benny, you are making me actually do some reading... \:\)
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

#171240 - 2006-12-08 05:36 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Gargoyle]
Benny69 Offline

Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 1036
Loc: Lincoln, Ne
As I see it, this is a learning session, I don't see any reason that we can not ask questions, more than likely it will help others. As long as we don't post code until reveal time, if you have a question I am sure I can point you to the answers you need.
Wait don't order yet,... get KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)
KiXforms Designer .NET 2.0 (Beta)

#171241 - 2006-12-08 05:48 PM Re: KiXforms.Net Learning Series - Windows Registry Run Project 01 - Lesson 01 [Re: Benny69]
Gargoyle Offline
MM club member

Registered: 2004-03-09
Posts: 1597
Loc: Valley of the Sun (Arizona, US...
Well my issue seems to be with utilizing the splitter.

I have tried by creating panel that contains the top list view -docked top / left / bottom (tried all three)- add a splitter and match the dock as the first list view, and then add the second list fill with a dock of fill.

The splitter nevers ends up in the correct place nor does it work on anything.

I tried it without the panel, but had the same results. Then tried with each list view in it's own panel and the splitter in one or the other panels.

As you can tell I have never worked with splitters before, and I am lost as how to implement it.
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

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