(Getting the hang of it)
2019-07-13 07:46 AM
Play with object

Bem gente não esperem um código organizado aqui, mas tive essa ideia e corri para vir trazer pra vocês darem uma olhada.
Ainda está aprender a engatinhar, mas com um pouco mais de tempo ficaria legal!!
A ideia aqui é uma forma de criar uma classe em kixtart usando VBscript.
Como disse a ideia está aprendendo a andar, mas se eu tivesse tempo para traduzir um código kixtart para um equivalente em vbs ficaria simplesmente "perfeito". Bem vejam o código e testem.

[eng(google translator)]
Well people do not expect an organized code here, but I had this idea and I ran to come and bring you guys a look.
Still learning to crawl, but with a little more time it would be cool !!
The idea here is a way to create a class in kixtart using VBscript.
As I said the idea is learning to walk, but if I had time to translate a kixtart code to an equivalent in vbs would just be "perfect". Well, look at the code and test it.

Break on $pen = NewClass('pen', Myclass_pen('prop'), ;;INCLUDE PROPERTYS Myclass_pen('methods') ;;INCLUDE METHODS ) $pen.color = "red" $pen.point = 1.5 $pen.Setcap(0) "$$pen.cap (private):" $pen.Getcap()? "Type : " VarTypeName($pen.Getcap())? "-----------"? "$$pen.color : "$pen.color? "Type : " VarTypeName($pen.color)? "$$pen.point : "$pen.point? "Type : " VarTypeName($pen.point)? get$ function Myclass_pen($request) if ($request = "prop") $Myclass_pen = "private", "cap", "public", "point", "public", "color" else if ($request = "methods") $Myclass_pen = ' sub Setcap(value) cap = Cbool(value) end sub function Getcap() Getcap = Cbool(cap) end function ' endif endif endfunction function NewClass($name, $prop, $methods) $script = "class " + $name + @crlf + @crlf for $i=0 to ubound($prop) step 2 $script = $script + $prop[$i]+" "+$prop[$i+1]+@crlf next if (ubound($methods) = -1) $script = $script + $methods + @crlf + @crlf else for $i=0 to ubound($methods) $script = $script + $methods[$i] + @crlf + @crlf next endif $script = @crlf+$script + "end class" $sc = CreateObject("ScriptControl") $sc.Language = "VBScript" $sc.addcode($script) $NewClass = $sc.Eval("new "+$name) endfunction

Bem já estou criando um RegEx para fazer a tradução do código KiXtart para um equivalente Vbs.

[eng(google translator)]
Well I'm already creating a RegEx to do the translation of the KiXtart code to a Vbs equivalent.

(KiX Supporter)
2019-07-14 06:51 PM
Re: Play with object

I used something similar a few years ago. There is a limit to the amount of classes you can add. If I remember correctly, the limit was 225. For most things this works fine, but for what I was working on it would not have helped.

Cool to see someone else trying to use it.

(Getting the hang of it)
2019-07-14 08:14 PM
Re: Play with object

É bem, mas para algo pequeno seria legal ter um poo em KiXtart, e é melhor 225 classes do que 0 classes.
Mas muito obrigado por dado uma olhada no meu post.
Ah, você conhece algum forma de usar regex em KiXtart?

That's fine, but for something small it would be nice to have a poo in KiXtart, and 225 classes are better than 0 classes.
But thank you very much for taking a look at my post.
Oh, do you know any way to use regex in KiXtart?

(KiX Supporter)
2019-07-15 04:56 AM
Re: Play with object

I did a quick search and the first link I clicked on was ME, asking the same question. LOL. I had completely forgotten that. \:\)

The links in my question point to a few UDFs that might be useful.