(MM club member)
2011-02-23 11:30 PM
Printer Dialog

Hello everybody. Is there any way to to initiate the printer dialog, and print a file from kix? Have a kixforms that's generating a report in a richtextbox...but haven't found any solutions to how to print it. I found a couple of UDFs, but they just simply send a specified file straight to printer. Trying to make this as universal as possible.


(Seasoned Scripter)
2011-02-24 11:38 AM
Re: Printer Dialog

Not sure, but this might give a clue: example


vb example

(KiX Supporter)
2011-02-24 03:00 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

It might also be doable by using the printui.dll. It's been like 6 years or more since I messed with it, but in the addprinter() udf, it uses it to add a printer using a ini file driver. In the text of the header, I think I put how to get all the options it can do.

Rob Vanderwoude has a good write up too:

The .net stuff might be doable too with the com interface to powershell.

(MM club member)
2011-02-25 07:50 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Wow I never realized how absent this technology was. I cannot find any solution to this problem. Even the vb samples Ive found are using licensed objects (dont want to have to worry about installing a dll just to be able to print). I think I'm just going to try to query for installed printers and then build a kixforms form that looks similar to the normal Print dialog. user can then select which printer and i can send the job in the background.

(KiX Supporter)
2011-02-25 11:14 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Don't give up just yet. I'm working something that might be useful. I will talk to you on mon.

(KiX Master)
2011-02-26 03:11 AM
Re: Printer Dialog

Found this but have not played with any of it.

The link to Rob's site does mention this as well


(MM club member)
2011-02-26 11:28 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Yeah I've found how to do most of those (via wmi scirptomatic), the only problem is that none of the tools initiate the printer dialog. This is what I have made so far (although Allen has probably already worked out some magical solution). It dynamically creates a list of available printers. I've only been able to test it on WinXP Home SP3 though. So if any of you get it to work on anything else, please let me know.

$System = CreateObject("Kixtart.System")


Function SelectPrinterForm()
   $defprinter = Split(readvalue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows","Device"),",")[0]
   $objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\"+@WkSta+"\root\CIMV2")
   $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer", "WQL")
   for each $colitem in $colitems
   Global $printers[$x-1]
   for each $colitem in $colitems
   $PrinterSelectGroupHeight = (UBound($printers)+1)*30+40
   $PrinterSelectFormHeight = (UBound($printers)+1)*30+170
   $PrinterSelectform = $System.Form()
   $PrinterSelectform.Width = 400
   $PrinterSelectform.Height = $PrinterSelectFormHeight
   $PrinterSelectform.Text = "Print"
   $PrinterSelectTabs = $PrinterSelectForm.Controls.Add("TabControl")
   $PrinterSelectTabs.Height = $PrinterSelectForm.Height-50
   $PrinterSelectTabs.Width = $PrinterSelectForm.Width-20
   $PrinterSelectTab = $PrinterSelectTabs.TabPages.Add("General")
   $PrinterSelectGroup = $PrinterSelectTab.Controls.Add("GroupBox")
   $PrinterSelectGroup.Text = "Select Printer"
   $PrinterSelectGroup.Height = $PrinterSelectGroupHeight
   $PrinterSelectGroup.Width = $PrinterSelectTabs.Width-30
   $PrinterSelectGroup.Top = 10
   $PrinterSelectGroup.Left = 10
   $top = 0
   For $x=1 to UBound($printers)+1
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'=$PrinterSelectGroup.Controls.Add("ToolButton")')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Text=$printers[$x-1]')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.BackColor="TransParent"')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.FlatStyle=0')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.BorderStyle=0')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Width=300') 
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Height=30')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Cursor=16')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Top=20+$top')
      $null = Execute('$top=$printer'+$x+'.Top+10')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Left=$PrinterSelectGroup.Left+20')
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.OnClick="SetSelectedPrinter($printer'+$x+')"')
      if $printers[$x-1]=$defprinter
         $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Icon=@ScriptDir+"\printer_def.ico"')
         $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.BackColor="silver"')
         $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Pushed=1')
         $null = Execute('$selectedprinter=$printer'+$x)
         $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.Icon=@ScriptDir+"\printer.ico"')
   $printbutton = $PrinterSelectTab.Controls.Add("ToolButton")
   $printbutton.Text = "Print"
   $printbutton.Top = $PrinterSelectGroup.Bottom+10
   $printbutton.Left = $PrinterSelectGroup.Left+80
   $printbutton.OnClick = "PrintHoursReport()"
   $printCancelbutton = $PrinterSelectTab.Controls.Add("ToolButton")
   $printCancelbutton.Text = "Cancel"
   $printCancelbutton.Top = $PrinterSelectGroup.Bottom+10
   $printCancelbutton.Left = $PrinterSelectGroup.Right-80-$printCancelbutton.Width
   $printCancelbutton.OnClick = "$$PrinterSelectform.Hide()"
   While $PrinterSelectform.Visible
      $Nul = Execute($PrinterSelectform.DoEvents)
   Exit 0

Function SetSelectedPrinter($p)
   For $x=1 to UBound($printers)+1
      $null = Execute('$printer'+$x+'.BackColor=""')
   $selectedprinter = $p
   $selectedPrinter.BackColor = "silver"

Function PrintHoursReport()
   $testfile = @ScriptDir+"\test-print-file.txt"
   if not exist($testfile)
      $testfh = FreeFileHandle()
      $null = Open($testfh,$testfile,5)
      $null = WriteLine($testfh,"This is simply a test of the print form.")
      $null = Close($testfh)
   $prntr = $selectedprinter.text
   $null = SetDefaultPrinter($prntr)
   Sleep 1
   $objShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
   Sleep 1
   $null = SetDefaultPrinter($defprinter)

Also...The .ico files are just little printer icons. Not sure how to upload them on here. But are any of you keen on how to place a windows icon in the form so there isnt the dependency on the .ico files?

(KiX Master)
2011-02-27 04:33 AM
Re: Printer Dialog

I've not played with KiXform in years but as I recall you can use base64.exe to create a text hash I think.

I'm sure one of the others that either continues to use it or was using it much more than I did can help you with it.

Who knows... maybe the author old Shawn the SheepShagger may stop by and help out

(Seasoned Scripter)
2011-02-28 11:52 AM
Re: Printer Dialog

Shane, do you need the printer dialog window, or just want to print? This link shows some extensive methods to use WSH to print:

Printing Documents in WSH



(MM club member)
2011-02-28 07:27 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Ah thanks Brad! That article led me down a path that I think may just work. Check this out...
Function IEPrintDialog($printdoc,optional $dialog)
   if $dialog<>1
   $objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
   if @error=0
      $objIE.Visible = 0
         Sleep 0.1
      Until $objIE.ReadyState = 4
      if $objIE.QueryStatusWB(6) >= 3
;         Do
;            Sleep 0.1
;         Until $objIE.PrintTemplateTeardown(pDisp)=1
         sleep 5
         exit 1
      exit @Error
   exit 0

The only problem Im having is having to sleep so enough time is allowed for the job to be sent before destroying the $ieobj. The article describes a way to check for the PrintTemplateTeardown event that signals the end of the print process, but I have no idea how to check an event of an object in kix. Maybe one of you knows vbs well enough to convert the syntax?

(KiX Supporter)
2011-02-28 10:55 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Oh well... you got what I was working on. Sorry. I was out of town and didn't have access to a computer.

(MM club member)
2011-02-28 11:21 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Good thought anyways! I don't know why I didn't think of using a different app to print off of. Still haven't found a way around having to use a sleep though (which I hate putting into a udf). Thought about doing a loop that checks for files in the spooler folder, but that wont work if you print to a unc'd printer.

(KiX Supporter)
2011-03-01 05:44 AM
Re: Printer Dialog

Okay... try this.

function IEPrint($document,optional $mode)
  if $mode
  if exist($document)
    $ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application")
    $ie.navigate ($document)
    While $IE.Busy and $IE.ReadyState <> 4 sleep 0.2 loop
    While $IE.Document.readystate <> "complete" Loop
    $sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
    $sc.language = "VBScript"
    $sc.timeout = 300000
    $sc.addcode('vbIE.ExecWB ' + $OLECMDID_PRINT + ',' + $OLECMDEXECOPT + ',2,0')
    exit 2

Last week when I initially was trying this, I was using very similar code as yours but the dialog would show up and then quickly disappear. This did not happen under vbscript. I ran out of time and never could figure out what was causing it until tonight. If the visibility setting is on the dialog box would just disappear under kix.

Then I started messing with the delay, and read that when the 3rd option is set to 2 like you have it, it is supposed to halt, but in kix it does not. However in vbscript it does, thus the code above.

Anyone have any idea why kix is handling these events differently than vbscript?

(Seasoned Scripter)
2011-03-01 12:53 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

Hi Allen,

When I tried your script, I got a dialog box asking if I wanted to open, save, or cancel. I selected open, but never got any printing.

I tried the notepad print in the reference URL and it worked as follows:

Function NotepadPrint($objDocument)
Function Get_Doc_Obj($strFolder, $strDocument)
   Dim $objShell, $objFolder, $colItems, $objItem
   $objShell  = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
   $objFolder = $objShell.NameSpace($strFolder)
   $colItems  = $objFolder.Items
   For Each $objItem In $colItems
      If $objItem = $strDocument
         $Get_Doc_Obj = $objItem

The above was in functions.kix

Include "functions.kix"
Dim $strUser, $strFile, $rc, $strFolder, $objDocument
$strUser   = @USERID
$strFolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\" + $struser + "\Desktop\"
$strFile   = $strUser + "_info.ini"
$objDocument = Get_Doc_Obj($strFolder, $strFile)
$rc          = NotepadPrint($objDocument)

It briefly displayed the notepad as it printed. I'll have to keep looking.

(KiX Supporter)
2011-03-01 02:08 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

@Brad... to see the print dialog try it with the $mode set to 1.

$rc=IEPrint(@scriptdir + "\test.htm",1)

(MM club member)
2011-03-01 05:11 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

The dialog seems to stay open for me. Is the .Timeout essentially the same as my Sleep? If I hit cancel on the print dialog, the IE session remains open in my list of processes.

(MM club member)
2011-03-01 05:19 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

The dialog on my function above stays open fine as well...if I have that sleep in there. if not the ie object gets destroyed before the print job is completely sent. the problem seems to lie in finding a way to loop and check for the completion of the print before destroying the object and terminating script.

In the vb example they do this...
Set objIE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application", "IE_") of printing stuff here...
Do While Not blnPrintingComplete
   WScript.Sleep 50

Sub IE_PrintTemplateTeardown(pDisp)
   WScript.Sleep 200
   blnPrintingComplete = True
End Sub

Is there not a way to create the object and use it to watch for events like PrintTemplateTeardown in kix?

(KiX Supporter)
2011-03-01 05:47 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

The timeout has nothing to do with sleep. The Scriptcontrol times out with a message after 10 seconds no matter what script you are running, so I increased it to 5 minutes to give someone ample time to select a printer before the message appears.

The third option in ExecWB, which is 2, tells the dialog to wait until something happens, but Kixtart is not doing that. Vbscript does. If you try what I posted you will see it sits there until you hit print or cancel with no sleep needed.

(MM club member)
2011-03-01 06:38 PM
Re: Printer Dialog

ah gotcha, that is weird.