(Seasoned Scripter)
2012-09-12 12:44 PM
Manual change

I would suggest adding to the Copy command:

Assuming permissions are correct, the following will copy file.txt to the remote server

COPY "MyDir\file.txt" "\\remote-server\c$\temp"

or something to that effect.

Ruud van Velsen
(Hey THIS is FUN)
2012-09-16 03:56 PM
Re: Manual change

Copying directly to a UNC is possible today already?

Or is it something else you are looking for?


(KiX Master)
2012-09-16 05:13 PM
Re: Manual change

BradV was not aware of that fact and I can only surmise that if it were mentioned in the manual that perhaps he would have become aware.

That said, the example he used is poor form as most scripts run in the user's context and non-admin users would not have access to hidden admin $ shares.

(Seasoned Scripter)
2012-09-17 06:30 PM
Re: Manual change

Hi Sorry,

Yes, I just meant that the description for COPY should include that it will work from one server to another with the proper syntax and permissions. From reading the description and looking at the examples, it seems to only imply that copying on the same server is allowed.



(KiX Master Guru)
2012-09-21 05:36 AM
Re: Manual change

I wouldn't mess with it.
from command prompt:
Copies one or more files to another location.

COPY [/D] [/V] [/N] [/Y | /-Y] [/Z] [/L] [/A | /B ] source [/A | /B]
     [+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A | /B]]

  source       Specifies the file or files to be copied.
  destination  Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).

and it doesn't anywhere say that copying files to different type of paths is supported.
it is given.
I wouldn't bother making kixtart doc more n00b proof than what dos prompt is.