(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-18 08:58 PM
Icons don't get copied

We have been using a Kixtart script to build the user’s Desktop and setup the user’s environment settings, map drives, etc. in a Citrix environment. I decided to use this same script on another set of MetaFrame servers and the script does not copy icons to the users Start/Program folder at logon. But, if I run the script from a command prompt it works just fine. The problem seems to exists only at logon, because as I said, I can run it from a command prompt and it works just fine. The only difference with the two sets of Citrix servers is that the first set - which we have been using for over a year - were upgraded from WinFrame to MetaFrame and the second set were setup from scratch as MetaFrame servers. I have verified registry and file/folder permission are the same on both sets of servers and cannot figure out what the problem is. Any ideas from anyone?

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-18 09:19 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

So.. You are giving the clients a desktop in Citrix? These are not published applications?

Shortcuts generally come in two flavors - .LNK and .URL. They are a Link and Web link, respectively.

There are a couple of Shortcut creation UDFs that do this. But, I question that with published applications as they will put the shortcut to the Citrix App to the client desktop..



[ 18. September 2003, 21:19: Message edited by: kdyer ]

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-18 10:04 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Most of our users are thin clients and even our fat clients use a Citrix client to access a Desktop at full screen with no access back to their Windows Desktop. We then feed then icons (*.lnk or *.url) based on group membership. Out of 200+ icons only 1% are published apps.

But the thing that is driving me crazy is that the script works outside of running at logon. I have worked on this problem off and on for the past two weeks, before posting to this web site. Just don’t know what else to look for.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-18 10:07 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Hmmm, we do a similiar kinda thing here, are you copying the shortcuts using the copy statement/command if so, is @ERROR being set to anything meaningfull ?

[ 18. September 2003, 22:07: Message edited by: Shawn ]

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-18 10:18 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Rather than guessing what you are trying to do, can you post your script?

This maybe helpful for you -

Locations of Desktop, Start Menu, etc.

There are some other good info at -
KiXtart FAQ & How to's



[ 18. September 2003, 22:18: Message edited by: kdyer ]

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-18 10:25 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

The following is the command I am using:

shell 'cmd /c xcopy "$CompanyApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder" >nul 2>&1'

with $CompanyApps being defined earlier in the script as a share on our LOGONSERVER and $Programs_folder being defined as “%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs”. Originally I was using a copy and then switched to xcopy to see if it would make a difference. I even removed the >nul and the script showed it had copied x number of icons. Yet when you click on Start/Programs there are no icons.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-18 10:29 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

I have seen things like this if the NTFS rights are not correct.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-18 10:32 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Why not use -

COPY $CompanyApps+'\Common\*.lnk' $Programs_Folder




(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-19 04:35 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Sorry, I didn’t have a chance to respond yesterday; at 5 I had already put in my 12 hours, so I left. But, I have modified the logon script replacing all the “shell 'cmd /c xcopy”s to just “Copy” and again the script works great outside the logon process, but you guessed it. At logon only the icons to the Desktop get copied, those copied to the Start/Programs get a return code of 0, but no icons.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-19 05:13 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Check these keys, do they look ok ?

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

check the Programs value to see if its being monkeyed with through policies or GPO's ...


(KiX Master)
2003-09-19 05:21 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

It sound like a "sequents of events" thingy. Citrix boxes have a specific order of operations. From my own cribnotes...

Logon and Application Compatibility Scripts

After successfully negotiating the MSGINA, the logon script sequence is as follows:

The Domain logon script as governed by the User Environment Profile
The NetWare login script if present
The WTS logon script 'C:\WINNT\system32\usrlogon.cmd'
as governed by the registry key 'AppSetup'
in 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon'
All other scripts are called in turn from within usrlogon.cmd, Usrlogn1.cmd, Usrlogn2.cmd, and those in C:\WINNT\Application Compatibility Scripts\ or sub-folders beneath.

It is possible to assign logon and/or logoff scripts from within Group Policies, both Local and AD based.

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-19 06:09 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Shawn, this is one of the things our script does at the beginning of the script; to setup the location of the “User Shell Folders” and the “Shell Folders”.

LLigetfa, we are running/calling our kix script from within the UsrLogon.cmd file and it works/has been working for over a year on our first set of server; the ones that were upgraded from WinFrame.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-19 06:35 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Can we see those lines, and what they are being set to ?

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-19 07:56 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Here she be:

; Global variables used in main program and subroutines
$CachedProfile = "%UserProfile%"
$CR = Chr(13)
$LF = Chr(10)
$NL = $CR + $LF
$LogFile = "$HomeDir" + "logon.log"
$TempDir = "E:\Temp\@UserID"
$ShellFolders_Key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
$UserShellFolders_Key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
$UserAppRun_Key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
$FIAApps = "%LOGONSERVER%\FIAApps" ; FIAApps source directory (share on authenticating server)
$TempFile = $TempDir + "\UsrLogon.tmp"
; Define Profile Folder Paths
$AppData_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Application Data"
$Appsrv_Folder ="$AppData_Folder\ICAClient"
$Appsrv_Src ="D:\Software\Client"
$Cache_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Temporary Internet Files"
$Cookies_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Cookies"
$Desktop_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Desktop"
$Favorites_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Favorites"
$Fonts_Folder ="%SystemRoot%\Fonts"
$History_Folder ="$CachedProfile\History"
$NetHood_Folder ="$CachedProfile\NetHood"
$Personal_Folder ="H:\"
$PrintHood_Folder ="$CachedProfile\PrintHood"
$Programs_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs"
$Recent_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Recent"
$SendTo_Folder ="$CachedProfile\SendTo"
$StartMenu_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Start Menu"
$Startup_Folder ="$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
$Templates_Folder ="$HomeDir" + "Winword\Template"
if "$Verbose" = "Yes"
? "Fix shell folder paths" + $NL
; Update Shell Folder path registry values
$Folders_Key ="$ShellFolders_Key"
$Value_Type = "REG_SZ"
gosub WriteShellFolderPaths
; Update User Shell Folder path registry values
$Folders_Key ="$UserShellFolders_Key"
$Value_Type = "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
gosub WriteShellFolderPaths
; Overwrite Shell Folder Path Registry Values
$R1 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "AppData", "$AppData_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R2 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Cache", "$Cache_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R3 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Cookies", "$Cookies_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R4 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Desktop", "$Desktop_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R5 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Favorites", "$Favorites_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R6 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Fonts", "$Fonts_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R7 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "History", "$History_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R8 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "NetHood", "$NetHood_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R9 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Personal", "$Personal_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R10 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "PrintHood", "$PrintHood_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R11 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Programs", "$Programs_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R12 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Recent", "$Recent_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R13 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "SendTo", "$SendTo_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R14 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Start Menu", "$StartMenu_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R15 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Startup", "$Startup_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$R16 = writevalue("$Folders_Key", "Templates", "$Templates_Folder", "$Value_Type")
$Ret = "$R1$R2$R3$R4$R5$R6$R7$R8$R9$R10$R11$R12$R13$R14$R15$R16"
if $Ret <> "0000000000000000"
? "$CrLF" + "Error updating $Folders_Key, return code: $Ret" +"$NL"
? "The regsitry security permissions within your user profile may be incorrect."
? "Please report this problem to a system administrator."

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-22 08:14 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Shawn, I've posted the lines of script that create the User Shell Folders and the Shell Folders and haven't heard back from you. Have you had a chance to take a look at them? Anyone else see a problem with these lines?

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-22 08:31 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

I did look at them, and to be honest, don't see anything wrong with them, I am at a dead-end, would suggest you go down Les's "ordering" path at this point, which I can't provide a lot of feedback on, dont run citrix here, will keep thinking on it though.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-22 08:32 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

One thing though, dont know if you covered/answered this, but are the icons in the right place, and that they are just not visible. Or are the icons not getting copied at all ?

Jack Lothian
(MM club member)
2003-09-22 08:48 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Are the correct logon scripts running? Try putting in some display debug statements or write to debug logs so you trace exactly what is happening & not happening.

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-22 08:56 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

If I remove the >nul at the end of the line, the copy statement shows on the screen that x number of files were copied, but nothing shows up in the %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs folder. If I run the script outside the logon process, from the run or a command line, the icons get copied.


(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-22 09:05 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

If you replace the XCOPY /Q switch with the /F switch, do the source and target file paths look correct ?

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-22 09:09 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Jack, the correct script is running, because the statement that copies the common icons to the Desktop get copied. And, if I change the statement to copy icons to the Desktop instead of the Programs folder, the icons get copied.

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-24 01:50 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

I have changed the /Q switch to /F and the source and destination paths look correct. In fact the output to the screen shows that x number of files were copied for each subfolder of Programs, yet no @%# icons. Unless I run the script from the Run or Command line, after I am logged on.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-24 02:01 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

This is a strange one indeed, this is one of those cases where I wish all the board members could come-on-over to your place and shoulder surf while you are running this puppy ...

Are you running your logon scripts synchronously or asynchronously ? Just for a test, i would "flip" whatever setting you have, here is the key - if it aint there, create it:


RunLogonScriptSync = 0/1

0 = Dont run synchronous
1 = Run synchronous



ps. There is an indentical key in HLKM that will take precedence if it is set ... might have to tweak that one as well.

[ 24. September 2003, 14:03: Message edited by: Shawn ]

(KiX Master)
2003-09-24 02:48 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

LLigetfa, we are running/calling our kix script from within the UsrLogon.cmd file
This is not a true logon script in the standard sense so the RunLogonScriptSync may not apply. Well, maybe it does if the domain logon script runs concurrently and affect the UsrLogon.cmd script.

It has to be a case of the user profile is not ready yet. This, of course is a load order issue.

[ 24. September 2003, 14:49: Message edited by: LLigetfa ]

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-09-24 06:01 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Shawn, as you suggested I have added the registry value for RunLogonScriptSync and have tried running the logon script synchronously or asynchronously and neither helped.

LLigetfa, the same script I am trying to use already works on a different set of Citrix servers and as far I can tell the server settings and permissions to files/folders and registry are the same.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-24 06:07 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

I have an idea here...

Instead of making this user-specific, why not copy the needed icons/apps to the "All Users" in all of your severs in your Citrix Farm? This would be a one-time fix for everybody in your organization.


(KiX Supporter)
2003-09-29 01:28 AM
Re: Icons don't get copied


We have a idea what is going wrong. Only in your script we are missing the COPY part.
So for this part we can't write some debugging code.
About your script first a remark: $cr, $lf, $nl you are using during printing information on your
screen. it is enough to use ? for a newline.
Secondly it contains all kind of TAB characters which aren't directly visible. We transfer them in
our version into spaces.

In our version we add some debugging information to it. Also we remove the $rc? prefix
during WriteValue.
Our version
 ; Global variables used in main program and subroutines
$cachedprofile = "%UserProfile%"
$cr = Chr(13)
$lf = Chr(10)
$nl = $cr+$lf
$homedir = "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
$logfile = "$HomeDir"+"logon.log"
$tempdir = "E:\Temp\@UserID"
$shellfolders_key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
$usershellfolders_key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
$userapprun_key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
$fiaapps = "%LOGONSERVER%\FIAApps" ; FIAApps source directory (share on authenticating server)
$tempfile = $tempdir+"\UsrLogon.tmp"
; Define Profile Folder Paths
$appdata_folder = "$CachedProfile\Application Data"
$appsrv_folder = "$AppData_Folder\ICAClient"
$appsrv_src = "D:\Software\Client"
$cache_folder = "$CachedProfile\Temporary Internet Files"
$cookies_folder = "$CachedProfile\Cookies"
$desktop_folder = "$CachedProfile\Desktop"
$favorites_folder = "$CachedProfile\Favorites"
$fonts_folder = "%SystemRoot%\Fonts"
$history_folder = "$CachedProfile\History"
$nethood_folder = "$CachedProfile\NetHood"
$personal_folder = "H:\"
$printhood_folder = "$CachedProfile\PrintHood"
$programs_folder = "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs"
$recent_folder = "$CachedProfile\Recent"
$sendto_folder = "$CachedProfile\SendTo"
$startmenu_folder = "$CachedProfile\Start Menu"
$startup_folder = "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
$templates_folder = "$HomeDir"+"Winword\Template"
; - debugging info -
? "cachedprofile = " "%UserProfile%"
? "homedir = " "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
? "logfile = " "$HomeDir"+"logon.log"
? "tempdir = " "E:\Temp\@UserID"
? "shellfolders_key = " "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
? "usershellfolders_key = " "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
? "userapprun_key = " "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
? "fiaapps = " "%LOGONSERVER%\FIAApps" ; FIAApps source directory (share on authenticating server)
? "tempfile = " $tempdir+"\UsrLogon.tmp"
; Define Profile Folder Paths
? "appdata_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Application Data"
? "appsrv_folder = " "$AppData_Folder\ICAClient"
? "appsrv_src = " "D:\Software\Client"
? "cache_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Temporary Internet Files"
? "cookies_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Cookies"
? "desktop_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Desktop"
? "favorites_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Favorites"
? "fonts_folder = " "%SystemRoot%\Fonts"
? "history_folder = " "$CachedProfile\History"
? "nethood_folder = " "$CachedProfile\NetHood"
? "personal_folder = " "H:\"
? "printhood_folder = " "$CachedProfile\PrintHood"
? "programs_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs"
? "recent_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Recent"
? "sendto_folder = " "$CachedProfile\SendTo"
? "startmenu_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Start Menu"
? "startup_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
? "templates_folder = " "$HomeDir"+"Winword\Template"
IF "$Verbose" = "Yes"
? "Fix shell folder paths" ; <-----
; Update Shell Folder path registry values
$folders_key = "$ShellFolders_Key"
$value_type = "REG_SZ"
? "folders_key (shell folder) "+$folders_key
GOSUB writeshellfolderpaths
; Update User Shell Folder path registry values
$folders_key = "$UserShellFolders_Key"
$value_type = "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
? "folders_key (user shell folder) "+$folders_key
GOSUB writeshellfolderpaths
RETURN ; <-----
; Overwrite Shell Folder Path Registry Values
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "AppData", "$AppData_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Cache", "$Cache_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Cookies", "$Cookies_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Desktop", "$Desktop_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Favorites", "$Favorites_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Fonts", "$Fonts_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "History", "$History_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "NetHood", "$NetHood_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Personal", "$Personal_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "PrintHood", "$PrintHood_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Programs", "$Programs_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Recent", "$Recent_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "SendTo", "$SendTo_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Start Menu", "$StartMenu_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Startup", "$Startup_Folder", "$Value_Type")
WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Templates", "$Templates_Folder", "$Value_Type")
;$ret = "$R1$R2$R3$R4$R5$R6$R7$R8$R9$R10$R11$R12$R13$R14$R15$R16"
;IF $ret <> "0000000000000000"
; ?
; ? "Error updating $Folders_Key, return code: $Ret" ; <-----
; ?
; ? "The regsitry security permissions within your user profile may be incorrect."
; ? "Please report this problem to a system administrator."

; mon 29-sep-2003 01:20:58 (kix 4.20 vs 4.00e)
;Informative KIXSTRIP: no errors found (input=117 output=117 skip=0).
;Summary KIXSTRIP: block structures
; - do:until [0:0]
; - for|each:in|to:step|next [0|0:0|0:0|0]
; - function:endfunction [0:0]
; - if:else:endif [1:0:1]
; - select:case:endselect [0:0:0]
; - while:loop [0:0]
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 1 block_structure found.
;Informative KIXSTRIP: no UDF's found.
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 2 labels found.
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 2 GOSUB
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 2 RETURN

A simple run returns for the first part
cachedprofile      = MCA
homedir =
logfile = logon.log
tempdir = E:\Temp\ADMINISTRATOR
shellfolders_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
usershellfolders_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
userapprun_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
fiaapps = \FIAApps
tempfile = E:\Temp\ADMINISTRATOR\UsrLogon.tmp
appdata_folder = MCA\Application Data
appsrv_folder = MCA\Application Data\ICAClient
appsrv_src = D:\Software\Client
cache_folder = MCA\Temporary Internet Files
cookies_folder = MCA\Cookies
desktop_folder = MCA\Desktop
favorites_folder = MCA\Favorites
fonts_folder = \Fonts
history_folder = MCA\History
nethood_folder = MCA\NetHood
personal_folder = H:\
printhood_folder = MCA\PrintHood
programs_folder = MCA\Start Menu\Programs
recent_folder = MCA\Recent
sendto_folder = MCA\SendTo
startmenu_folder = MCA\Start Menu
startup_folder = MCA\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
templates_folder = Winword\Template

Also we add to same script some debugging code to it. We did it with
our tool kixstrip which you can find on out site.
Our debugging version:
IF (instr("-3.0x-3.1x-3.2x-3.3x-","-"+substr(@kix,1,3)+"x-") <> 0)
IF MessageBox("sorry, your kixtart "+@kix+" release is too old."+CHR(13)+CHR(10)+CHR(13)+CHR(10)+" please upgrade.","KiXtart "+@kix+" info",4112,300)
;AT (1,1) " "

$_debug_file="kixdebug.txt" ; - %tmp% directory -
IF (len($_debug_file) <> 0)
IF (substr("%tmp%",len("%tmp%"),1) = "\")
IF RedirectOutput($_debug_file)

? "-"+LCASE(@day)+" "+@date+" "+@time+"- kixtart "+@kix+"/4.00e script starting"
IF (Val(substr(@kix,1,1)) >= 4)
IF (len(@scriptname) <> 0)
" ("+LCASE(@scriptname)+")"
? "-"
IF ("$_debug_already_starting" <> "yes")
? "-curdir: "+LCASE(@curdir)
? "-scriptdir: "+LCASE(@scriptdir)
IF (instr("-4.1x-","-"+substr(@kix,1,3)+"x-") <> 0)
? "-scriptname: "+LCASE(@scriptname)
? "-startdir: "+LCASE(@startdir)
? "-"
? "-userid: "+LCASE(@userid)+"/"+LCASE(@wuserid)
? "-user priv: "+LCASE(@priv)
IF (instr("-4.xx-","-"+substr(@kix,1,2)+"xx-") <> 0)
? "-version: inwin="+@inwin+"/dos="+@dos+"/productsuite="+@productsuite+"/producttype="+@producttype+"/csd="+LTRIM(RTRIM(@csd))
? "-version: inwin="+@inwin+"/dos="+@dos
? "-"
IF (instr("-4.1x-","-"+substr(@kix,1,3)+"x-") <> 0)
? "-"+@cpu+" (memory "+MemorySize()+" MB)"
? "-"

$_debug_temp_name="" ; -format: yyyymmdd_hhmmss.sss_999 scriptname-
IF (instr("-3.6x-","-"+substr(@kix,1,3)+"x-") <> 0) OR (Val(substr(@kix,1,1)) >= 4)
IF (instr("-4.xx-","-"+substr(@kix,1,2)+"xx-") <> 0)
CASE (len($_debug_temp_name) = 1)
CASE (len($_debug_temp_name) = 2)
IF Srnd(@msecs)
SLEEP 0.050
IF Srnd((-1)*32767/(substr(@time,7,2)+1))
IF (len($_debug_temp_name) < 25)
$_debug_temp_name=substr($_debug_temp_name+" ",1,25)
IF (instr("-4.1x-","-"+substr(@kix,1,3)+"x-") <> 0)
IF (len(@scriptname) < 12)
$_debug_temp_name=$_debug_temp_name+" "+substr(@scriptname+" ",1,12)
$_debug_temp_name=$_debug_temp_name+" "+@scriptname

IF ("$_debug_already_starting" <> "yes")
? "-debug file: "+$_debug_file
? "-debug name: "+LCASE($_debug_temp_name)
IF (len($_debug_temp_name) <> 0)
? "-debug: "+LTRIM(RTRIM(LCASE($_debug_temp_name)))+" -> "+$_debug_file
? "-debug-file: "+$_debug_file

IF (instr("-3.6x-","-"+substr(@kix,1,3)+"x-") = 0) AND (Val(substr(@kix,1,1)) < 4)
GOTO _debug_starting_point
DIM $_debug_name ; -create local variable-
? "-"
?"----- start-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"?

?"- 1-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; Global variables used in main program and subroutines
?"- 2-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 3-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $cachedprofile = "%UserProfile%"
?"- 4-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $cr = Chr(13)
?"- 5-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $lf = Chr(10)
?"- 6-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $nl = $cr+$lf
?"- 7-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $homedir = "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
?"- 8-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $logfile = "$HomeDir"+"logon.log"
?"- 9-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $tempdir = "E:\Temp\@UserID"
?"- 10-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $shellfolders_key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
?"- 11-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $usershellfolders_key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
?"- 12-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $userapprun_key = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
?"- 13-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $fiaapps = "%LOGONSERVER%\FIAApps" ; FIAApps source directory (share on authenticating server)
?"- 14-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $tempfile = $tempdir+"\UsrLogon.tmp"
?"- 15-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 16-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; Define Profile Folder Paths
?"- 17-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 18-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $appdata_folder = "$CachedProfile\Application Data"
?"- 19-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $appsrv_folder = "$AppData_Folder\ICAClient"
?"- 20-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $appsrv_src = "D:\Software\Client"
?"- 21-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $cache_folder = "$CachedProfile\Temporary Internet Files"
?"- 22-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $cookies_folder = "$CachedProfile\Cookies"
?"- 23-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $desktop_folder = "$CachedProfile\Desktop"
?"- 24-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $favorites_folder = "$CachedProfile\Favorites"
?"- 25-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $fonts_folder = "%SystemRoot%\Fonts"
?"- 26-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $history_folder = "$CachedProfile\History"
?"- 27-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $nethood_folder = "$CachedProfile\NetHood"
?"- 28-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $personal_folder = "H:\"
?"- 29-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $printhood_folder = "$CachedProfile\PrintHood"
?"- 30-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $programs_folder = "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs"
?"- 31-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $recent_folder = "$CachedProfile\Recent"
?"- 32-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $sendto_folder = "$CachedProfile\SendTo"
?"- 33-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $startmenu_folder = "$CachedProfile\Start Menu"
?"- 34-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $startup_folder = "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
?"- 35-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $templates_folder = "$HomeDir"+"Winword\Template"
?"- 36-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 37-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; - debugging info -
?"- 38-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 39-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "cachedprofile = " "%UserProfile%"
?"- 40-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "homedir = " "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
?"- 41-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "logfile = " "$HomeDir"+"logon.log"
?"- 42-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "tempdir = " "E:\Temp\@UserID"
?"- 43-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "shellfolders_key = " "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
?"- 44-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "usershellfolders_key = " "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
?"- 45-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "userapprun_key = " "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
?"- 46-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "fiaapps = " "%LOGONSERVER%\FIAApps" ; FIAApps source directory (share on authenticating server)
?"- 47-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "tempfile = " $tempdir+"\UsrLogon.tmp"
?"- 48-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; Define Profile Folder Paths
?"- 49-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "appdata_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Application Data"
?"- 50-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "appsrv_folder = " "$AppData_Folder\ICAClient"
?"- 51-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "appsrv_src = " "D:\Software\Client"
?"- 52-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "cache_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Temporary Internet Files"
?"- 53-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "cookies_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Cookies"
?"- 54-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "desktop_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Desktop"
?"- 55-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "favorites_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Favorites"
?"- 56-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "fonts_folder = " "%SystemRoot%\Fonts"
?"- 57-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "history_folder = " "$CachedProfile\History"
?"- 58-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "nethood_folder = " "$CachedProfile\NetHood"
?"- 59-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "personal_folder = " "H:\"
?"- 60-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "printhood_folder = " "$CachedProfile\PrintHood"
?"- 61-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "programs_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs"
?"- 62-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "recent_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Recent"
?"- 63-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "sendto_folder = " "$CachedProfile\SendTo"
?"- 64-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "startmenu_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Start Menu"
?"- 65-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "startup_folder = " "$CachedProfile\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
?"- 66-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "templates_folder = " "$HomeDir"+"Winword\Template"
?"- 67-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; EXIT ; for our test
?"- 68-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 69-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? :fixshellfolderpaths
?"- 70-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;*******************
?"- 71-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 72-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? IF "$Verbose" = "Yes"
?"- 73-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "Fix shell folder paths" ; <-----
?"- 74-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ENDIF
?"- 75-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 76-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; Update Shell Folder path registry values
?"- 77-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $folders_key = "$ShellFolders_Key"
?"- 78-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $value_type = "REG_SZ"
?"- 79-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "folders_key (shell folder) "+$folders_key
?"- 80-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? GOSUB writeshellfolderpaths
?"- 81-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 82-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; Update User Shell Folder path registry values
?"- 83-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $folders_key = "$UserShellFolders_Key"
?"- 84-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? $value_type = "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
?"- 85-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ? "folders_key (user shell folder) "+$folders_key
?"- 86-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? GOSUB writeshellfolderpaths
?"- 87-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? RETURN ; <-----
?"- 88-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 89-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? :writeshellfolderpaths
?"- 90-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;*********************
?"- 91-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 92-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; Overwrite Shell Folder Path Registry Values
?"- 93-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;
?"- 94-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "AppData", "$AppData_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 95-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Cache", "$Cache_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 96-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Cookies", "$Cookies_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 97-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Desktop", "$Desktop_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 98-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Favorites", "$Favorites_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 99-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Fonts", "$Fonts_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 100-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "History", "$History_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 101-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "NetHood", "$NetHood_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 102-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Personal", "$Personal_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 103-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "PrintHood", "$PrintHood_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 104-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Programs", "$Programs_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 105-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Recent", "$Recent_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 106-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "SendTo", "$SendTo_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 107-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Start Menu", "$StartMenu_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 108-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Startup", "$Startup_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 109-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? WriteValue("$Folders_Key", "Templates", "$Templates_Folder", "$Value_Type")
?"- 110-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;$ret = "$R1$R2$R3$R4$R5$R6$R7$R8$R9$R10$R11$R12$R13$R14$R15$R16"
?"- 111-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;IF $ret <> "0000000000000000"
?"- 112-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; ?
?"- 113-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; ? "Error updating $Folders_Key, return code: $Ret" ; <-----
?"- 114-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; ?
?"- 115-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; ? "The regsitry security permissions within your user profile may be incorrect."
?"- 116-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ; ? "Please report this problem to a system administrator."
?"- 117-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? ;ENDIF
?"- 118-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"? RETURN
?"- 119-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"?

?"------- end-"+@time+"-"+$_debug_name+"- @error @serror"
? "-"
? "-"+LCASE(@day)+" "+@date+" "+@time+"- kixtart "+@kix+"/4.00e script ending"
IF (Val(substr(@kix,1,1)) >= 4)
IF (len(@scriptname) <> 0)
" ("+LCASE(@scriptname)+")"
? "-"
IF RedirectOutput("CON")
? "Informative KIX "+@kix+":"+" debug info see "+CHR(34)+$_debug_file+CHR(34)
IF (Val(substr(@kix,1,1)) >= 4)
IF (len(@scriptname) <> 0)
" ("+LCASE(@scriptname)+")"
IF RedirectOutput($_debug_file)
; mon 29-sep-2003 01:24:19 (kix 4.20 vs 4.00e)
;Informative KIXSTRIP: no errors found (input=140 output=119 skip=21).
;Summary KIXSTRIP: block structures
; - do:until [0:0]
; - for|each:in|to:step|next [0|0:0|0:0|0]
; - function:endfunction [0:0]
; - if:else:endif [1:0:1]
; - select:case:endselect [0:0:0]
; - while:loop [0:0]
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 1 block_structure found.
;Informative KIXSTRIP: no UDF's found.
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 2 labels found.
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 1 EXIT
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 2 GOSUB
;Informative KIXSTRIP: 2 RETURN

The output of this version can be something like
-monday 2003/09/29 01:24:33- kixtart 4.21/4.00e script starting (zx33)
-curdir: c:\my documents
-scriptdir: c:\my documents
-startdir: c:\windows
-userid: administrator/administrator
-user priv: guest
-version: inwin=2/dos=4.90/productsuite=0/producttype=Windows Me/csd=
-debug file: c:\temp\kixdebug.txt
-debug name: 20030929_012433.630_2095
----- start-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 1-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 2-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 3-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 4-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 5-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 6-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 7-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 8-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 9-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 10-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 11-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 12-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 13-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 14-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 15-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 16-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 17-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 18-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 19-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 20-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 21-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 22-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 23-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 24-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 25-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 26-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 27-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 28-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 29-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 30-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 31-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 32-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 33-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 34-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 35-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 36-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 37-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 38-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 39-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

cachedprofile = MCA
- 40-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

homedir =
- 41-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

logfile = logon.log
- 42-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

tempdir = E:\Temp\ADMINISTRATOR
- 43-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

shellfolders_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
- 44-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

usershellfolders_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
- 45-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

userapprun_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- 46-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

fiaapps = \FIAApps
- 47-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

tempfile = E:\Temp\ADMINISTRATOR\UsrLogon.tmp
- 48-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 49-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

appdata_folder = MCA\Application Data
- 50-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

appsrv_folder = MCA\Application Data\ICAClient
- 51-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

appsrv_src = D:\Software\Client
- 52-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

cache_folder = MCA\Temporary Internet Files
- 53-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

cookies_folder = MCA\Cookies
- 54-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

desktop_folder = MCA\Desktop
- 55-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

favorites_folder = MCA\Favorites
- 56-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

fonts_folder = \Fonts
- 57-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

history_folder = MCA\History
- 58-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

nethood_folder = MCA\NetHood
- 59-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

personal_folder = H:\
- 60-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

printhood_folder = MCA\PrintHood
- 61-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

programs_folder = MCA\Start Menu\Programs
- 62-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

recent_folder = MCA\Recent
- 63-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

sendto_folder = MCA\SendTo
- 64-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

startmenu_folder = MCA\Start Menu
- 65-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

startup_folder = MCA\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- 66-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

templates_folder = Winword\Template
- 67-01:24:33-20030929_012433.630_2095 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

Please run second script and return the output of file %tmp%\kixdebug.txt to the board.

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-06 02:09 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Sorry, it took so long to respond to this, I had just about given up but decided to look one more to time to see is anyone had new ideas. Hope this helps.

The following is the results of the %TMP%\kixdebug.txt file.

-monday 2003/10/06 07:02:26- kixtart 4.02/4.00e script starting
-curdir: c:\wtsrv\system32
-userid: operez/operez
-user priv: admin
-version: inwin=1/dos=4.0/productsuite=16/producttype=Windows NT Server/csd=Service Pack 6
-debug file: E:\Temp\operez\kixdebug.txt
-debug name: 20031006_070226.281_956
----- start-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 1-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 2-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 3-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 4-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 5-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 6-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 7-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 8-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 9-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 10-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 11-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 12-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 13-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 14-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 15-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 16-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 17-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 18-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 19-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 20-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 21-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 22-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 23-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 24-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 25-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 26-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 27-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 28-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 29-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 30-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 31-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 32-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 33-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 34-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 35-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 36-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 37-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 38-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 39-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

cachedprofile = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez
- 40-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

homedir = S:\
- 41-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

logfile = S:\logon.log
- 42-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

tempdir = E:\Temp\operez
- 43-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

shellfolders_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
- 44-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

usershellfolders_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
- 45-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

userapprun_key = HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- 46-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

fiaapps = \\NT-PDC\FIAApps
- 47-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

tempfile = E:\Temp\operez\UsrLogon.tmp
- 48-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 49-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

appdata_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Application Data
- 50-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

appsrv_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Application Data\ICAClient
- 51-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

appsrv_src = D:\Software\Client
- 52-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

cache_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Temporary Internet Files
- 53-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

cookies_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Cookies
- 54-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

desktop_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Desktop
- 55-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

favorites_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Favorites
- 56-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

fonts_folder = C:\WTSRV\Fonts
- 57-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

history_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\History
- 58-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

nethood_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\NetHood
- 59-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

personal_folder = H:\
- 60-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

printhood_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\PrintHood
- 61-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

programs_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs
- 62-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

recent_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Recent
- 63-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

sendto_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\SendTo
- 64-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

startmenu_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu
- 65-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

startup_folder = C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- 66-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

templates_folder = S:\Winword\Template
- 67-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 68-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 69-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 70-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 71-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 72-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 75-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 76-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 77-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 78-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 79-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

folders_key (shell folder) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
- 80-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 90-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 91-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 92-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 93-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 94-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 95-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 96-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 97-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 98-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 99-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 100-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 101-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 102-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 103-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 104-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 105-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 106-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 107-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 108-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 109-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 110-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 111-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 112-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 113-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 114-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 115-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 116-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 117-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 118-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 81-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 82-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 83-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 84-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 85-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

folders_key (user shell folder) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
- 86-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 90-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 91-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 92-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 93-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 94-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 95-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 96-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 97-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 98-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 99-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 100-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 101-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 102-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 103-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 104-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 105-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 106-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 107-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 108-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 109-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.
- 110-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 111-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 112-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 113-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 114-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 115-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 116-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 117-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 118-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

- 87-07:02:26-20031006_070226.281_956 - 0 The operation completed successfully.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-06 05:49 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


No problem at all. More important is, that some feedback has been read.
This evening we will analyse the results a little bit more in detail. First
impression is that there aren't problems with the registry modifications.

Some additional questions:
- with which rights you are running this script?
- where is the COPY part of your script, so we can see something is going wrong with
that part?


(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-06 06:23 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

It doesn’t seem to matter whether I logon with a regular user ID or my Admin ID (my Admin ID has both Local Admin and Domain Admin rights), the results are the same.

; Copy Common apps to desktop and start menu
if "$Verbose" = "Yes"
? "Add common applications" + $NL
; Add common program shportcuts to user's desktop
shell 'cmd /c xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Desktop_Folder" /F'
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Common folder and add common program shortcuts
shell 'cmd /c xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder" /F'
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Accessories folder and add accessory program shortcuts
shell 'cmd /c xcopy "$FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder\Accessories" /F'
; Copy common startup programs to user's startup folder
shell 'cmd /c xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\Startup" "$Programs_Folder\Startup" /F'

(KiX Master)
2003-10-06 07:15 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Are you using RunLoginScriptsync=1 as your updates might not succeed because your profile is loaded after the copy commands are finished. See the FAQ Forum on 'events during startup' and 'keep login script visible'.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-06 09:01 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


We have change your code a little bit. Put run it and return the
output file %tmp%\kixdebug1.txt to the board.
We replace cmd with %comspec% which can solve your problem. cmd.com and command.com doesn't have same syntax for
the internal commands.
One of those problems can be the usage of log-filenames instead of 8.3-filenames.

IF RedirectOutput("%tmp%\kixdebug1.txt")
; Copy Common apps to desktop and start menu
if "$Verbose" = "Yes"
? "Add common applications"
; Add common program shortcuts to user's desktop
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Desktop_Folder" /F'
? "cmd (desktop_folder) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Common folder and add common program shortcuts
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder" /F'
? "cmd (program_folder) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Accessories folder and add accessory program shortcuts
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder\Accessories" /F'
? "cmd (accessories) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
; Copy common startup programs to user's startup folder
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\Startup" "$Programs_Folder\Startup" /F'
? "cmd (startup) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
IF RedirectOutput("")

As alternative you can use following code. We are using intern kixtart
command COPY instead of external program XCOPY.
Please run it also and return the output %tmp%\kixdebug2.txt also to
the board.
IF RedirectOutput("%tmp%\kixdebug2.txt")
; Copy Common apps to desktop and start menu
if "$Verbose" = "Yes"
? "Add common applications"
; Add common program shortcuts to user's desktop
? '=> COPY "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Desktop_Folder" /H'
COPY "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Desktop_Folder" /H
? "===> status: @error (@serror)"
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Common folder and add common program shortcuts
? '=> COPY "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder" /H'
COPY "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder" /H
? "===> status: @error (@serror)"
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Accessories folder and add accessory program shortcuts
? '=> COPY "$FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder\Accessories" /H'
COPY "$FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder\Accessories" /H
? "===> status: @error (@serror)"
; Copy common startup programs to user's startup folder
? '=> COPY "$FIAApps\Common\Startup" "$Programs_Folder\Startup" /H'
COPY "$FIAApps\Common\Startup" "$Programs_Folder\Startup" /H
? "===> status: @error (@serror)"
IF RedirectOutput("")

The RunLoginScriptsync=1 isn't important with your problem.
The only difference between this setting is:

you must wait before all logonscripts have been finished, or you will
see dynamically that your shortcuts are changing.

Another question: when you have run your script do you find those shortcuts somewheree
on your system? possible that the copy operation works, but the result isn't
what you are expecting.

btw: +$nl isn't necessary.

[ 06. October 2003, 21:04: Message edited by: MCA ]

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-07 12:13 AM
Re: Icons don't get copied

I've been watching this thread and have no experience setting up user environments with Citrix clients, but maybe since the script properly copies the icons when run from a command prompt after login and doesn't copy the icons run as the login script run at login, the icon copying process should be made into its own script and called from the main login script in such a way that it breaks out of the initial login environment and might inherit the environment established in the context of the user outside of and after login:

(Don't laugh, I've seen worse looking things actually work.)

run '%COMSPEC% /c start {pathtokixexe}\kix32.exe {pathtokixscript}\copyicon.kix'

This would be placed near if not actually at the end point of the current Kix login script which is itself called from the *.cmd. If the above doesn't work, I'd give a shot with an additional %comspec% /c added after the start command. Analogous gyrations have proven to accomplish tricks with the environment on Win9x clients.

Hope the problem gets solved.


(KiX Master)
2003-10-07 03:30 AM
Re: Icons don't get copied

However, I'd still look into the login processing order. It is well possible that the profile get's loaded after the icons are copied, and thus overwrite it. That is why I recommended to use RunLoginScriptSync which will load the profile first, then process the login script. See also W2k/XP - Keep the Window visible on login? and Sequence of events during logon in the FAQ Forum!

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-07 03:44 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

At logon the kixdebug1.txt file does not get created and neither do the icons get copied, but at a command prompt the icons get copied and the following is the output from the kixdebug1.txt file:

cmd (desktop_folder) xcopy "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Desktop" /F
cmd (program_folder) xcopy "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs" /F
cmd (accessories) xcopy "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories" /F
cmd (startup) xcopy "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\Startup" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" /F

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 03:59 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


Did you run also the second script?
Did you find back anywhere those icons copied?
When you are running above XCOPY commands from a DOS, what do you see?

We have modify the first script. First it will open a DOS box so you can read possible
messages during the copy operation. Secondly it will wait for your key-press before
continuing, so you have enough time to read it.
See you know some error/warning messages?
; Copy Common apps to desktop and start menu
if "$Verbose" = "Yes"
? "Add common applications"
; Add common program shortcuts to user's desktop
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Desktop_Folder" /F'
? "cmd (desktop_folder) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
sleep 5
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Common folder and add common program shortcuts
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder" /F'
? "cmd (program_folder) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
sleep 5
; Add Start Menu\Programs\Accessories folder and add accessory program shortcuts
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "$Programs_Folder\Accessories" /F'
? "cmd (accessories) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
sleep 5
; Copy common startup programs to user's startup folder
$cmd='xcopy "$FIAApps\Common\Startup" "$Programs_Folder\Startup" /F'
? "cmd (startup) "+$cmd
shell '%comspec% /c '+$cmd
sleep 5
? "Press any key to continue


(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 04:00 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Silly question.. Wouldn't you be better served with under a GPO?


(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-07 04:01 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

My bad, I had added a output redirect at the beginning of the script trying to debug the script and the script was writing to that file. Here are the results of the second script the output to kixdebug2.txt:

=>   COPY "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Desktop" /H
===> status: 0 (The operation completed successfully.)
=> COPY "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs" /H
===> status: 0 (The operation completed successfully.)
=> COPY "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Accessories\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories" /H
===> status: 0 (The operation completed successfully.)
=> COPY "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\Startup" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" /H
===> status: 0 (The operation completed successfully.)

Again, no files are copied at logon, but from a command prompt the icons are copied.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 04:04 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Can you do this by hand? Maybe add a Sleep statement to wait until the LNK files are copied to the desktop?

Run this from a command prompt -
COPY "\\NT-PDC\FIAApps\Common\*.lnk" "C:\WTSRV\Profiles\operez\Desktop"



(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 04:58 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Does anything from this discussion twig any thoughts ...



(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-07 06:20 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Maybe this is one of those mysteries that can’t and shouldn’t be explained.

The fist statement showed 12 files copied to the Desktop.
The second showed 12 files copied to the Programs folder.
The third showed 5 filed copied to the Accessories folder.
And the fourth showed 0 files copied to the Startup folder.

Well, I think I’ve wasted enough of everybody time. Although, it might be a timing issue as someone suggested. I added a SLEEP 500, mapped a drive to the server running the script and looked at the Programs folder for the user I logged in as. I saw that the icons did get copied and they were showing up in the Programs folder and then they disappeared. The script was still in SLEEP, so I know that I am not deleting them somewhere farther down the script, so it must be the system logon process. Although, what kills me is that this same script works on another set of Citrix servers. Both are NT 4.0 SP6 Terminal Server with Citrix MetaFrame SP3.

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 07:05 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


Although, what kills me is that this same script works on another set of Citrix servers. Both are NT 4.0 SP6 Terminal Server with Citrix MetaFrame SP3.

How many boxes are on your new Citrix Farm?

From what we have talked about, you indicate that this works fine on another Farm.

Let's take for example, it does not work for you on this new farm. It does work on the "old" farm. OK.. So, login to the console and verify the perms using XCACLS from -

M:\WTSRV\PROFILES under NT 4/MetaFrame 1.8

Once you run this, you can compare the two and remedy any discrepencies.

If memory serves, you users need rights at the "parent" to the profile directory.



[ 07. October 2003, 19:08: Message edited by: kdyer ]

(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-07 07:28 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

We only have one farm with 80 Citrix servers, but different pools. 70 servers are from the same image and 10 are from another image. The 10 that are from a different image are the ones experiencing this problem. As I explained earlier in this thread, the first 70 servers were upgraded to NT 4.0 SP6 MetaFrame 1.8 SP3 from NT 3.51 WinFrame 1.8 SP2. The 10 servers from with the different image were setup from scratch as NT 4.0 SP6 MetaFrame 1.8 SP3 servers. My first thoughts were that the permissions to files or folders were different, so I matched every file and folder on the first set of servers to match the second set. I even though that permissions to the registry might be the problem so I have matched up the permissions in the registry.

Don’t know what else to check. Should we just give this one up?

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 07:39 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


Registry Perms maybe part of the issue..

I would check parent to %USERPROFILE% directory perms.


(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-07 09:48 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Permissions to the Profile folder on both images are:

Domain Admin Full
Everyone Read
Local\Administrator Full

Permissions to my Profile folder on both servers are:

My Logon ID Full
Local\Administrator Full

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 10:13 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


Think this is the strangest oddball problem I have ever seen, btw where abouts are you (generally) North America ? Europe ? ...

Are you struggling with this problem alone, has anybody there (at your work) given an opinion or at least offered to be a second pair eyes ? Have you engaged any of the vendors ? How about other specialty sites ?


(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 10:15 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

We have the Profiles Folder (Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 - NT4) to Everyone "full". We have cleanup routine to remove @USERID, @USERID.000, @USERID.001, and @USERID.nnn and the client can re-create their profile on the fly.


(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-07 11:05 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied


We agree with Shawn that it is one of those strange problem.
All many years we are copying/deleting/replacing icons on the clients without the
need that users should wait before all scripts has been finished. This happens in
our situation without any problem, because during the first initial phase all kind
of unwanted shortcuts were removed and now the shortcuts list contains only the
acceptable shortcuts in our environment.
Shanw's link confirm above experience.

The Citrix part isn't an element in our environment and we were missing the Citrix note.
So, we handle your problem as a more common problem. Citrix environments require some
special action.
When a scripts works correctly it is mostly something with authorizations and

[ 07. October 2003, 23:05: Message edited by: MCA ]

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-08 02:24 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

As you may have noticed, we have tried to stick with you on resolution for this. The main reason being, is that this may come up again and the resolution may prove helpful for that person.


(Getting the hang of it)
2003-10-08 02:59 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

Shawn, I’m from here in the good ol’ USA, Texas that is. San Antonio, to be exact. Hometown of the San Antonio Spurs, 2003 NBA Champions.

And I did consult with the original creator of our logon script and we went round and round for about three days before I decided to post to this web site. And, prior to talking to him I had already tried several things, so when he would ask “Have you tried this”, I would answer “Yes” and when he would ask “Have you checked that”, I would answer “Yes”. We checked permissions on files, folders and registry and couldn’t come up with anything.

I then decided to post to this web site, in the hopes that I could incorporate the knowledge and experience from several other people. I did not consult Citrix, since support was costing us $60K a year and we only called them 4-5 times a year and we received better responses to questions from Thin Planet and the like. Since this seemed to be a Kixtart issue I only posted to this web site, maybe I should post to Thin Planet. Are there other Kixtart BBSs?

Kent, thanks for sticking with this issue.

(KiX Master)
2003-10-08 05:47 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

To be honest, I don't think it's actually a KiXtart issue. As in: KiXtart or the script is not to blame for the icons not getting copied.

And this is the premier KiXtart BBS, a.k.a The Mothership. [Big Grin]

(KiX Supporter)
2003-10-08 07:01 PM
Re: Icons don't get copied

I am in agreement with Jens on this one.

Maybe go back and look at the following:

"Back to basics"
(1) Does this work under your login (assuming you are a Domain Admin)? Anybody working?
(2) Rights - Does the parent folder need to be granted rights for the new users logging in?
(3) Rights - Do the rights pick up from the "parent" or have they been disconnected?
(4) KiXtart - If this works on another Citrix Server/Farm, this point of the topic is moot.

Anything else? Maybe an IP/subnet/DNS/etc. issue?

Hope I am not beating too much of a dead horse here. [Wink]
