(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 08:35 AM
Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)


this should be easy as pie one should think.
I was used to write my arrays horizontally (Rowwise) to my Excel log files, but then came the need to do that Vertically (Columnwise) as for the huge amount of data. So I thought this would be as braindead as the horizontal write and could be done with .Range.Value.

Wrong !

The following sample writes only the first item of the Array 20 times

break on

$file = @scriptdir + '\test.xls'
if exist($file) del $file endif

global $Array[19] ;20 elements !!

for $i = 0 to ubound($Array)
$Array[$i] = "Item " + $i

$xl = createobject("Excel.Application")
$_ = $xl.WorkBooks.Add
$xl.Range("A2:A"+(ubound($Array)+2)).Value = $Array ;Range should translate to A2:A21 = 20 cells
$_ = $xl.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("$file")
$xl.UserControl = 1
$_ = $xl.quit

exit 1

Anyone knows how to accomplish that ?

(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 08:55 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)


I know, the workaround is to loop the array and write single cells, but still I want to know the better solution

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 09:11 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

well, it might be time for you to start using the basics

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 09:13 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

lol, I was searching the docs too long before decided to click submit

(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 09:27 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

Hmm ... and I should have waited with my reply to myself until after the first 'single cell loop approach' - reply was posted ... One could think it is solved otherwise ... well, this reply should reset the 'problem solved'-Flag

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 09:45 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

so, I'm not sure what is your goal anyways...

instead of your one write data going per row, you write per column.
so, to replace your above code, it would be something like:
for $=0 to ubound($array)

or did I miss something? (me really not sure of your goals in there...)

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 09:49 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

heh, if you have nothing to do, try this:

$file = @scriptdir + '\test.xls'
if exist($file) del $file endif

global $Array[0,19] ;20 elements !!

for $i = 0 to ubound($Array,1)
$Array[0,$i] = "Item " + $i

$xl = createobject("Excel.Application")
$_ = $xl.WorkBooks.Add
$xl.Range("A2:A"+(ubound($Array,1)+2)).Value = $Array ;Range should translate to A2:A21 = 20 cells
$_ = $xl.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("$file")
$xl.UserControl = 1
$_ = $xl.quit

(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 10:06 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

hmmm ... as said, I'd like to write that array to a column in one go

Tried the snippet from your last reply and initially thought that this could work but as I am an enemy of those kind of arrays it might be not suitable for me ... Anyway it doesn't work either:

this produces one cell (A2) with the value of :



(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 10:33 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

for me it showed pure cryptic chars...
to you too it seems.
I hate this board screwing things up.

hmm... need a ciggy.
think this is little harder one.
I already got excel screaming with:
$xl.sheets(1).Columns(1).Value = $Array

it seems that Excel does not support this.
like, the programmers never though someone would like to do it this way

(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 11:31 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)


for me it showed pure cryptic chars...
to you too it seems.
I hate this board screwing things up.

-> Yep, for me too, there were 3 squares in that cell


hmm... need a ciggy.
think this is little harder one.
I already got excel screaming with:
$xl.sheets(1).Columns(1).Value = $Array

it seems that Excel does not support this.
like, the programmers never though someone would like to do it this way

-> Me too needs a cig ... I too never thought I would need to do it this way round but the amount of data forces me to do so.

Think we have to wait for Shawn (again) on this one

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 11:56 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

the amount of data does not matter.
you have the same space available in both ways.
you have just some weird requirement why you wanna do it this way.

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 11:57 AM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

btw, how many sheets one workbook can hold?

(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 12:04 PM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

I don't think so ..

There are 2^16 (65536) rows possible but only 2^8 (256) columns

Normally I have Servers in 1st column listed and whatever in 1st row but as whatever is this time greater than 256 items I need to do it this way

about the sheets in one workbook: I don't know exactly but I think it is 256

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-08-16 12:14 PM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

k, next question is why you use excel?
CSV would be a lot easier and portable solution.
without those limits.

(KiX Supporter)
2004-08-16 12:28 PM
Re: Excel.Application: Write an Array vertically (column)

Why ?

because my admin scripts are using the principle of Click'n'finished.

No matter how often the single task runs it will always re-run only on missed Servers/clients and always produce a ready to report complete Excel Log file...

Why should I produce a csv file when I can have an excel file...

Ok, untill there is either the proof that one can't write an array direectly to a column or that it is possible, I will go (temporarily) with the 'loop <-> single cell' approach...

Hey, thanx for looking at it by the way