2002-08-15 06:43 PM
Messagebox function

This is a sample of some message box code, I want to put "the time is currently..." on the next line. Does anyone know how to begin a new line in a message box.

MESSAGEBOX("Good Evening @USERID , the time is curently @TIME am","Welcome Message",0,8)

PS if someone could also tell me how display your own custom icon that would be cool too.

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-08-15 06:46 PM
Re: Messagebox function

try with:
MESSAGEBOX("Good Evening @USERID ,@crlf the time is curently @TIME am","Welcome Message",0,8)

(KiX Master)
2002-08-15 06:47 PM
Re: Messagebox function

You could use the @CRLF macro to insert a 'new line' or use the CHR(13)+CHR(10) combination which would create the same effect.
$rc=MESSAGEBOX('Good Evening @USERID,'+@CRLF+'the time is curently '+@TIME,'Welcome Message',0,8)

And no, you cannot use custom icons unless you start hacking the appropriate resource files for the message box.

2002-08-15 06:52 PM
Re: Messagebox function

Thanx a bunch you all were a great help.

PS how would I hack an icon file where are they kept.

2002-08-15 06:54 PM
Re: Messagebox function

What about a center justification in the message box any macro's or do I just have to press the space bar a bunch of times

(KiX Master)
2002-08-15 06:58 PM
Re: Messagebox function

That's also something you'll ahve to do manually. Though, you could write a custom UDF for this that centers a string.