(KiX Supporter)
2011-04-24 04:57 PM
New Macro - @ProgramFilesX86

Using a mixed environment of 32 and 64bit machines cause quite a headache when trying to determine the correct "Program Files" directory. I would like to see a new macro called @programfilesx86.

I have been using the following function to resolve the correct 32bit folder regardless of the OS's bit version.

function programfilesx86()

(KiX Supporter)
2011-08-11 09:17 PM
Re: New Macro - @ProgramFilesX86

In addition to Programfilesx86, I would also like to suggest the following as new macros too...

function HKLMSoftware32
  $HKLMSoftware32="HKLM\Software" + iif(@onwow64,"\WOW6432Node","")

function System32()
  $System32="%systemroot%\" + iif(@onwow64,"syswow64","system32") 

It seems like I use these all the time now, when trying to work with older 32bit systems along with the newer 64bit ones.