(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-13 05:11 PM
Formatting an outlook signature

I've been playing around a bit with Richards code form this thread but I keep bumping into the same obstacle each time I try something that might work.

I would like to set a color to a small part of the signature. This works but the color codes used are very different then I the ones I get out of PhotoShop and Fireworks.

Red is 255 (this actually works), all other numbers are shown as an other shade of red. And not blue or yellow or whatever.
Anyone know what type of codes are used for colors? I did some googling but did not find any useable answer.

Anybody know what type of color codes are used for this?

This will give you a darker shade of red. But I cant find the right codes for lets say #999999 (gray) or #666666 (dark gray).
$objSelection.Font.Color = "193"

(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-13 06:19 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature


This might get me somewhere, especially the second one. Will see tomorrow when I'm back at work. Looks like I've been googling with the wrong search words \:\(
How Can I Change the Default Highlight Color for a Microsoft Word Document?
wd-Farbkonstanten (in German)

(KiX Master)
2007-09-13 07:41 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Let us know how it goes. I might need to be working on this myself soon ;\)

We use an HTML signature and often change the document which means too many users can't figure it out on their own so I have to change it for them. Was okay at first but now getting to be a pain. Will need to look at automating all of it so I can remotely change this or allow their own login to change it or something.


(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-13 08:09 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

I'll keep you posted.

In fact I think I'm gonna VPN to work and get my script copied to my home server to do some testing at home because stuff on TV sucks and I'm bored. I'll need to get some diner first so gimmie an hour or two.

(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-13 09:16 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature


I got a working solution but I had to change the script to have fixed variables instead of pulling the stuff from AD because I have no AD at home yet. Forgot to save the altered script with a new file name so the original on my home system is gone I'll mail the working solution back to work and post a working AD solution tomorrow because I don’t feel like VPN-ing to work tonight again.

(KiX Master)
2007-09-13 09:19 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

No problem - thanks Mart. I'm busy with SQL 2005 and Dynamics issues right now anyways so not that big of a rush, but good to have a solution to eithre use or to start from so I don't have to start from scratch.

(MM club member)
2007-09-14 09:33 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Just an idea but seeying as 255 is red, I'm assuming it's using a RGB standard, in wich 255,255,255 would be Red,Green,Blue.

(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-14 09:45 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Yeah that's what one would think but you'll get punched in the face if you use RGB values and expect to see the corresponding colors. The color codes in the German link I posted do work and will get you a fair amount of colors to choose from.

(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-14 11:28 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Ok here we go.
This is based on Richards code from Outlook Signature - Help Converting VB Code. I altered it a bit to fit our needs. All color codes used are listed on wd-Farbkonstanten (in German)
The news part requires the ReadFile() UDF.

Maybe this is a good one for th examples forum?

	Break on

Call @LDRIVE + "\functions\readfile().udf"

;Region Delete old signatures
;Delete all existing signatures.
;Stuff can change. Therefore the signatures are
;deleted and recreated each time.
$appdata = ExpandEnvironmentVars(%appdata%)
Del $appdata + "\Microsoft\Signatures\*.*"

;Region Get data
;Get data from AD
$objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
$strUser 	= $objSysInfo.UserName
$objUser	= GetObject("LDAP://" + $strUser)
$strName 		= $objUser.FullName
$strTitle 		= $objUser.Title
$strMail 		= $objUser.mail
$strDepartment = $objUser.Department
$strCompany 	= $objUser.Company
$strStreet		= $objUser.StreetAddress
$strPostalCode	= $objUser.PostalCode
$strCity 		= $objUser.L
$strCountry 	= "The " + $objUser.Co
$strPhone 		= $objUser.telephoneNumber
$strFax		 	= $objUser.FacsimileTelephoneNumber
$strMobile		= $objUser.Mobile
$strWeb		 	= $objUser.wWWHomePage

;Region Write Signature
;Set phonecomment for CallCenter.
If $strDepartment = "CallCenter"
	$strPhonetxtnl	= "Some text goes here"

;Read the contents of the news text file.
$strNews = ReadFile(@LDRIVE + "\tools\News.txt")

;Set phone and faxnumber.
$strFax = "000 - 0000" + $strFax
	Case Left($strPhone, 1) = "1" And $strDepartment = "CallCenter"
		$strPhone = "000 - 0000000"
	Case Left($strPhone, 1) = "1" And $strDepartment = "Sales"
		$strPhone = "000 - 0000001"
	Case Left($strPhone, 1) = "1"
		$strPhone = "000 - 0000002"
	Case 1
		$strPhone = "000 - 0000" + $strPhone

;Initialize word to write the signature.
$objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
$objDoc = $objWord.Documents.Add()
$objSelection = $objWord.Selection
$objEmailOptions = $objWord.EmailOptions
$objSignatureObject = $objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
$objSignatureEntries = $objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries

;Write signature.
$objSelection.Font.Name = "Arial"
$objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
$objSelection.TypeText("Kind regards,")
$objSelection.Font.Color = "26367"
$objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
$objSelection.TypeText($strName + " | " + $strTitle)
$objSelection.Font.Size = "9"
$objSelection.Font.Color = "8421504"
$objSelection.TypeText(" | " + $strStreet + " | " + $strPostalcode + " | " + $strCity)
If $strMobile <> ""
	$objSelection.TypeText("Phone: " + $strPhone + " | " + "Fax: " + $strFax + " | " + "Mobile: " + $strMobile)
	$objSelection.TypeText("Phone: " + $strPhone + " | " + "Fax: " + $strFax)
$objSelection.TypeText("E-mail: " + $strmail + " | " + "Web: " + $strWeb)
;If there is no news the news file will be empty or
;the news file does not exist. Skip the news part if this is the case.
If UBound($strNews) <> "-1"
	For $i = 0 to UBound($strNews)
		$strNews[$i] = Trim($strNews[$i])
	If $strNews[0] <> ""
		$objSelection.Font.Bold = "1" ;1 = True, 0 = False.
		$objSelection.Font.Color = "26367"
		$objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
		$objSelection.Font.Size = "9"
		$objSelection.Font.Bold = "0" ;1 = True, 0 = False.
		For $i = 0 to UBound($strNews)
			$objSelection.Font.Color = "8421504"

;Set extra text for the CallCenter
If $strDepartment = "CallCenter"
	$objSelection.Font.Bold = "1" ;1 = True, 0 = False.
	$objSelection.Font.Color = "26367"
	$objSelection.Font.Bold = "0" ;1 = True, 0 = False.
	$objSelection.Font.Color = "8421504"

$objSelection = $objDoc.Range()

;Add signature and set outlook to use the signature.
$objSignature=$objSignatureEntries.Add(@FULLNAME + " NL", $objSelection)
$objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = @FULLNAME + " NL"
;$objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = ""
;$objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = @FULLNAME + " NL"
$objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = ""

;Quit word
$objDoc.Saved = 1

(KiX Master)
2007-09-16 12:01 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Maybe this is a good one for th examples forum?

Very well could be. Needs to be documented though as to what each line or section is doing.

I'll take a look at it more on Monday

(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-16 12:32 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Ok. Here is a cleaned up version. I ripped out all the stuff that is custom for us so it becomes a standard everyone can work with or start with. Also added comments to explain what is going on.

;Set Break to on if the script is not running at logon.
;This will prevent you being logged of when testing this script and closing
;it when it's running.
	Break on

;Call the readfile UDF.
;This UDF is used later in the script.
Call @LDRIVE + "\functions\readfile().udf"

;Delete all existing signatures.
;Stuff can change. Therefore the signatures are
;deleted and recreated each time.
$appdata = ExpandEnvironmentVars(%appdata%)
Del $appdata + "\Microsoft\Signatures\*.*"

;Get data from AD
;Open ADSystemInfo object
$objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
;Get the username from AD.
$strUser 	= $objSysInfo.UserName
;Get the users deatils using LDAP.
$objUser	= GetObject("LDAP://" + $strUser)
;Get the users full name.
$strName 		= $objUser.FullName
;Get the users title.
$strTitle 		= $objUser.Title
;Get the users default reply e-mail address.
$strMail 		= $objUser.mail
;Get the users department.
$strDepartment = $objUser.Department
;Get the users company name.
$strCompany 	= $objUser.Company
;Get the users street address.
$strStreet		= $objUser.StreetAddress
;Get the users postal code.
$strPostalCode	= $objUser.PostalCode
;Get the users city.
$strCity 		= $objUser.L
;Get the users country.
$strCountry 	= $objUser.Co
;Get the users phone number.
$strPhone 		= $objUser.telephoneNumber
;Get the users fax number.
$strFax		 	= $objUser.FacsimileTelephoneNumber
;Get the users mobile phone number
$strMobile		= $objUser.Mobile
;Get the users homepage.
$strWeb		 	= $objUser.wWWHomePage

;Read the contents of the news text file using the
;readfile UDF called at the top of the script.
$strNews = ReadFile(@LDRIVE + "\tools\News.txt")

;Initialize word to write the signature.
$objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
;Add a document to word and set various options.
$objDoc = $objWord.Documents.Add()
$objSelection = $objWord.Selection
$objEmailOptions = $objWord.EmailOptions
$objSignatureObject = $objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
$objSignatureEntries = $objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries

;Write signature.
;Set font to use in the signature.
$objSelection.Font.Name = "Arial"
;Set the font size.
$objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
;Write text.
$objSelection.TypeText("Kind regards,")
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
;Set the colour of the following text.
$objSelection.Font.Color = "26367"
;Write text and use the variables filled when retrieving data from AD.
$objSelection.TypeText($strName + " | " + $strTitle)
;Set font size.
$objSelection.Font.Size = "9"
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
;Write text and use the variables filled when retrieving data from AD.
;Set the colour of the following text.
$objSelection.Font.Color = "8421504"
;Write text and use the variables filled when retrieving data from AD.
$objSelection.TypeText(" | " + $strStreet + " | " + $strPostalcode + " | " + $strCity)
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
;Write text and use the variables filled when retrieving data from AD.
$objSelection.TypeText("Phone: " + $strPhone + " | " + "Fax: " + $strFax + " | " + "Mobile: " + $strMobile)
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
;Write text and use the variables filled when retrieving data from AD.
$objSelection.TypeText("E-mail: " + $strmail + " | " + "Web: " + $strWeb)
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.

;Write a news message to the signature..
;If there is no news the news file will be empty ($strNews[0] will be empty) or
;the news file does not exist (Ubound($strNews) will be -1).
;Skip the news part the file does not exist or write nothing if the first line is empty.
If Ubound($strNews) <> "-1"
	;Strip leadign and trailing spaces from ech line in the $strNews variable.
	For $i = 0 to Ubound($strNews)
		$strNews[$i] = Trim($strNews[$i])
	If $strNews[0] <> ""
		;Set font style. 1 = bold, 0 = regular.
		$objSelection.Font.Bold = "1"
		;Set the colour of the following text.
		$objSelection.Font.Color = "26367"
		;Set the font size.
		$objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
		;Write text.
		;Set the font size.
		$objSelection.Font.Size = "9"
		;Set font style. 1 = bold, 0 = regular.
		$objSelection.Font.Bold = "0"
		;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.
		;Write each line from the $strNews variable.
		;$strNews is an array so it gets written line by line (element by element).
		;$i is used as an index counter to tell the scrip what line it should write.
		;$i starts out as 0 and ends up as the largest element of the array.
		For $i = 0 to Ubound($strNews)
			;Set the color of the folowing text.
			$objSelection.Font.Color = "8421504"
			;Write the line from $strNews given by the index.
			;Write a "soft" enter. Just like br in HTML.

$objSelection = $objDoc.Range()

;Add signature.
;You could change @FULLNAME to whatever you want. Just be sure to change it the same on the
;two parts below where outlook is told to use or not use a signature on the different types of messages.
$objSignature = $objSignatureEntries.Add(@FULLNAME, $objSelection)

;Set outlook to use the signatures on each new message.
$objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = @FULLNAME
;$objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = ""
;Switch the ; on the two lines above to use no signature on new messages.

;Set outlook to use the signatures on each reply message.
;$objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = @FULLNAME + " NL"
$objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = ""
;Switch the ; on the two lines above to use no signature on reply messages.

;Save the signature and quit word
$objDoc.Saved = 1

(KiX Supporter)
2007-09-17 02:16 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Didn't golf this round (the A to Z round ) -well actually I never participated in kixgolf- but did a little golfing of my own. Just ripped 187 (of 474) lines out of my outlook signature creation and profile generation script. For most users I could rip out 115 extra lines that create an English signature besides the Dutch one. Hmmmm........have to look into that I guess.

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2007-10-05 12:22 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

If it is of help, I use Active Directory as a simple Database from which to extract User Name, Mobile Number, Email Address etc in a small scriptlet as part of the login. It generates HTML, RTF and Plain Text versions with both Main and Reply Signatures based upon this data and puts the files in the Users default Microsoft Signatures folder. I also check to see if MS Outlook is installed and write the necessary font and signature values to the registry to save the user having to actually select a signature.
As it is AD based and in the Login script it can be centrally managed and updates every time the user logs in.
If it is of interest I will post the core of the script for you ?

(KiX Master)
2007-10-05 04:07 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Yes, very much interested in seeing your code. I have not had time to really work with Mart's code but want to. Just have bigger CRM project going on right now so don't have time to experiment with it yet.

(KiX Supporter)
2007-10-05 09:54 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature



and write the necessary font and signature values to the registry to save the user having to actually select a signature.

I’d like to know what you write to the registry.
These three lines add the signature and sets it for new messages and reply messages so I'm curious what else to write to the registry to make things easier for the end user (and me).

BTW: Replacing @FULLNAME with "" will clear the signature for the specific message type.

$objSignature = $objSignatureEntries.Add(@FULLNAME , $objSelection)
$objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = @FULLNAME
$objSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = @FULLNAME

(Starting to like KiXtart)
2007-10-05 04:18 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

The contains e-footer + ini which generates 'email footers' and DomainSTANDARD + ini which ensures Fonts, Templates, Outlook Settings etc are distributed.
There are MANY ways of doing this but I developed it for SPEED.
The e-footer is optimised to allow for two companies, standard and terminal server users, special users such as PA's & Receptionists who need multiple signatures to send on behalf or others etc.
The Domain.jpg is an example of the fields in AD I use to do this.
The e-footer.ini contains the base text for each company to include in the footer.
I use web site based logos in the html footer so the .jpg is not actually part of the mail unless using Rich Text. RTF Image is create by dropping a suitable image into WordPad and with a text editor (Notepad) extracting the core image - saved as .rtx

Should take you half an hour to tweak the e-footer.ini with the information required. All you have to do then is ensure the AD fields I use have suitable content.
NB: For Multi-Line Descriptions I use || as a separator in base text.

It has worked flawlessly for ages so is a good option to use. Once a user has a pre-configured Office ~ Outlook Profile, the kix is run to generate the footers, the user only has to open the TOOLS/Options/Mail Format page to see the pre-allocated footers. By simply opening that page the footers will then work. Don't even need to select them if the reg-edits are applied from Standards. Otherwise User can select the footers manually.

(KiX Supporter)
2007-10-05 04:23 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Cool. Thank. Will have a look at the way you have things running.

(KiX Master)
2007-10-06 06:26 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Thanks Mace... appreciate the sharing of information.

(Fresh Scripter)
2009-01-16 02:38 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

This code is great, and I'm already in the midst of modifying it for my environment. My big question is where are you getting the numbers for the colors? They don't seem to fit in with any standard coloring notation, and I'm having trouble finding documentation on this.


Never mind...figured it out

(KiX Supporter)
2009-01-16 02:48 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Hi Larry,

The font colours are in the German link I posted in my second post in this thread.


wdColorAqua 13421619
wdColorAutomatic -16777216
wdColorBlack 0
wdColorBlue 16711680
wdColorBlueGray 10053222
wdColorBrightGreen 65280
wdColorBrown 13209
wdColorDarkBlue 8388608
wdColorDarkGreen 13056
wdColorDarkRed 128
wdColorDarkTeal 6697728
wdColorDarkYellow 32896
wdColorGold 52479
wdColorGray05 15987699
wdColorGray10 15132390
wdColorGray125 14737632
wdColorGray15 14277081
wdColorGray20 13421772
wdColorGray25 12632256
wdColorGray30 11776947
wdColorGray35 10921638
wdColorGray375 10526880
wdColorGray40 10066329
wdColorGray45 9211020
wdColorGray50 8421504
wdColorGray55 7566195
wdColorGray60 6710886
wdColorGray625 6316128
wdColorGray65 5855577
wdColorGray70 5000268
wdColorGray75 4210752
wdColorGray80 3355443
wdColorGray85 2500134
wdColorGray875 2105376
wdColorGray90 1644825
wdColorGray95 789516
wdColorGreen 32768
wdColorIndigo 10040115
wdColorLavender 16751052
wdColorLightBlue 16737843
wdColorLightGreen 13434828
wdColorLightOrange 39423
wdColorLightTurquoise 16777164
wdColorLightYellow 10092543
wdColorLime 52377
wdColorOliveGreen 13107
wdColorOrange 26367
wdColorPaleBlue 16764057
wdColorPink 16711935
wdColorPlum 6697881
wdColorRed 255
wdColorRose 13408767
wdColorSeaGreen 6723891
wdColorSkyBlue 16763904
wdColorTan 10079487
wdColorTeal 8421376
wdColorTurquoise 16776960
wdColorViolet 8388736
wdColorWhite 16777215
wdColorYellow 65535

(KiX Supporter)
2010-11-18 09:38 AM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Yes, dragging up an old post but just had to make a small comment.
Simple but I just did not think of it in the past. Stumbled upon this by accident and it works just fine.

I've been busy setting this up for all our people (new job, new company and new challenges since the original post) and marketing has asked me to stick to the fonts and colors in our company guidelines. None of the listed colors match our guidelines so I messed around a bit and tested with RGB color codes. When you start the macro recorder in Word, set the font color to a custom color using RGB values, stop the macro recorder and check the code of the new macro you will get the corresponding numbers that Word understands and can be used to set any custom color you want/need.

(Just in Town)
2012-01-03 04:28 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Tried to use RGB color code in Outlook Signature, I finally found how to make them work.
Microsoft use a strange method for RGB colors, here is how it works :

MS Color code = (Blue*65536) + (Green*256) + Red

For Blue color (R0 G84 B158):
$objSelection.Font.Color = "10376192"

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2012-01-03 09:20 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Welcome to KORG!

Good information, but it isn't that strange, really.

"256" is 8 bits - 0-255. RGB represents 3 8-bit bytes. If you take them together, kind of like a network address (B.G.R), you'll see that Red is the first byte, which is multiplied by 1. Green is the second byte, multiplied by 256, and Blue is the third byte, multiplied by 65536 (or 256 * 256). Thus, the RGB can be represented by a single value of 0 to 16777215 (16 million colors) rather than 3 separate values of 0-255.


(MM club member)
2012-01-03 09:42 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Looks like maybe a decent conversion UDF waiting there.

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2012-01-04 03:05 PM
Re: Formatting an outlook signature

Simple code allowing either decimal or hex values to be converted.
Break On
'Fuschia: '
RGBtoBin(212,48,128) ?
'Gold: '
RGBtoBin(&C0,&AE,&40) ?

Function RGBtoBin($_R, $_G, $_B)

  $RGBtoBin = ($_B * 65536) + ($_G * 256) + $_R
  Exit 0
