(Fresh Scripter)
2008-03-21 05:30 AM
Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

We have a maximum number of mail enabled accounts that can be in any one mailstore. Currently, we have about 120 mailstores and every time we create a new account we have to search to find a mailstore to put.

I have looked on the web for any VB scripts and kixtart.org for any scripts that might even be close but haven't found anything I can use.

Does anyone have a place for me to start?


(KiX Master)
2008-03-21 06:30 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

There is no pre-made script for it that I'm aware of.

What version of Exchange are you running? Is it in Native mode?

Would need to look and see if their is a COM object that provides that information and then see if KiX or VB can access it to return the data.

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-03-25 04:15 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

Sorry, been out for a few days.

I'm running Exchange 2003 in native mode.

There is an Attribute for the mail store in ADSI Edit (Homemdbbl). This attribute contains a list of the mail enabled objects within the mailstore,

I'm not sure where to start to develop a script to enumerate all the mailstores and to count the number of objects within this attribute.


(Fresh Scripter)
2008-04-01 06:56 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

I don't suppose anyone might have a starting point for me.


Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2008-04-07 10:08 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

What attribute are you changing to enable / disable mail for the objects?

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-04-10 05:55 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores


All I want to do is get a count of the mail enabled objects in each mail store on each Exchange server. I don't want to change anything.


Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2008-04-10 11:47 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

 Originally Posted By: Daleco

All I want to do is get a count of the mail enabled objects in each mail store on each Exchange server. I don't want to change anything.


Yes, I understand that. What I am getting at is that if you are changing an attribute on an AD object to enable/disable mail then it may be simpler to iterate AD and check the attribute rather than working from the mail store direction.

Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2008-04-10 01:03 PM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

Here is an example of what I mean.

This script enumerates all AD objects, and displays the information for those objects which have a mail store defined.

You can take this as a starting point and add code to summarise by whatever field you fancy.

If you don't want to tackle the additional code just change the output so that it is suitable to import into Excel as a CSV file and sort / summarise in Excel.


$objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
$objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
$objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
$objConnection.Open("Active Directory Provider")
$objCommand.ActiveConnection = $objConnection

$objCommand.CommandText =
+ "'LDAP://"
+ GetObject("LDAP://"+GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE").Get("defaultNamingContext")).distinguishedName
+ "'"

$objCommand.Properties("Page Size").Value = 100
$objCommand.Properties("Search Scope").Value = 2
$objCommand.Properties("Cache Results").Value = (not 1)

$objRecordSet = $objCommand.Execute()
while not $objRecordSet.EOF
If $objRecordSet.Fields("homeMDB").Value

" Exchange Server: "+Split($objRecordSet.Fields("homeMDB").Value,",")[3]+@CRLF
" Storage Group: "+Split($objRecordSet.Fields("homeMDB").Value,",")[1]+@CRLF
" Mail Store: "+Split($objRecordSet.Fields("homeMDB").Value,",")[0]+@CRLF

Exit 0

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-04-11 02:10 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores

Thanks Richard, I'll give this shot.

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-04-11 07:56 AM
Re: Need to count mail enabled objects in mailstores


I really appreciate your assistance on this. With some tweaking it is giving me what I need. For now I'm using the output to Excel and then summarize from there.

Thanks again,