(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-20 11:39 AM
Clear Table in DB

I'm able to delete the first record but I cannot delete more than one at a time.

Function Cleardatabase()
$DSN="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$DBPath$DBFile"
$Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
$Command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
$Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

$Connection If @error = 0
? "Connected"
$Connection.ConnectionString = $DSN
$Command.ActiveConnection = $Connection
$Recordset.CursorType = 3
$Recordset.LockType = 3
$Recordset.ActiveCommand = $Command

$Command.CommandText = $DELETE_ALL
If $Recordset.RecordCount > 1
For $count = 1 to $Recordset.RecordCount
?"Completed Successfully"
$Connection = 0
$Recordset = 0
$Command = 0


(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-09-20 01:10 PM
Re: Clear Table in DB

Why not try changing your SQL?

$DELETE_SQL = "delete from table where criteria='delete this one';"
$x = $Connection.Execute($DELETE_SQL)

I use the SQL DELETE statement several times in the code for an Access application I developed earlier this year and it works well. I've not used the $Recordset.Delete method at all, and I'd feel happier just using Execute to run a predefined SQL statement when working with databases, as occasionally ADO's data manipulation functions seem a little flaky - it's also easier to debug and test SQL with test data without running the Kix at all.

Also, in the above code, your For...Next construct is doing nothing at all - you never initialise or increment the $count variable. The $recordset object contains all the records returned by your SQL, so just calling $Recordset.Delete ought to do the trick. I'd recommend using a SQL DELETE statement instead, though.

[ 20. September 2002, 13:20: Message edited by: Breaker ]

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-20 02:19 PM
Re: Clear Table in DB

Thanks Breaker,

You suggestion worked great.

As you may have noticed I'm using a slightly modified version a script you posted a while back. Me and COM don't get along, I feel like I'm trying to shove the square block in the round hole. Takes alot of pounding but I'll get it in there.

Thanks for the help.

(KiX Master)
2002-09-20 03:43 PM
Re: Clear Table in DB

Why not use the DB...() UDFs in the UDF Forum. They are pre-packaged UDFs for database interaction via SQL. Your script would look like this with those UDFS:
$rc=DBConnOpen(...)  ;insert correct parameters to open database
$rc=DBExecute($sqlcommand) ; execute SQL command
$rc=DBConnClose(...) ;close database

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2002-09-20 04:03 PM
Re: Clear Table in DB

I would use those, but I preffer to actually learn how to do something before I take the easier route.

Thanks for the suggestion, those will come in handy later.

[ 20. September 2002, 16:05: Message edited by: Vig ]