(KiX Supporter)
2016-05-13 03:05 PM
Settings cursor type

Small question.

I'm creating an application and for that I want to set the cursor to "WaitCursor" while a certain task is executed. In KF designer .NET there are several options (see image) but when creating the base script from there the cursor settings are not exported to the script file.

Is this still possible and if so how? I never did this before but I guess someone here did.

(MM club member)
2016-05-13 03:55 PM
Re: Settings cursor type

I've always just used..
to turn on the 'working' cursor. Then...
to turn back to default.

(MM club member)
2016-05-13 03:56 PM
Re: Settings cursor type

Have never done it through the designer though, so can't help with that.

(MM club member)
2016-05-13 04:17 PM
Re: Settings cursor type

Just in case it's helpful, attached are the other built in cursor types.

(KiX Supporter)
2016-05-13 04:23 PM
Re: Settings cursor type

I do not care that it doe snot work from the designer. I only use that to create the layout and to see how what to use to set multiline for a textbox for example and what to set it to.

I tried $form.cursor. No luck yet. Time to head home and start the weekend. I'll continue this next week.

(MM club member)
2016-05-13 05:59 PM
Re: Settings cursor type

Oh, I forgot to mention that was also in KF Classic. It may be different in .Net.

(KiX Supporter)
2017-10-07 11:56 AM
Re: Settings cursor type

for kf.classic I used to use

$form.Cursor = $system.CursorStyle.WaitCursor
$form.Cursor = $System.CursorStyle.Default

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