(Fresh Scripter)
2008-05-14 02:42 AM
Start Excel, then change the Locale setting...

Hi All,

Can someone help me with starting excel, change the locale settings in excel and then open an excel file (and turn on autofilters and autofit all columns).

As I am in Australia, I would like my dates in my excel file in my format dd/mm/yyyy. I have looked and looked and even tried a vb app... When the file opens some dates are corrupted, especially if there is a leading zero or the month and day are less than 12... I believe I need to enforce the locale or regional settings somehow...

Here is my code:

;   Name:       excel.kix

break on

Quit 0


Function main()
  Dim $rc
  Dim $filename
  Dim $autofilters
  Dim $xl
  Dim $wb
  Dim $ws
  Dim $rng

  $filename = "c:\fred.xls"
  $autofilters = "Y"

  ; Start excel.
  $xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  if @error
    messagebox ("Errors detected starting excel...", "Unable to run command.", 0, 5)
    quit 1

  $xl.Visible = True
  $xl.DisplayAlerts = 0

  if exist($filename)			; if the file exists, open it

    $wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open($filename)
    $ws = $wb.WorkSheets(1)

    $rng = $ws.Range("A1:CC2000")

    if $autofilters = "Y"



  exit @ERROR



Any help will be greatly appreciated.

(KiX Supporter)
2008-05-14 09:32 AM
Re: Start Excel, then change the Locale setting...

I used Glenn's Excel library for some Excel tasks a few weeks ago.
There is one UDF that is able to change the cell format. The Excel library is located on his site but I must be going blind because I can’t find the link anymore. Maybe Glenn can post a link here.

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-05-14 03:19 PM
Re: Start Excel, then change the Locale setting...

Problem is... as soon as you open the file, the date data is corrupted. Changing the cell format afterwards does not help.

eg. "01/02/2008" gets converted to 2/01/2008
and "20/02/2008" gets converted to 20/02/2008

Then changing the cell format to dd/mm/yyyy the values do not change.

Weird thing is... If I just double click on the csv file in Windows Explorer then the data is ok, but my autofilters and auto column width bits have to be done manually...

(KiX Supporter)
2008-05-14 08:44 PM
Re: Start Excel, then change the Locale setting...

As far as I know Excel does not have its own regional settings. It just takes whatever is set in the regional settings in the control panel. So if you set it to US August 1st 2008 would become 08/01/2008 (not sure about the leading 0's) and if you set it to lets says Dutch August 1st 2008 will be 01/08/2008 both in Windows and Excel.

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-05-15 02:40 AM
Re: Start Excel, then change the Locale setting...

Found something that is leaving me a little more confused...

Open Excel 2003, Alt+F11, do a search: Named Numeric Format, open first one found - Named Numeric Formats (Format Function), click on bold word: locale


The set of information that corresponds to a given language and country. The code locale setting affects the language of terms such as keywords and defines locale-specific settings such as the decimal and list separators, date formats, and character sorting order.

The system locale setting affects the way locale-aware functionality behaves, for example, when you display numbers or convert strings to dates. You set the system locale using the Control Panel utilities provided by the operating system.

Although the code locale and system locale are generally set to the same setting, they may differ in some situations. For example, in Visual Basic, Standard Edition and Visual Basic, Professional Edition, the code is not translated from English-U.S. The system locale can be set to the user's language and country, but the code locale is always set to English-U.S. and can't be changed. In this case, the English-U.S. separators, format placeholders, and sorting order are used.

Just !@#$% great...

Now I have to look for a non-vb based solution.