(Getting the hang of it)
2002-06-18 10:49 PM
Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

I have never been good with arrays, not even way back in BASIC on a trs-80 [Cool]
anyway, can someone give me a brief rundown on how to get this to work? here is the setup-

i wanted to create an array with three items that will be used at the same time, and have multiple groups of these three. For example=

now, how would I go about USING these (or is there a better way to set this up)? there are 24 of these. I am using
Case $comparison = "$a1" $misc1="a2" $misc2="a3"

but as I said, there are 24 lines, potentially more in the future, and I would like to keep my script as un-bloated as possible.
I have RTFM, but my mind just isnt getting around it; as I said, I have never been good with arrays, but now I definitely want to address this shortcoming.

[ 19 June 2002, 05:25: Message edited by: Howard Bullock ]

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-06-18 11:14 PM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

well, firstly, if you have of everyone 3 items, easiest is to create 3 arrays.
so you would have:

to access arrays one can use many ways, but easiest is to use the array index.
in this case:
$a[0] means 1 entry which is 1
and the other arrays have the same.
to get all the elements of the array one could do:
$a[0] $a[1] $a[2] and so on...
but if you know how many elements array contains, in this case 8 we can make a loop of it:
for $counter=0 to 7 ; arrays start indexing from 0 not 1.
? "$counter has " $a[$counter] " in it"
this loop gets every element of the array and outputs it to new line with same fancy bancy...

so, if they are all three alike you can query them together:
for $counter=0 to 7
? "array a $counter has " $a[$counter] " in it"
? "array b $counter has " $b[$counter] " in it"
? "array c $counter has " $c[$counter] " in it"

which outputs all arrays to separate lines.

and if something has left open, just don't hesitate to ask.


(KiX Master Guru)
2002-06-18 11:19 PM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

just to clarify.
in this your case lines would be something like I showed but adding the placing to variable misc.


for $counter=0 to 7
if $compare = $a[$counter]
$misc1 = $b[$counter]
$misc2 = $c[$counter]

(Korg Regular)
2002-06-18 11:44 PM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

I wonder if in this case you would be better off using the UDF Marray() from the UDF forum. It creates multidimensional arrays. (although I admit if you're just starting out with arrays, it might be a little hard to grasp.)


[ 18 June 2002, 23:52: Message edited by: BrianTX ]

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-06-18 11:59 PM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

even two dimensional array takes a little time to put together...
and it's no suprise cause it allreday has thougth in the head as arrays of arrays.

btw, if it's only three or some arrays he needs it does not make the script too large but actually is shorter in the way he showed as when using the multiarray!

[ 19 June 2002, 00:13: Message edited by: Lonkero ]

(Getting the hang of it)
2002-06-19 12:18 AM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

actually, what i need is a 3x24 array. I looked at MArray, and was... ehem... confused. Im sure in a few years I'll wonder how I didnt get it, but for now...
Anyway, thanks for the array explaination. I was actaully wondering if I would be better off having three arrays, like the example, or if I could just use one large list like my example, and have it look for

if $variable = "$item1" $blah="$item2" $yech="item3"

also, how does the script know when the end of the array is reached?
Also, how does it know that once a match is made it doesnt have to execute thru the rest of the array?

[ 19 June 2002, 00:22: Message edited by: Tony72 ]

(KiX Master Guru)
2002-06-19 12:26 AM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

for sure I don't advice you to use just one.
you array code you posted would return 3 same values. $x+1 is $x+1 even if you do it million times...
the end of array can be checked with the return value or by array assingment.
ubound() gives the last element of array which somewhat means the amount of elements.
but if you have array of 24 and you know it's 24 it's lot easier to read only those 24 (like the script before with 8)


Howard Bullock
(KiX Supporter)
2002-06-19 12:45 AM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

If you just need a 3x24 array you can use something like this. I find this rather easy to comprehend.
Dim $A[24], $B[24], $C[24], $D[3]

For $i=0 to 23
$A[$i] = chr($i+65) + 1
$B[$i] = chr($i+65) + 2
$C[$i] = chr($i+65) + 3

$D[0] = $A
$D[1] = $B
$D[2] = $C

for $h=0 to 23
for $i=0 to 2
? $D[$i][$h]

;Building a three dimensional array (2,3,24)
;Define data buckets arrays (2*3)=6 arrays of 24 elements each
Dim $A[24], $B[24], $C[24], $E[24], $F[24], $G[24]

; Define the middle tier arrays (2 arrays of 3 elements each)
Dim $D[3]
$D[0] = $A
$D[1] = $B
$D[2] = $C

Dim $J[3]
$J[0] = $E
$J[1] = $F
$J[2] = $G

; Define the top level array
Dim $K[2]
$K[0] = $D
$K[1] = $J

for $m=0 to 1
for $i=0 to 2
for $h=0 to 23
$K[$m][$i][$h] = "$m,$i,$h"
? $K[$m][$i][$h]

? "Element $K[1][2][20] equals: " + $K[1][2][20]
;Assign a new value to the element $K[1][2][20]
$K[1][2][20] = "Hi There"
? "Element $K[1][2][20] now equals: " + $K[1][2][20]

[ 19 June 2002, 04:52: Message edited by: Howard Bullock ]

(MM club member)
2002-06-19 10:15 AM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

I couldn't pass a thread on arrays without sticking in my 2c [Big Grin]

My favourite way to use 2D (and higher) arrays is to make them "CSV's":

Pick a delimiter for each dimension, I often use CHR(255), CHR(254) and down and don't normally use more than three dimensions. Let's use comma (,) and semi colon ( [Wink]

Now make one long string var with these delimiters:

So, a 3x24 array containing this info:

Member	Posts	Rank
LLigetfa 2076 3
MCA 2698 2
HowardBullock 618 12
Shawn 2803 1
sealeopard 848 11
kdyer 1083 7
BrianTX 354 18
NTDOC 1205 6
Radimus 948 9
jpols 1512 5
Lonkero 957 8
Bryce 1808 4
RichardHowarth 425 15
DrillSergeant 588 13
AlexH 385 16
bleonard 527 14
cj 923 10
awinkel 270 21
WillHetrick 211 25
JackLothian 338 19
kholm 306 20
masken 216 23
DDavidson 378 17

would look like this:

Member,Posts,Rank;LLigetfa,2076,3;MCA,2698,2;HowardBullock,618,12;Shawn,2803,1;sealeopard,848,11;kdyer,1083,7;BrianTX,354,18;NTDOC,1205,6;Radimus,948,9;jpols,1512,5;Lonkero,957,8;B ryce,1808,4;RichardHowarth,425,15;DrillSergeant,588,13;AlexH,385,16;bleonard,527,14;cj,923,10;awinkel,270,21;WillHetrick,211,25;JackLothian,338,19;kholm,306,20;masken,216,23;DDavid son,378,17

To extract info from this mess, we use the SPLIT() function:

$record=SPLIT(mess, ";")[0] returns the first RECORD which is Member,Posts,Rank

SPLIT($record, ",")[0] returns the first FIELD of the specified record, which is Member

We can combine these two functions like this:

$result=SPLIT(SPLIT(string, ";")[record number], ",")[field number]

You can wrap that in a UDF if you want to. I normally only use this method for READ ONLY arrays, like lookup tables etc. To write a change to the array is a little more complex:

To change cj's "rank" to 1 ( [Big Grin] ) you want to change field 2 in record 19 (both are zero based) you just SPLIT the string into an array, change the particular element and re-join the array. This is easier in VBS with it's JOIN function, but can be done in KiX very easily. I have a UDF in my scripting page called vbJOIN.UDF that does this [Smile]

$aRecords=SPLIT($sString, ";")  ; split the string into records
$aFields=SPLIT($aRecords[19], ",") ; split required record(s) into fields
$aFields[2]=1 ; make change(s)
$sString="" ; clear string
for each $zField in $aRecords
$sString=$sString+$zField+";" ; join
$sString=substr($sString, 1, len($sString)-1) ; string that last record marker

again, you can put all that in a UDF.

This is not the best, fastest or cheapest way to work with arrays, but it will help you get a better understanding of them [Smile]

It is also handy for passing info between places that does not support arrays, like the window.showModalDialog method in DHTML etc...


(Getting the hang of it)
2002-06-19 10:37 PM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

thanks, I think I have a handle on the arrays now. Lots of good info; tomorrow I will have time to work on my script and test it out (spent all day working on a terminal server problem. I hate legacy applications!)

If NWN came in at CompUSA, today will be a perfect day.

(MM club member)
2002-06-20 02:31 AM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

NeverWinter Nights?


(Getting the hang of it)
2002-06-24 09:03 PM
Re: Arrays 101 (Multi-Dimensional Arrays)

ya, Neverwinter Nights. I ended up getting it last Friday during my lunch break. That was much better than actually getting food (ya right).

Right now I am modifying my logon script to use the array values. I am actually using it to find out the site location: where I work supports a lot of different sites via WAN links, and one thing it needs to do is figure out which one the user is at (which it does by looking at the subnet that user is on).

The array, then, holds the subnet list, the site name, and what type of site it is (there are 5 or 6 types).

Need to test out the different kinds of working with the array; I want to go with the fastest method, since this is a logon script.

One question, tho- would it be faster to have this routine in the logon script, or call another script that does the detection and names the location?