(Getting the hang of it)
2015-10-18 04:56 AM
Echo(), EchoL(), EchoC()

Hello people I'm posting another Udf.
Good it does the following it displays text in the normal screen and if the text is larger than the screen size so he skips one line and continues the text, I got the idea why I saw the kix not do that in the "Batch Script "does, then that's it, but it has a problem, if you have used an AT() so I have a good sure will not work as it should.
The addition of this tool I put the possibility to align text on the screen that looks cool with a dir.

Code: Password: kix

;Function Echo(), EchoL(), EchoC()
;Author: André Luiz
;Version: 1.0 (Day 17 of October 2015)
;Description: Print text on the screen and then display centralized and line breaks when needed.
;Syntax: Echo<L/C>(STRING, NUMBER1, NUMBER2)
; STRING - Text to be displayed.
; NUMBER1 - So as to be aligned. (It only makes sense to EchoC())
; NUMBER1 - It indicates whether or not to skip the line. (It only makes sense to EchoC())
; 0 - Align the left.
; 1 - Align the center.
; 2 - Align the right.
;Returns: Nothing.
;Ps: But if you for a larger text on your screen echoC () then it displays the text without alignment.
; ? It was only tested at 4.66
; Echo("Hello, Brasil!")
; +-------------------+
; |Hello, Google trans|
; |lator |
; +-------------------+
; EchoL("Hello, Google Tradutor")
; +-------------------+
; |Hello, Google trans|
; |lator @Crlf |
; +-------------------+
; EchoC("Hello, Brasil!",1)
; +-------------------+
; | Hello, Brasil! |
; | |
; +-------------------+
; EchoC("Hello, Brasil!",1,1)
; +-------------------+
; | Hello, Brasil! |
; |@Crlf |
; +-------------------+
; $FileName = Dir("C:\TEMP")
; While $FileName <> "" and @ERROR = 0
; EchoC($FileName,0,1)
; ;EchoC($FileName,1,1)
; ;EchoC($FileName,2,1)
; $FileName = Dir()
; Loop

;; EchoL >>
Function EchoL($Texto)
For $i=1 To Len($Texto)
If $i_1 > $Mode
If $n < $Loop ? Endif
Next ?
;; EchoL <<

;; Echo >>
Function Echo($Texto)
For $i=1 To Len($Texto)
If $i_1 > $Mode
If $n < $Loop ? Endif
;; Echo <<

;; Echo Center >>
Function EchoC($Texto,Optional $Modo,Optional $Lines)
If Len($Texto) > $Mode
If $Lines = 1 Echo($Texto) Else EchoL($Texto) Endif
If Len($Texto) & 1 = 0 $Impa=7 Else $Impa=4 Endif
Case $Modo = 0
For $i=1 To $Mode/2-Len($Texto) " " Next $Texto If $Lines = 1 ? Endif
Case $Modo = 1
For $i=1 To $Mode/2-Len($Texto)/2 " " Next $Texto If $Lines = 1 ? Endif
Case $Modo = 2
For $i=1 To $Mode/2-$Impa " " Next $Texto If $Lines = 1 ? Endif
;; Echo Center <<

Function Mode_CMD()
Shell '%Comspec% /c For /f "Tokens=2 Delims=: " %%i in ('+"'Mode^|Find "+'"Colu"'+"') do @@Set/p=%%i<Nul >"+"%Tmp%\Tmp.txt"
$Er=Open(1,"%Tmp%\Tmp.txt") $Mode_CMD=CInt(ReadLine(1)) $Er=Close(1) Del "%Tmp%\Tmp.txt"