(MM club member)
2008-12-27 12:08 AM
Understanding COM

Okay I am way over my head with my latest project.

We have recently aquired an application that comes with support for full automation via COM.

When I use the Type Library Explorer to view the COM file, I get a listing of bunch of classes with the COM, and then a list of the members of methods and property's within that class.

Using the examples that they provided, I am creating an object as such


I have to use one class to connect to the server application, and then need to use a different class to retrieve needed data.

Do I have to create a new object for each new class? Or should I be creating my "root" class differently? Can I do something more like this.

And since someone is likely to ask ... This is for the EFT product from GlobalScape.

(KiX Master)
2008-12-27 05:08 AM
Re: Understanding COM

Have you checked their manual or their web site to see whether they have COM examples? You should then be able to adjust thses to KiXtart.

(MM club member)
2008-12-27 06:29 AM
Re: Understanding COM

Their manual provides 3 examples, and they are confusing at best. Most of it reads like this.


Use the ICISite Interface GetAuthManagerID method to identify or retrieve the authentication manager ID of a site. The authentication manager ID is the type of authentication used (GS Auth, NT/AD, or ODBC).


HRESULT GetAuthManagerID([out, retval] long *prop);

Where the ICISite Interface is a class in the DLL.

You can see the manual here...

(KiX Supporter)
2008-12-27 06:32 AM
Re: Understanding COM

So what kind of data are you needing when using this?

(MM club member)
2008-12-27 06:47 AM
Re: Understanding COM

Currently I need to list all of the "Events" within a single site and then ensure that they are disabled.

Among other things. I can post some of my code on Monday if it would help me figure out what I am doing.

I already have been able to list all of the Users in a given site and extract what their email address is, but this "Event" stuff is killing me.

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 12:16 PM
Re: Understanding COM

Haven't read the manual yet, but the proper code should be
$obj = CreateObject("MyCOMLibrary.Class")

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 12:17 PM
Re: Understanding COM

As the manual points out, this should be the kix code:
$SFTPServer = CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 12:30 PM
Re: Understanding COM

I've translated this sample script for you, maybe it helps:
; FILE: CreateUserListSpreadSheet
; CREATED: 13 OCT 2004 GTH
; PURPOSE: List the users of a site and create an excel spreadsheet.

$SFTPServer = CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")
$CRLF = Chr(13)+Chr(10)
$txtServer = ""
$txtPort =  "1000" 
$txtUserName = "admin"
$txtPassword = "admin"

$SFTPServer.Connect($txtServer, $txtPort, $txtUserName, $txtPassword)

If @ERROR <> 0
  ? "Error connecting to '"+$txtServer+":"+$txtPort+"' -- "@SERROR+" ["+CStr(@ERROR)+"]"
  Exit 255
  ? "Connected to " + $txtServer

$Sites = $SFTPServer.Sites
$oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
$oExcel.visible = 1
$oWorkbook = $oExcel.Workbooks.Add
For $i=0 To $SFTPServer.Sites.Count-1
  $theSite = $Sites.Item($i)
  $theSheet = $oWorkbook.Worksheets.add
  $ = $theSite.Name
  $theSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Users:"
  $arUsers = $theSite.GetUsers()
  For $j=0 To UBound($arUsers)
    $theSheet.Cells(($j+2), 1) = $arUsers($j)

$oExcel = ""
$theSite = ""
$SFTPServer = ""

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 01:41 PM
Re: Understanding COM

Apronk, thanks, but I was able to get that part working okay. I will post my script later today so all can see what I am attempting.

Where I am having a problem is in an event class that they just exposed in the COM, and is not in their online documentation.

In specific I do not understand how to read this...

HRESULT GetAuthManagerID([out, retval] long *prop);

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 02:49 PM
Re: Understanding COM

To be honest, due to the properties I don't fully understand it either. From what I gather it the [out, retval] is a returning variable going out (something KiX doesn't support) the variable is of the type long (int).

But I might be reading it totally wrong.

Edit: Apparantly [out, retval] means that it is a returning variable as I just said, and the variable is of the type long, the numeric index of the property, I guess. However You won't be able to use it in KiX. KiX doesn;t support OUT paramenters, VBS does though....

I've asked for this OUT parameter support a couple of times already...

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 03:56 PM
Re: Understanding COM

Ok, so I may have to switch to PowerShell for this then. Here is the current code that I am working with, but will see what I can do with PS.


$SO=SetOption("Explicit", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("NoMacrosInStrings", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("NoVarsInStrings", "ON")
$SO=SetOption("WrapAtEOL", "ON")

;  Variable Declarations
Dim $o_Server,$a_Sites,$s_Counter,$s_Site,$s_Events

;  Instatiate the SFTP COM Object
$o_Server = CreateObject(SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer)

;  Connect to the server

;  Retrieve a list of Sites

;  See if the Site is stopped, if not Stop it
For $s_Counter = 0 to UBound($a_Sites)
	$s_Site = $o_Server.Sites.Item($s_Counter)
	If $s_Site.IsStarted = 'True'

;  Stop the EFT Server Service

Shell '%comspec% sc \\server stop "GlobalScape EFT Server"'

;  Wait for the service to stop

While WMIService("GlobalScape EFT Server","Query",,"\\server") <> "Stopped"


;  Create backup of config on Server01  and Server02 to the DFS mount
Copy "\\server\e$\Globalscape\ftp.dat" "\\server03\eftdata\eftconfig\server_config\ftp_"+Join(Split(@DATE,"/"))+".bak"
Copy "\\server01\e$\Globalscape\ftp.dat" "\\server03\eftdata\eftconfig\server01_config\ftp_"+Join(Split(@DATE,"/"))+".bak"

;  Overwrite the config on Server with the Master copy
Copy "\\server01\e$\globalscape\ftp.dat" "\\server\e$\globalscape\"

;  Start the EFT Server Service
Shell '%comspec% sc \\server start "GlobalScape EFT Server"'

;  Wait for the service to start
While WMIService("GlobalScape EFT Server","Query",,"\\server") <> "Running"


;  Stop any sites that came up running
For $s_Counter = 0 to UBound($a_Sites)
	$s_Site = $o_Server.Sites.Item($s_Counter)
	If $s_Site.IsStarted = 'True'

;  Change the IP's to the correct one for each site.
For $s_Counter = 0 to UBound($a_Sites)
	$s_IP = ReadProfileString("\\server03\eftdata\eftconfig\globalscape\config.ini","Sites",$a_Sites[$s_Counter])
	$s_Site = $o_Server.Sites.Item($s_Counter)
;  Need to find a way to change the gateway address as well

;  Turn off all the event rules
	$s_Events = $s_Site.


Function WMIService($service,$action,optional $startmode,optional $computer)
;Removed to make a shorter post	

(MM club member)
2008-12-29 04:06 PM
Re: Understanding COM

Looks good, just a suggestion... you can stop and start services trough the same WMI manor too.