(Just in Town)
2012-11-09 12:15 PM
Match DIR to a text file list

Long time since I posted but could use some help.

This script works using FindFile() and DirWalker() but of course I would like to improve it. The script creates a file by match from the UNC.csv and the name of the folder which is the computer name($FOLDER). How I would like to improve this script is there may be more folders in the location than in the UNC.csv and write the unmatched folders to a different file. Secondly, if the computer name is the UNC.csv but no mtach is found I would like it to be included the ROBO.csv with a blank $DLM. The path below is a sample of the robocopy.log path. There are 368 UNC distributed throughout the 12 org folders.

Break On
$path = "\\Server\Files$\"
If Exist($Path + "ROBO.csv") = 1
  DEL($Path + "ROBO.csv")
$MATCH = "*.log"
$FOLDER = "\\server\shares$"
$Array = FindFile($MATCH,1,$FOLDER)
$line = "Flight" + "," + "WWID" + "," + "Computer Name" + "," + "Last Update" +@CRLF
If Open(3,$Path + "UNC.csv") = 0
	$x = ReadLine(3)
	While @ERROR = 0 
		$WWID = Left($x,InSTR($x,",")-1)
		$UNC = Right($x,Len($x) - Len(Left($x,InSTR($x,","))))
		For Each $Filename In $Array
			$firsthash = Left($filename,InStrRev($filename,"\")-1)
			$secHash = Left($firsthash,InStrRev($firsthash,"\")-1)
			$ETOOL = Right($firstHash,Len($firsthash)-Len(Left($firsthash,InStrRev($firsthash,"\"))))
			$Flight = Right($SecHash,Len(Left($firsthash,InStrRev($firsthash,"\")-1))-Len(Left($sechash,InStrRev($sechash,"\"))))
			$WWID = Left($x,InSTR($x,",")-1)
			$UNC = Right($x,Len($x) - Len(Left($x,InSTR($x,","))))
			$UNC = Right($unc,len($unc) - Len(Left($unc,InSTR($unc,","))))
			$UNC = Left($unc,instr($unc,",")-1)
			$objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
			$objFile = $objFSO.GetFile($FileName)
			$DLM = $objFile.DateLastModified
			$DLM= Left($DLM,10)
			If $UNC = $etool
				$line = $line + $flight + "," + $WWID + "," + $etool + "," + $DLM + @CRLF
		$x = ReadLine(3)

Jay in Japan