(KiX Master)
2006-07-15 01:57 PM
KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

The Challenge

You are to create a Mayan Number Converter that converts a Mayan number into a decimal and vice versa.

The input is a Mayan number, with digits composed by following elements (given in order of appearance):

  • a period (.) represents one stone,
  • a colon (:) represents two stones,
  • a pipe character (|) represents a stick (five stones), and
  • a hyphen (-) represents the null seashell.

Mayan digits are separated by spaces, and there will be from 1 to 7 digits.


.:| .:||| ::| ::|| .

The corresponding Output should be the integer equivalent, in this case:


calculated as follows:

20^4*(3+5) + 20^3*(3+15) + 20^2*(4+5) + 20^1*(4+10) + 20^0*(1)
= 1280000 + 144000 + 3600 + 280 + 1
= 1427881

Analogous, if the input is an integer number, then the output should generate the corresponding Mayan number.

Thus, an input of 1427881 should result in an output of ".:| .:||| ::| ::|| ."

A download is available at

Inputs & Outputs

The input is either a string containing a Mayan number as described above or an integer that can be converted into a Mayan Number.

The output is the corresponding integer representing the Mayan number or a string containing the Mayan Number representation of the input integer.


All provided test cases representing valid Mayan Numbers must be correctly solved in order to have the KiXgolf score count. However, if a script fails any valid public or non-public test case the KiXgolf score will not count.

General rules

  • The UDF must be written as one or more lines.
  • The UDF is expected to finish in a reasonable time, e.g. if it gets started when the challenge opens, it's expected to be finished by the time the challenge closes even on a somewhat slow computer. The UDF has to be valid during the period that the challenge runs.
  • You can submit scores as often as you want until the deadline, there's no reason to wait until the last minute for a score submission. In fact, other people want to see the score to beat. So don't be a spoilsport by hoarding your score. Submit early and often.
  • The UDF may only use the KiXtart/KiXforms commands/functions/macros, no other code fragments are allowed. Calls to cOM components that are part part of a standard default Windows installation are allowed.
  • Calls to other executables, as long as they are part of a standard default Windows installation are allowed.
  • The use of the KiXforms DLL is also permitted as the KiXforms DLL can now be considered an integral part of KiXtart scripting.
  • The UDF should be self-contained (except for any I/O mentioned in the challenge). In particular, you may not do things like fetching extra data from a remote site or file.
  • You may assume ASCII as character set.
  • You may not use block comments as the KiXgolf Scoring Engine does not support block comments
  • You are not allowed to use additional code that is external to the KiXgolf UDF Collection. All code must be contained within the KiXgolf UDF Collection.
  • You are allowed to only use publicly available versions of KiXtart and KiXforms, private builds or alpha builds are NOT allowed
  • Your submitted score must include the KiXart/KiXforms version used.

When posting KiXtart Golf Scores, please include the KIXGOLF_MNC.TXT file that is created in the script directory. It contains some basic information about the computer that the script is run on and the resulting scores.


Private coding starts Saturday, July 15, 8am EST
Private coding ends Saturday, July 22, 8am EST
Public coding start Saturday, July 22, 8am EST
Public coding ends Sunday, July 30, 10pm EST

Test program

A test program is provided to help screen entries and to provide the Golf Score.
Any program that passes the test program can be submitted. If you are surprised that your solution passed the test program, please submit it anyway! That will help me identify bugs in the test program.

KiXtart GOLF - How To Play

Most importantly, anybody can play, no age restrictions, no penalties, no handicap!

The object in "real" golf is to hit the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes. The object in KiXtart Golf is to get from input (tee) to target (hole) in the fewest keystrokes.

Example: How many positive elements are in array $a?

Array $a could be of structure $a=[1, 2 ,-3, 4, -5, -7, 8, 9]

One approach:

for $b=0 to ubound($a)
if $a[$b]>0

for a score of 45.

Another solution is:
if $a[$b]>0
UNTIL $b>(UBOUND($a)+1)

for a score of 53.

Better approach: Code sample 1

KiXtart GOLF - The Rules

1) The goal of KiXtart Golf is to score the lowest strokes.
2) Strokes are all characters in a piece of code except whitespace characters, unless the whitespace character is necessary for the line of code to work. Therefore, carriage returns and line feeds do not count or spaces in between the '=' sign when assigning variables, e.g. '$a = $b' scores 5.
3) Code can be constructed any way you like, as long as it is syntactically correct with KiXtart.
4) The final solution MUST pass all test scripts that accompagny the KiXtart golf challenge.
5) The use of '$' as a variable is allowed.
6) In case of questions about a particular way to count the KiXtart Golf Challenge organizer has the last call.
7) During the private coding phase, no code is allowed to be posted. Violations result in disqualification of said player.
8) During the public coding phase, code should be posted, reused, and borrowed from other players.
9) The test script contains the official KiXgolf scoring engine

You will need the complete package from .

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 02:13 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'm missing something.
where do the "20^" come from?
what are the actual calculating rules for mayan numerology???

are we supposed to find out them ourselfes?
as in reverse engineer the math?

(KiX Master)
2006-07-15 02:22 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Did you go through the example? There's nothing to reverse engineer. The example clearly demonstrates the conversion process from a Mayan Number to decimal and vice versa.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 02:23 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Hey Jens, I was just "setting-up" for this and noticed that this solution:


Function m($)

$m = 0


Produced a 51% passed percentage ... should that be ?


(KiX Master)
2006-07-15 02:28 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

WOW! More than half way there already.

Edit your post replacing uppercase code tags with lowercase ones.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 02:31 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

It seems like if you return a zero when you should be returning a string, it passes - thats all.

(KiX Master)
2006-07-15 02:37 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Yes, that shouldn't happen. Fixed the validation code.


Didn't know about the upper/lower-case difference, fixed the post.

I've updated the package, specifically the kixgolf_mnc.kix main script, to now correctly evaluate the results without potentially converting strings to integers and vice versa.

Please get the updated script at

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 02:40 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

jens, yes I did read it.
but as it lacked the real rules, I had to indeed study the math.

anyways, I have mayan to decimal converter now. and it was the easy part.
with a score of 435.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 03:00 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

thought I had it there, but the score engine says otherwise

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 03:19 PM
got it


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 16:18:50.125
Processing End = 2006/07/15 16:18:50.156
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 608

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!
Press any key to continue...

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 03:24 PM
Re: got it

jens, the validation code should be also fixed to output not "[/CODE]" but the lower case version.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 16:23:00.812
Processing End = 2006/07/15 16:23:00.828
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.016
KiXGolf Score = 384

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 03:34 PM
Re: got it

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 9
Speed = 1398 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 09:34:49.517
Processing End = 2006/07/15 09:34:49.538
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.021
KiXGolf Score = 499

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master)
2006-07-15 03:34 PM
Re: got it

Fixed in both the current ZIP package and for the future tournaments as well.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 03:42 PM
mayan calculator - private results...

nice to see you are shawn in the game.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 16:41:41.609
Processing End = 2006/07/15 16:41:41.640
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 340

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 03:53 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 16:53:08.390
Processing End = 2006/07/15 16:53:08.421
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 332

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 04:41 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 9
Speed = 1398 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 10:41:25.513
Processing End = 2006/07/15 10:41:25.523
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 339

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 04:41 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

oh, you are getting closer...
good for you!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 05:01 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 9
Speed = 1398 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 11:01:23.726
Processing End = 2006/07/15 11:01:23.726
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 329

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:02 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 18:02:16.437
Processing End = 2006/07/15 18:02:16.468
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 306

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:05 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

but here is the results I was working on when you forced me to reply:

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 18:04:24.968
Processing End = 2006/07/15 18:04:24.984
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.015
KiXGolf Score = 293

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:07 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 18:07:42.750
Processing End = 2006/07/15 18:07:42.765
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.014
KiXGolf Score = 290

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:10 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

KiXGolf Score = 289

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:13 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

KiXGolf Score = 288

KiXGolf Score = 287

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:21 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 18:21:24.250
Processing End = 2006/07/15 18:21:24.281
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 281

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 05:32 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...


KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 18:31:51.562
Processing End = 2006/07/15 18:31:51.609
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.046
KiXGolf Score = 278

KiXGolf Score = 277
KiXGolf Score = 276

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-15 06:20 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

wow, looks like i have some catching up to do!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 06:27 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

well, I'm already giving up.
can't understand why some of my tricks work with simple kixtart test script but inside this highly controlled udf, they don't.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 06:46 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

one more for the day...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 19:46:08.031
Processing End = 2006/07/15 19:46:08.062
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 274

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 07:25 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Note to Howard ... Kixgolf Scorer doesn't support block quotes ... ;0)

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-15 07:47 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well, i'm on my way at least


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 502 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 13:46:13.901
Processing End = 2006/07/15 13:46:13.921
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.020
KiXGolf Score = 402

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-15 07:54 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 502 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 13:53:58.604
Processing End = 2006/07/15 13:53:58.614
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 334

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 07:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

if maciep is already that close, I think I have to take some drastic measures into use.

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-15 08:04 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

don't get worried yet, i don't think i have a whole lot of room for improvement

318 right now

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 08:04 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

you guys already off the tee ... will be able to join maybe tomorrow, but more likely on monday

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 08:32 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

KiXGolf Score = 275
KiXGolf Score = 270
KiXGolf Score = 268

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 08:36 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

Alrighty... got the driver ready... lining up the flag for the first hole... (what's my handicap again?)

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 08:41 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

shawn, you beat me for now.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-15 09:28 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

I did manage 273 but...
that's not enough...

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-15 10:00 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

getting there...slowly


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 502 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 15:59:54.132
Processing End = 2006/07/15 15:59:54.142
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 292

KiXGolf Score = 277

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-15 11:26 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

KiXGolf Score = 262

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-15 11:26 PM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

feeling much better now


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 502 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/15 17:25:49.522
Processing End = 2006/07/15 17:25:49.532
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 246

(KiX Master)
2006-07-15 11:52 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Yes, that has already been noted in the rules. Maybe the next KiXgolf could be to KiXgolf down the scorer and including block comment support :-)

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-16 04:15 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Jens... would you consider adding an example of how to go from number to mayan?

(KiX Master)
2006-07-16 01:51 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Decimal-to-Mayan conversion:

can also be written as
= 20^4*8 + 20^3*18 + 20^2*9 + 20^1*14 + 20^0*1
= 1280000 + 144000 + 3600 + 280 + 1
= 8*POWER(20,4) + 18*POWER(20,3) + 9*POWER(20,2) + 14*POWER(20,1) + 1*POWER(20,0)

Thus the individual Mayan Numbers are
8 18 9 14 1
8 = .:|
18 = .:|||
9 = ::|
14 =::||
1 = .

and finally: .:| .:||| ::| ::|| .


calculated as follows:

20^4*(3+5) + 20^3*(3+15) + 20^2*(4+5) + 20^1*(4+10) + 20^0*(1)
= 1280000 + 144000 + 3600 + 280 + 1
= 1427881

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-16 06:46 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

think the main issue is the power.
power of 20 seems to be the key to understanding the math.

it's kinda base20

(KiX Master)
2006-07-16 06:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Everybody's having revelations now?

I'm already picturing some sitting there and

I'm expecting the score to drop now

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-16 09:34 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

pfffttt ... I cant get under Eric's score ... you sure your running the new scorer there Eric ? ;o)

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-17 12:40 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

yeah, pretty sure

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 02:40 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

arrrr, you scurvy dawg yee.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 04:34 AM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

Slowly getting closer ...

KiXGolf Score = 255

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 07:03 AM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

ARGH!... I'm getting close to having a working function... one last issue to address.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 08:19 AM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

finally something for me too.

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 800 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 09:11:47.453
Processing End = 2006/07/17 09:11:47.500
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.046
KiXGolf Score = 263

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 08:57 AM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

k, back in the game.

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 800 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 09:57:35.604
Processing End = 2006/07/17 09:57:35.792
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.188
KiXGolf Score = 252

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 10:02 AM
Re: mayan calculator - private results...

and the lead is mine, once again:

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 800 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 11:02:10.463
Processing End = 2006/07/17 11:02:10.603
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.139
KiXGolf Score = 241

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 11:26 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


I am able to pull out my Iron now. Understood the math, and all..but,
as a Golf-rookie I have some obvious questions:

The udf isn't meant to follow the udf guidelines here, is it ?
There is an extra ;! inside the udf file, what is this for ?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 12:27 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

not sure what you mean with guidelines but if you write non-working code, you will see.
;! tags are for the kixgolf counter. one to start counting the score and one to stop.
any code outside these is not included in the score.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 02:00 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Oh well... it IS meant to follow the guidelines, figured that all possible Options are set to ON.

k, got the mayan->numeric part working, thus my results are 50% correct. Still, 237 for only half the job is too much

btw. : just wondered why there are 3 ';!' in the udf template. Ought to be a typo then, eh?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 02:17 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

must be something jens added to the "modified" calculator.
I didn't replace my old udf with it, so can't see 3 of those.

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-17 02:21 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

lol. 0% done, not even got a converter more then in my mind yet . Hope I'll catch up and eventually get of the tee-area.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 03:31 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

On the board... what a hunk of $#!+ this is, lots of room for improvement... got to do some real work for now


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 09:29:01.265
Processing End = 2006/07/17 09:29:01.281
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.016
KiXGolf Score = 563

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 03:52 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Nice going Allen,

I am only halfway through numeric -> mayan, still at work though

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 04:03 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

just to keep maciep and shawn of my tail:

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 800 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 17:03:07.578
Processing End = 2006/07/17 17:03:07.734
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.155
KiXGolf Score = 237

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 04:12 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

KiXGolf Score = 236

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-17 06:36 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

no time to golf today at work, but i'll try to start chasing you again tonight...

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 09:27 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


have either 59 of 60 passed or error in expression with the code which I think fixes the last not passed (don't know which)
Silly thing is, that the line which causes the error in expression isn't even changed
So frustrating

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 09:34 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


I am in the race (with a score way too high, but anyway, it feels kinda special posting my first Kixgolf result )


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1698 MHz
Memory = 1022 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 21:32:41.786
Processing End = 2006/07/17 21:32:42.036
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.250
KiXGolf Score = 451

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-17 09:42 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

damn... I'm pretty sure I have some lean code, maybe I can shave some characters off, but there's no way I can lose another 30 chars...

I'm looking forward to the public fase :-)


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 21:36:53.727
Processing End = 2006/07/17 21:36:53.757
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.029
KiXGolf Score = 278

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-17 09:45 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

nice Rogier!

Hmm ... think I start shortening the code tomorrow, can't understand what I have written anymore ... but there should be the one or other hundred superflous strokes in there

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 09:52 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

nice to see so many participants for a long time...

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 09:55 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

btw, rogier... not sure what you are counting against but you need to shave over 40 strokes for the leading score

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-17 11:54 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

just wonder when benny does manage to get his code working too...

(MM club member)
2006-07-17 11:59 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Man i have some catching up to do,...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 16:56:37.562
Processing End = 2006/07/17 16:56:37.906
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.344
KiXGolf Score = 653

(KiX Master)
2006-07-18 12:57 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Is there a prize for the highest score too

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-18 12:59 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

244 now

gonna need a major epiphany to catch jooel though

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 01:15 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

lol, doc you are too funny, you guys really peg my fun meter.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 01:46 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Eric said

gonna need a major epiphany to catch jooel though

More like a major labotomy for me. My short game sucks.

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-18 04:21 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Decided to go with the labotomy instead


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1698 MHz
Memory = 502 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 22:20:13.827
Processing End = 2006/07/17 22:20:13.843
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.015
KiXGolf Score = 231

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 04:26 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Alrighty... still hate this code... but getting better... and have to give Benny something to aim for


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 22:19:33.312
Processing End = 2006/07/17 22:19:33.343
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.030
KiXGolf Score = 511

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 04:44 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

allen, i can feel the love

(KiX Master)
2006-07-18 05:09 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Jeez, nice turn-out. And a very cheery welcome to all the first-timers

Looks like Jooel has found another master or two that will keep him on his toes. Bet he's going to shed another pound or two before the chase is over

(KiX Master)
2006-07-18 05:09 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


The single ;! starts the KiXgolf scorer, the double ;! stops the KiXgolf scorer. Everything within this begin/end indicator is being included in the scorer, except comments. Block comments are currently not supported.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 05:13 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/17 23:09:25.328
Processing End = 2006/07/17 23:09:25.359
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 400

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Geez... only 170 strokes to go

(KiX Master)
2006-07-18 05:16 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Then again, you lost 88 strokes in one stroke

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-18 06:25 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

allen had a stroke?

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 06:35 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


allen had a stroke?

ROFL!, but my head sure is aching. I wish I had some math Skillz.

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 08:09 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I am trying, but being in another one of my Cisco classes is not giving me much time. So far I have 0 of 60 working.

Oh well, I will keep trying and hopefully will be able to post something before the public phase..

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 08:16 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Got it working one way...

--> 244 <--

Think I'll need to chnage my logic...

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 08:25 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


--> 244 <--

Wow... nice showing.

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 08:31 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Note my "One way" remark... ;(

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 08:37 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

oh... didnt read it the way you wrote it.

Wow... we must have about 10 players... I know a couple of people who are trying but have not gotten it going yet.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 08:50 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 08:47:12.703
Processing End = 2006/07/18 08:47:12.703
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 434

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

451 -> 434
Got the ball rolling ... not too much strokes by now, but a tremendous speed increasement


(MM club member)
2006-07-18 10:17 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Slashed some more, still only 3rd place now... I think I'm going to lose some sleep this week :-)


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 10:10:10.525
Processing End = 2006/07/18 10:10:10.525
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 259

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 10:24 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Your scripts are finished when they start. How shall we call these kind of scripts?


(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 11:03 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Ah well, it just means that our scripts take less than a millisecond.
No tunnel effects involved there

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 11:31 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

btw, Allen:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 11:30:30.062
Processing End = 2006/07/18 11:30:30.078
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.016
KiXGolf Score = 400

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 11:36 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


those 15 strokes less resulted in a 16 times slower script
and still 170 strokes to take the lead

Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 01:15 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Just back from vacation so I'm a bit late starting.

Still, first pass is:
Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz
Speed = 2000 MHz
Memory = 1016 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 12:06:39.906
Processing End = 2006/07/18 12:06:39.921
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.014
KiXGolf Score = 273

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Not too shabby, but quite a way to go!

Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-18 01:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

A bit better, but I'm running out of possibilities:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz
Speed = 2000 MHz
Memory = 1016 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 12:49:30.828
Processing End = 2006/07/18 12:49:30.843
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.014
KiXGolf Score = 258

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!


Now 255



Now 252


(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-18 08:52 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I know this isn't even close to maciep's 231, but need to post it anyhow...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 21:51:13.171
Processing End = 2006/07/18 21:51:13.468
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.296
KiXGolf Score = 232

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 08:54 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

hmmm... I think I've hit rock bottom with the current script... Let's try a new approach...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 20:52:40.578
Processing End = 2006/07/18 20:52:40.608
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.029
KiXGolf Score = 253

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-18 09:32 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

you too abandoning the execute("+"+split(join())) approach?

(MM club member)
2006-07-18 10:08 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I never even got there

I've still got (at least) 14 strokes too much...

I've read all the previous golf courses to see if I could find some dirty dawg lonkenise tricks


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 22:02:56.380
Processing End = 2006/07/18 22:02:56.400
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.019
KiXGolf Score = 244

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-18 10:26 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I have some tricks in my hat still but am sadly unable to get them work with my current code.

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-18 10:51 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

man it's great to see everyone out swinging their clubs this round. This is what golf is all about.

I'm using a few dirty old tricks in my script now, but i think that bag is empty. I've got a feeling that Jooel and the Sergeant will be "playing through" before the night's over. And it doesn't look like Richard is going to be stopping for a hot dog at the turn either

(KiX Master)
2006-07-19 05:13 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Sounds like we have two or three different approaches to this problem, based on the score clusters posted so far. Nice coding, guys

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 06:03 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well after an hour of coding I have a one way Mayan to decimal converter (KiXGolf Score = 286). Will work on this further tomorrow.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 09:15 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

With so many posts I thought it might help to see all the current scores in one place... my apologies to anyone I overlooked or missed scores.

1. Maciep - 231
2. Jooel - 232
3. DrillSergeant - 244
4. Richard H - 252
5. Shawn - 255
6. Jochen - 400
Allen - 400
7. Benny - 653
Bjorn - lurking
Gargoyle - lurking
MightyR1 - lurking
Howard - lurking
NTDoc - thinking

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 09:41 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



Bjorn - lurking
Gargoyle - lurking
MightyR1 - lurking
Howard - lurking
NTDoc - thinking


Was thinking aboput participating this time but after looking at the challenge I could not even get my brain around the mayan numbers so skipped. Who knows maybe the next one.

BTW: It is to hot here to think about this mayan number stuff. Outside is +/- 35C/95F

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 10:55 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


6. Jochen - 400
Allen - 400

should be in fact:


6. Allen - 400
Jochen - 400

'cos you got that score first

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-19 01:05 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

KiXGolf Score = 230

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 02:11 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Think Allen and I have a pretty conservative coding approach for now ... Anything I tried the last day raises the score

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 03:14 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Staring at the coding for 6 hours got me one stroke down...
I think I'm going to have to settle for third place
as long as the rest of you don't play past me of course!


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1596 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 15:09:26.329
Processing End = 2006/07/19 15:09:26.339
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 243

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 03:17 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

maciep, I'm not giving up just yet:

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 16:17:11.609
Processing End = 2006/07/19 16:17:11.953
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.344
KiXGolf Score = 231

took heck of a lot changes to make that one, but got it.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 03:44 PM
Your turn Allen ;o)


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 15:39:33.531
Processing End = 2006/07/19 15:39:33.531
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 398

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

AND I got my <1msec runtime back.
Wow ... a complete workday for 2 strokes.
I think I should start over completely

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-19 05:16 PM
Re: Your turn Allen ;o)

I knew you weren't giving up jooel. i'm still waiting for you to post a 197 with one of your famous expressions like $^a&($/$_) that somehow spits out '.::| :| ::|' like f'ing magic

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 05:27 PM
kixgolf MNC - private phase

I'm waiting for that too

could you give me a hand, I'm having some trouble getting there

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 05:37 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Latest scores...

1. Maciep - 230
2. Jooel - 231
3. DrillSergeant - 243
4. Richard H - 252
5. Shawn - 255
6. Allen - 397
7. Jochen - 398
8. Benny - 653

Bjorn - lurking
Gargoyle - lurking
MightyR1 - lurking
Howard - lurking
NTDoc - thinking
Mart - frying

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 05:43 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well I would like to post something, but still haven't moved past the first stage of converting mayan to decimal.

12 hours of Cisco class a day, plus 2 hours on the road (each way) and then a few minutes of family time, are pretty much eating up my day. Hopefully I can get something before the public phase.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 05:54 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Umm ... Allen ... I barely have the guts to post this, but ....


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 17:53:24.656
Processing End = 2006/07/19 17:53:24.687
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.030
KiXGolf Score = 397

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 06:13 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

allen, where is your 397 result?
can't have it as it ain't posted.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 06:54 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Blah Blah Blah...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 12:53:39.500
Processing End = 2006/07/19 12:53:39.531
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 396

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 07:24 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

hell yeah!


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 19:20:27.114
Processing End = 2006/07/19 19:20:27.214
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.100
KiXGolf Score = 226

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 07:26 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 07:38 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



ROFL... Pressure is on now

Serg... You're my hero!

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-19 07:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well done sergeant! i think i'm going to go blind and dumb trying to find 5 more strokes to kick out of my function

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 07:57 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

just to make it clear again:

1. DrillSergeant - 226
2. Maciep -------- 230
3. Jooel --------- 231
4. Richard H ----- 252
5. Shawn --------- 255
6. Allen --------- 396
7. Jochen -------- 397
8. Benny --------- 653

Howard bullock - half way there
Gargoyle - half way there
MightyR1 - half way there
Bjorn - trying
NTDoc - ?thinking?
Mart - frying

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 08:25 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mart - frying


But no excuse. I'm in the same temperature zone

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 08:26 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

wonder what's up with patrick and benny.
both been too silent for many hours already.

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 08:28 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Serg... You're my hero!

allen, you can say that again!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 08:59 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


396? You basta! No, you can't keep me from playing some online CoD today


(MM club member)
2006-07-19 09:27 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



couldn't have a newbie beat you?

For the people who can't remember me: I'm the **DONOTDELETE** in this post. Marriage and kids came between me and KiXtart so I lost my frequent poster status.drillsergeant

I'm still lurking here a lot though. I love conversion routines and math stuff like this, so I couldn't resist entering this KixGolf Tournament.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 09:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

ja, you no newbie.
another title for you could in fact be "do not delete"

anyways, you haven't beaten me yet.
I say, give me 48 hours to improve my code and I shall leave you to dust.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 10:12 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



Mart - frying


But no excuse. I'm in the same temperature zone

I know. No excuse! My brain just got fried last two weeks and reject to function normal until they turn off the big oven called outside. I really don’t get that Mayan number stuff which is a valid excuse for not participating imho

They said there is going to be some rain tonight

BTW: Looks like you got some cool kids there

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-19 10:25 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

OK - Doc twisted my arm to try, despite things I REALLY should be doing...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1794 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 16:19:46.095
Processing End = 2006/07/19 16:19:46.135
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.040
KiXGolf Score = 417

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!


(MM club member)
2006-07-19 10:44 PM
KiX does not like me

I am losing my mind.
I am posting this here as it has come about because of this challenge. I am using the following statement (for debugging)

? 20*$

I get an error "Unexpected command". What am I doing incorrectly for such a simple thing?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-19 10:49 PM
Re: KiX does not like me

is that all in your script?
what version of kix?

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 10:59 PM
Re: KiX does not like me

hmmm... a test gave me this:

? $*20

^ error in expression

? 20*$

^ works (result = 0)

are u sure you're doing the 2nd thing?

Like joeel says it's easier if you post the whole script, but that would be not very nice during the private coding fase...

(MM club member)
2006-07-19 11:02 PM
Re: KiX does not like me

version 4.50

And no that is not all I have, but did not want to give away what I am doing or get in trouble for posting publically.

As soon as I got rid of some of the stuff ahead of it, it began to work. I thought I had ruled it all out. So NM it is just me again.

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-20 12:30 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

slow and steady wins the race

KiXGolf Score = 229

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 02:13 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

ok, i don't think i am much of a threat but i am making a little headway.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 18:58:14.968
Processing End = 2006/07/19 18:58:15.328
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.360
KiXGolf Score = 526

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 03:38 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

a little improvment, key word 'little'


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/19 20:38:11.171
Processing End = 2006/07/19 20:38:11.531
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.360
KiXGolf Score = 515

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2006-07-20 03:52 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

OK, I decided to join in on the fun. I'm still hitting way too many boggies however..
Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1995 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 11:48:46.041
Processing End = 2006/07/20 11:48:46.056
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.014
KiXGolf Score = 356

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!
Press any key to continue...

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 04:00 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Hey Meds, impressive tee-off.

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2006-07-20 04:26 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Hey thanks Shawn! I can't wait to see the code that the you guys have crafted. Oh and my score is now 351...

(KiX Master)
2006-07-20 05:04 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Man, it sure is getting crowded in here.

Allen: Many thanks for posting the interim score overviews.

I'm looking forward to Saturday, when Jooel is going to pull his 20 stroke genius reduction out of his hat about two minutes before switching to the public phase. It'll be some nice discussions once everybody has posted their codes.

And, BTW, I fully expect everybody who has posted a score to show off their code. You're among frieds here, and there were tournaments where a solution with an initially higher score was collaboratively reduced so much that it did beat the winning code from the private phase.

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 05:56 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Scratching my head... is "endif" not counted in scoring?
I thought I reduced
 If blah $m=x Blah Endif 


but it scored it the same. (This isn't the exact code, but the difference was 5 characters - er, strokes - by my count). An additional rewrite negated the effect, but it has me wondering why.

Current implementation:
 Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
Speed = 2992 MHz
Memory = 1006 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 00:37:29.177
Processing End = 2006/07/20 00:37:29.177
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 348

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!


(MM club member)
2006-07-20 08:02 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


wonder what's up with patrick and benny.
both been too silent for many hours already.

I've been breaking my head over this stuff for a while now. Considering my "halfway code" is still over 240 I have to come up with a new approach.

Challenge is I CAN'T figure out another way ;( Aaarrrggghh.

Nice to see though that a fellow dutchman is taking the lead...

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 08:05 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I am now half way there, and have a score of 426, I will never be able to catch up.... You guys are brutal

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 08:34 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


1. DrillSergeant - 226
2. Maciep -------- 229
3. Jooel --------- 231
4. Richard H ----- 252
5. Shawn --------- 255
6. Glenn Barnas -- 348
7. It_took_my_meds 351
8. Allen --------- 396
9. Jochen -------- 397
10. Benny --------- 515

Howard bullock - half way there
Gargoyle - half way there
MightyR1 - half way there
Bjorn - trying
NTDoc - ?thinking?
Mart - frying

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2006-07-20 09:17 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

This takes me to 6th. Such a long way to go though..
Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1995 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 17:16:12.197
Processing End = 2006/07/20 17:16:12.228
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 343

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

edit: I posted score from and old window before!

Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 09:26 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I've just been given 8 servers to construct a Linux Oracle fault tolerant farm on, and a bloody great Cisco chassis with content management module that I'm going to have to learn how to configure.

By the end of the week

I guess I'll have to put the trusty old 5-iron away for a bit. Work, eh! Worse than women for interrupting your game.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 02:30 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 08:29:38.171
Processing End = 2006/07/20 08:29:38.187
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.016
KiXGolf Score = 268

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 03:58 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'm going to lower the bar a little bit - hopefully calling-out a few players.

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 9
Speed = 1398 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 09:57:43.401
Processing End = 2006/07/20 09:57:43.431
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.029
KiXGolf Score = 225

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 04:00 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I think you boys have really really different code than I.
just "dying" to see them.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 04:02 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


just started with my new approac which I thought is so simple and short, but it grows also beyond 250 and still doesn't work

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-20 04:04 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Nope. someone put a DNF after my name... *_* don't have the skill yet for this.

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 04:51 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

pffft... this one realy hurt my head

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 16:49:45.374
Processing End = 2006/07/20 16:49:45.404
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.029
KiXGolf Score = 224

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 05:15 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I really need to see somebody's non-golfed code as I am having one h*ll of a time with the decimal to mayan conversion.

I know I have to wait till Sunday, but at that time can some one post some readable code (not the stuff the Jooel spits out). Just so I can get my head around it.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 05:29 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'm back in the race ... only 137 to shave off


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 17:27:42.484
Processing End = 2006/07/20 17:27:42.515
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 360

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 05:37 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


1. DrillSergeant - 224
2. Shawn --------- 225
3. Maciep -------- 229
4. Jooel --------- 231
5. Richard H ----- 252
6. Allen --------- 268
7. It_took_my_meds 343
8. Glenn Barnas -- 348
9. Jochen -------- 360
10. Benny --------- 515

Howard bullock - half way there
Gargoyle - half way there
MightyR1 - half way there
NTDoc - trying
Bjorn - gave up
Mart - freezing

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 05:53 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

And that didn't even change my position

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 06:10 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

It prolly doesn't mean much to you guys but i finally broke the 500 stroke barrier:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.20GHz
Speed = 3200 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 11:06:15.207
Processing End = 2006/07/20 11:06:15.410
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.203
KiXGolf Score = 496

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 06:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I have some new short code, but to get it posted, not sure.
have some party starting tomorrow morning and if I can't get my hands on the machine the code is on, then my game is over.

hopefully will get it though.
would like to beat you all.

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 06:59 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Argh... Still can't find an economical way to go both ways... Pondering like crazy...I guess the gray matter turned to sludge

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 07:07 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



Bjorn - trying


Nope. someone put a DNF after my name... *_* don't have the skill yet for this.

Looks like Björn has stopped trying and started quitting.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 07:15 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 07:20 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Getting closer
 Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
Speed = 2992 MHz
Memory = 1006 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 12:03:10.017
Processing End = 2006/07/20 12:03:10.033
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.016
KiXGolf Score = 337

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 07:44 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed 30 of 60 tests (50% correct)

Half way is now KiXGolf Score = 162

Let me ponder some more.

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 08:23 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

With my cat like moves i am sneaking up from behind:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.20GHz
Speed = 3200 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 13:18:06.342
Processing End = 2006/07/20 13:18:06.529
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.187
KiXGolf Score = 481

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 08:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

just don't sneak on me.

try shawn.
he is on to that kinda stuff.

(KiX Master)
2006-07-20 09:03 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'm in your boat Howard, but you seem to have a smaller oar than I do even for half code. I'm at 223 for half

Working on the other section now.

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 09:13 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

What a coincidence, doc. So am I


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1596 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 21:12:22.033
Processing End = 2006/07/20 21:12:22.134
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.101
KiXGolf Score = 223

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

still no 217 though...

(KiX Master)
2006-07-20 09:41 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

LOL, Yeah on the score side, but you're in a Yacht for the FULL code side compared to my little row boat.

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 10:21 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1596 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 22:20:43.351
Processing End = 2006/07/20 22:20:43.381
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.029
KiXGolf Score = 220

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 10:34 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

First working code:

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1798 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 16:33:32.155
Processing End = 2006/07/20 16:33:32.175
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.020
KiXGolf Score = 390

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-20 10:44 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

new comer.
and no matter how much benny fights, he is slipping in the list.

1. DrillSergeant - 220
2. Shawn --------- 225
3. Maciep -------- 229
4. Jooel --------- 231
5. Richard H ----- 252
6. Allen --------- 268
7. Glenn Barnas -- 337
8. It_took_my_meds 343
9. Jochen -------- 360
10. Howard bullock 390
11. Benny --------- 481

Gargoyle, MightyR1 and NTDoc - half way there

Bjorn - gave up
Mart - freezing

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-20 10:51 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Bastard !

(I mean that in a nice respectfull kinda way) ;0)

(MM club member)
2006-07-20 11:05 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

if those darn halfways would post the count for their code mine might not look so bad is this graded on a bell curve?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 12:20 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

just did complete rewrite of my decimal to mayan side and guess what the resulting score was?

I don't like these kind of improvements.

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 12:29 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 01:28:22.983
Processing End = 2006/07/21 01:28:23.248
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.264
KiXGolf Score = 230

I did it, finally!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 12:32 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 01:31:55.139
Processing End = 2006/07/21 01:31:55.342
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.202
KiXGolf Score = 228

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 12:38 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

KiXGolf Score = 226

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-21 01:07 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

tried a different approach which led me to a score of 229. Now that's consistency

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 01:14 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

New found inspiration...

More to come... I hope.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 19:13:07.343
Processing End = 2006/07/20 19:13:07.343
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 266

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 01:20 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Way to go Allen. I bet your customers are suffering though without your support for the week

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 01:26 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

LOL. You got that right.

Come on man... lets see a score.

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 02:26 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I don't have it fully working yet. Haven't had time to work on the D->M part of it.

For M->D I've got 30 out of 60 with score of 217

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 03:05 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I need to look for something but do not yet know what...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1798 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 21:02:56.677
Processing End = 2006/07/20 21:02:56.717
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.040
KiXGolf Score = 371

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 03:05 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'm warming up:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 20:02:36.237
Processing End = 2006/07/20 20:02:36.268
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 461

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 03:12 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

tic toc, tic toc

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 20:10:41.924
Processing End = 2006/07/20 20:10:41.956
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.032
KiXGolf Score = 455

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 05:50 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Glad to see all the newcomers enjoying it. Anybody trying a recursive solution ?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 06:51 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows Server 2003 R2
CPU = Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2800 MHz
Memory = 2046 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/18 10:08:40.561
Processing End = 2006/07/21 02:13:52.207
Duration = 0000/00/03 -1
KiXGolf Score = 182

just to note, the time calculation routine used in kixgolf seems to be buggy.
I know that approximately the script ran for about 60-64 hours.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 07:09 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 01:09:02.500
Processing End = 2006/07/21 01:09:02.500
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 263

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 07:14 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

here is the faster code results:

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 08:13:39.154
Processing End = 2006/07/21 08:13:39.451
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.297
KiXGolf Score = 220

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 07:30 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

so now the scoring goes:
1. jooel 182
2. jooel 219
3. drill 220


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1866 MHz
Memory = 760 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 08:29:26.288
Processing End = 2006/07/21 08:29:26.600
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.311
KiXGolf Score = 219

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 07:54 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


so now the scoring goes:
1. jooel 182
2. jooel 219
3. drill 220

LOL... so competitive you are coding against yourself.

One of your scores is enough.

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 08:15 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

dang dude.... here's the slow timing problem.

Intel(R) Celeron(R)

For a Server

Great job Jooel.

The coding engine coud use a Trim(@CPU) in it too.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 08:28 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


If you don't get this faster, it will just bomb the public phase

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 08:55 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well my hats off to all you guys that got it going. I've now spent about 5 hours on code and maybe another 1 or 2 on Google and I may spend another hour tomorrow but unless
I dream up the code tonight in my sleep I don't think I will make the deadline. Guess I should have started looking at it on Monday like the rest of you guys.

Oh well... Tremendous learning experience I must say.

I figured out how to get rid of the VarType code - took me a while but got it. Sneaky code this Golfing can be.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 09:40 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

You got rid of vartype() ???
How the heck did you do that?
It would save me some strokes, not much but anyway some.

Well, I guess I'll see tomorrow

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 09:55 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


my brains are mushy now. I'll give up this round...

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 10:58 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

There is a way around the vartype, it's easy if you see it (tomorrow ) but it took me a while too.


KiXGolf Score = 182

Deep, deep respect. Can't wait to see that magic


KiXGolf Score = 219

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get under that anymore b4 tomorrow...

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 11:43 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Hm, hah, we'll see If I can see simple things 'till tomorrow.

Anyway, One stroke a time: *faints*


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 11:41:18.687
Processing End = 2006/07/21 11:41:18.718
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 359

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 11:45 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter



my brains are mushy now. I'll give up this round...

Oh? How many spare ones do you have left then ?

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 12:17 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Beta 2
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows 2000 Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 504 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 12:17:00.953
Processing End = 2006/07/21 12:17:00.984
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.030
KiXGolf Score = 353

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

slowly but surely ... time's running short though

(Korg Regular)
2006-07-21 12:51 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Vartype was the first thing i got rid of. I just didn't like looking at it.

Jooel, 182? 64 hours? I smell Rnd()

Anyway, i'm still limping my way down the fairway

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2790 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 06:45:31.538
Processing End = 2006/07/21 06:45:31.554
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.015
KiXGolf Score = 225

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 01:00 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'll hang with yeah Jooel ...

KiXGolf Score = 219

By the way - its pretty obvious what that 182 scrore is all about - it smells like more than Rnd() ... much, much stinkier.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 01:42 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Now I'm curious... will there be much difference?


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1596 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 13:42:01.436
Processing End = 2006/07/21 13:42:01.446
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 219

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 01:52 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

so sweet...


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1596 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 13:51:39.838
Processing End = 2006/07/21 13:51:39.848
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.009
KiXGolf Score = 218

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 01:58 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I'll see that ...

KiXGolf Score = 218

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 02:08 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Vartype() ... I bet I'll get a nervous breakdown everytime I see that in someones code the next months.

I can't imagine how you guys build the mayan strings without strokes in your code ... I'm about to give up and see tomorrow.
But wait, no rest for the brave! Damn, I need some sleep.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 02:28 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I tried one last attempt last night and now must bow to the masters, I look forward to the public phase, but now must go back to doing Regular Expression phrases on my network IPS systems.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 02:34 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


I'll see that ...

KiXGolf Score = 218

Are we playing KiXPoker now?

(KiX Master Guru)
2006-07-21 02:55 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

nice to see you boys won my normal code.
sadly can't be competing with you.
found a kiosk so can post this.
respect dudes.

btw, for the vartype go around there are multiple ways to do that.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 02:58 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Where are you ? Get your butt back to the green dude.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 03:49 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Jooel sanoo:

I have some new short code, but to get it posted, not sure.
have some party starting tomorrow morning and if I can't get my hands on the machine the code is on, then my game is over.

hopefully will get it though.
would like to beat you all.

There he is ... I for myself am off to race a bit go-kart (dunno if you americanos understand what this is). Not that I would make a difference on the score-table, but hey

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 04:02 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Could somebody please tell me the public posting start in my time zone (netherlands)?

I've seem to have used up my brain power... can't figure it out...

Maybe a clock converter could be the next KiXGolf game?

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 04:26 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

idk man - a quick guess is Sat 2pm your time.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 05:07 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

8am est is 3pm for me

I'd like to post my script a bit (1 or 2 hours) before the official time if that is possible, we have a family road-trip planned...

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 05:31 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Ja, I had to do that once - I sent my code to Jens with instructions. He posted for me. Hopefully Jens can do again.


(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 05:50 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Do us a favor though - give us a little warning on a lower final score - so at least we have a little time to catch-up.

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2006-07-21 06:49 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I have not had much time to work on this, but I wanted to make sure I got off the tee. Man! The decimal to mayan kicked my rear end. I need to work on my math skills.

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium III
Speed = 996 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 11:47:02.285
Processing End = 2006/07/21 11:47:02.365
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.079
KiXGolf Score = 688

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 08:25 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Lower score???

I canna change the laws o'physics! If I give 'er any more she's gonna blow, capt'n!!!

hehehe, ok, I've said I couldn't get it any lower about 4 or 5 times during this contest, so I'm not going to say it any more.

If I don't post a higher score between now and 4 hours, the 218 is going to be my end-score.

Just for the record, you also have 218, shawn? Jooel berated someone else for not posting an official KiXGolf score

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 08:39 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well, to be honest with you - I have a 218 but I can go lower - so if you got any more tricks in your golf bag - better pull them out now.

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2006-07-21 08:44 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Boy I wish I was as smart as you guys.

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium III
Speed = 996 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 13:40:33.118
Processing End = 2006/07/21 13:40:33.198
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.079
KiXGolf Score = 651

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 08:44 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

"Poker face" Shawn is bluffing you.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 08:46 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

lol - I'm not bluffing him - I just tipped my hand to him.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 09:01 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I finely have a score less than 400, but I don't think it will finish before private close, I'm going to let it run thru the night but I doubt it will be finished in time.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 09:12 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I am going to post the lowest score I have just in case the other does not finish.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/20 21:54:00.440
Processing End = 2006/07/20 21:54:00.471
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 453

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 09:15 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

krabourn, I know how you feel,...
like a sheep, in a room full of wolfs

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 09:18 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

like a sheep, in a room full of Shawn's cousins. :P

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 09:24 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 09:46 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

lol - I'm not the guy you have to worry about ... I'm sure we'll hear from Eric soon - and Jooel ! Now theres a wolf !

Don't think Allen has been heard from today.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 09:50 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well, I will drop this on the wolves ...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 9
Speed = 1398 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 15:50:47.056
Processing End = 2006/07/21 15:50:47.146
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.090
KiXGolf Score = 217

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 10:00 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Still looking...

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51 Beta 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 15:59:18.495
Processing End = 2006/07/21 15:59:18.515
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.019
KiXGolf Score = 325

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 10:03 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Rogier ... can you come online MSN ?

(KiX Master)
2006-07-21 10:14 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


I for myself am off to race a bit go-kart (dunno if you americanos understand what this is).

Well I think this is it and yes I just did it last week. Lot of fun at that speed.

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 10:19 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Warp speed 9, capt'n! The shields 'r crackin' up!


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 2
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1595 MHz
Memory = 478 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 22:17:00.610
Processing End = 2006/07/21 22:17:00.620
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.009
KiXGolf Score = 217

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-21 10:31 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51 Beta 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 16:30:22.611
Processing End = 2006/07/21 16:30:22.631
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.020
KiXGolf Score = 301

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(MM club member)
2006-07-21 10:40 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I know I am at the bottom of the list but, could one of the mods put together a current standing?

(MM club member)
2006-07-22 12:02 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

5 less:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Speed = 2793 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 17:00:52.003
Processing End = 2006/07/21 17:00:52.034
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.031
KiXGolf Score = 448

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 12:05 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I've got one last thing in the cooker... but probably no time to mess with it before the end of the tournament.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52 Release Candidate 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
Speed = 2002 MHz
Memory = 2048 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/21 18:03:54.796
Processing End = 2006/07/21 18:03:54.796
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.000
KiXGolf Score = 256

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 12:05 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


1. Jooel --------- 182/219
2. Shawn --------- 217
DrillSergeant - 217
3. Maciep -------- 225
4. Richard H ----- 252
5. Allen --------- 256
6. Howard bullock 301
7. Glenn Barnas -- 337
8. It_took_my_meds 343
9. Jochen -------- 353
10. Benny --------- 448
11. Krabourn ------ 651

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2006-07-22 02:54 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

See Benny, you are not at the bottom. I wish I had the time to work on it. Of course, I never would have gotten close to the lowest score.

(KiX Master)
2006-07-22 03:44 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well I have 60/60 100% correct tests with 217

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 04:06 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Well, I'm down to:

KiXGolf Score = 216

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 08:06 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51 Beta 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 02:05:24.073
Processing End = 2006/07/22 02:05:24.113
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.039
KiXGolf Score = 292

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master)
2006-07-22 08:12 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Howard - FYI Rules say NO BETA version. Please download the recently released KiX 4.52 and post with that version.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 08:21 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 9
Speed = 1398 MHz
Memory = 512 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 02:21:56.930
Processing End = 2006/07/22 02:21:57.020
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.090
KiXGolf Score = 213

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 08:55 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

I WIN!!! This is an honset to god execution of my code.

A score of ZERO

Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 02:50:38.697
Processing End = 2006/07/22 02:50:38.707
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 0

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Ok... That is the result of a tokenized Kixgolf_mnc.udf

Here is the real entry.


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.50
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 02:54:31.141
Processing End = 2006/07/22 02:54:31.171
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.030
KiXGolf Score = 290

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 09:05 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

What? No Beta Versions? Ok, I shall repost my last score then:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1698 MHz
Memory = 1022 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 09:00:41.640
Processing End = 2006/07/22 09:00:41.650
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 353

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Btw Ron, no racekarts at this speed were involved. We were indoor-karting, with karts at 6,5 hp making 35 mph max.

(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 09:17 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Oops, somehow an older part sneaked back in, so:


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.52
KiXGolf Script = KIXGOL~1.KIX

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 1698 MHz
Memory = 1022 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 09:17:06.897
Processing End = 2006/07/22 09:17:06.907
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.010
KiXGolf Score = 352

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2006-07-22 10:01 AM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter


Mayan Number Converter passed all 60 tests (100% correct)

KiXtart Version = 4.51 Beta 1
KiXGolf Script = kixgolf_mnc.kix

OS = Windows XP Professional
CPU = Intel Pentium Model 13
Speed = 599 MHz
Memory = 1024 MB

KiXGolf Scoring Engine
Scoring Engine = 3.0.3

KiXtart Golf Score
Tournament = KiXtart Golf: Mayan Number Converter
Processing Start = 2006/07/22 03:56:19.253
Processing End = 2006/07/22 03:56:19.293
Duration = 0000/00/00 00:00:00.039
KiXGolf Score = 285

Thank you for participating in KiXtart Golf!

(KiX Master)
2006-07-22 01:56 PM
Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

Actually, BETA builds are allowed, only private/alpha builds are not allowed. Relevant rule:

  • You are allowed to only use publicly available versions of KiXtart and KiXforms, private builds or alpha builds are NOT allowed

  • Sealeopard
    (KiX Master)
    2006-07-22 02:04 PM
    Re: KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter

    Private coding is now closed. Please post your final solutions under a new thread KiXgolf: Mayan Number Converter - Public Phase

    Remember, you must post your solution in order to have your score verified.