(Getting the hang of it)
2018-02-08 09:09 PM
KiXtart extension for VS Code

FYI: Just hacked an extension for VS Code to get syntax highlighting:


(Getting the hang of it)
2018-02-09 03:00 AM
Re: KiXtart extension for VS Code

Muito bom!!
Eu usava o VsCode, mas não tinha para KiX, ai acabei usando que já usava muito antes do Vs que era o notepad++, até porque baixei RunME(plugin para npp) que com um simples F5 ele executa meu código com o sehll que está no path do windows, isso é ótimo para mim, vamos ver se ele tem uma forma boa também de fazer isso.

Very good!!
I used VsCode, but I did not have it for KiX, so I ended up using it long before Vs which was notepad ++, because I downloaded RunME (plugin for npp) which with a simple F5 it executes my code with the sehll that is in the path of windows, this is great for me, let's see if it has a good way too to do this.

(KiX Supporter)
2018-02-09 11:47 AM
Re: KiXtart extension for VS Code

Nice. I've been playing with the idea to do this but never actually did it. Thanks.