(Just in Town)
2018-03-29 03:51 PM
re: New to KixForm and would like to seek some helps.

Good morning All,
I am new to KixForm , and I would like to seek your help. I have been using Java Swing and Java Server Faces but I am now working on a window's KixForms project. I wish to get your advises and expertise. I have a few questions that I'd like to get your helps.

1) My first question is that what's is the latest KiXForm version that I can use for my window Vb Script Development not the .Net version given the fact I am using VBsEdit for my IDE and I am running on Window 7 Enterprise Edition? Again I am working on a window VB Script environment and not the .Net environment for this project.
I found on this forum that someone recommended using Kixform 2.4.7 MSI.Is. I wonder if it is the latest version since it is over 10 years old ?

2) Secondly, I tried to download the KixForm 2.4.7.MSI and installed it on my machine at c:\window\SysWow64\kixforms.dll. It installed OK but when I called it as follow in my VBScript:

Dim System: Set System = CreateObject("KiXforms.System")

It gave me error saying ActiveX component can not create KixForms system. Do you know why? If you do , please shed some lights into this and please tell me how could you fix it.

Thank you so much for all of your helps,