(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-09 09:53 AM
GET/GETS in GUI mode

Can I use GET/GETS or any other command to allow the user (during the running of the script) to enter data in GUI mode instead of DOS mode?

Thank you.

(KiX Supporter)
2002-01-09 10:03 AM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode


if you have your scripts running with wkix32.exe and there is a command or function requiring console output , the console will get visible



(Hey THIS is FUN)
2002-01-09 10:40 AM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode

I mean that my script running in hide mode (SETCONSOLE("HIDE")) until it come to the point where I am asking the user to enter the drive where he want to install specific software where I SETCONSOLE("SHOW") then I am getting the user entering through GET command.
All this process happens in DOS mode, my question is that can I present the user with a window where he can enter data?

Thank you.

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-01-09 11:08 AM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode

No. there is no way in the actual wkix-executable.
The way I've done is to use the KiXforms.dll by shawn.
but it is not so comfortable to register it in every machine, just for user input in GUI.
but, as the builds grow up, there can be made a packet for silent install as required.

actually, SHAWN,
There is this linux/unix-like way of informing system to use some service.
there for scripts commands like require if it needs some library or module.
So can the dll be registered by the script that uses it?
like include a line:
shell "regsvr32 %systemroot%\kixforms.dll"
when the dll is put into the windir.
Or isn't it then functioning in this process tree?

(Seasoned Scripter)
2002-01-09 11:50 AM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode

KixwinVB and Kixforms (the 2 acutally Kixtart GUI providers) are working in the same manner at start, so yes, you can do in the same script a regsvr32 kix???.dll /s
Get a look in kixwinvb logonscr.k2k script
This part is voluntary disabled, but i've tried it and it works

Do a search on the board for KixwinVB or Kixforms
Each one are a DLL component with the purpose of creating a GUI under kixtart
Be carefull, as each one have their own manner to report events, and Kixforms is more graphics (meaning colors, lines and other shape) than KixwinVB that is more classical with other possibilities

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-01-09 01:01 PM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode

alex, have to ask...
I have a little clue what is the difference between kixwinvb and kixforms.
and as the name of kixwinvb isn't anymore so much kix (only 1/3 along win and vb) I could suggest name change.
same kind of problem is with kixforms, which might me a good reference to it's ability to create forms, but as it gets more stuff in it, the name is poor.
why not have KiXgui or something like that.

but to my first thought...
as the projects - thou the are separate - are quite the same, why not unite them?

even thou they have different ways of functioning, it can be compained too.
like in good old c++ there is more than one way for doing almost anything...

but the main thing, as if it could be one project, there would be more brain power to develope cutting edge dll.

just thoughts flowing in to my mind at the moment...


(Seasoned Scripter)
2002-01-09 01:58 PM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode

KixwinVB came from old Kixwin for kixtart 3.xx
But seems you're right, and KixGUI will be better. (so go for next version, in 2 or 3 weeks as the last thing i need now is XP new UI support, or should i said that i have 3 copy/paste and 10 lines other to do )

I've already said Shawn that at the end, only one should stay and get the other one possbilities. It was in fact about the way of the events handling. But the differences between them wasn't so important at this time, and seems that actually, each user found what they want and don't really bother with it.
I don't think it's possible to keep the 2 methods in the same components, or the dll size will be too big, unless a possibility to handle compressed kixtart, script and component over network exist.

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-01-09 02:16 PM
Re: GET/GETS in GUI mode

but as other one gives up further development the usable information should be "ported" to the other for the users benefit, as one might say.
well, you (and shawn) probably know it the best...