(Just in Town)
2017-04-08 03:13 AM
Count folders and read a file...

Hi All

this is my first post for help...

Here is the situation.
I have mutliple folders... from 000000 and counting up in increments of 1 (000001,000002 etc)

In each folder i have a text file that is the same name and format and I need to read line 10 from each folder and put all the results into a single output file

I have a folder called D:\OUTPUTS
In that I have all these counting up folders (000000,000001 etc)
Find entry in line 10 in file info.txt in each folder. (but trim the first 3 chars off the file
and output those all to a single txt/csv in the root of d:\outputsinfo.txt

Can anyone please help to assist in the counting...

I have this so far...

works for one file... nothing to count each folder up

Break On
$folder = "000000"
$ffh = FreeFileHandle()
If Open($ffh, "d:\Outputs\" + $folder + "\info.txt") = 0
	$line = ReadLine($ffh)
	While @ERROR = 0
		$count = $count + 1
		If $count = 11
			$trimmed = Right($line, Len($line) - 3)
			? $trimmed
		$line = ReadLine($ffh)
	$RC = Close($ffh)

(KiX Supporter)
2017-04-08 06:32 AM
Re: Count folders and read a file...

Here is something you can work on. *Untested*, and I might have done it a different way if I had more details.

Break On

$ffh = FreeFileHandle()
if open($FFH,"D:\outputsinfo.txt",5)=0
  for $i=0 to 1000
    $folder = right("000000" + $i,6)
    $ffh2 = FreeFileHandle()
    If Open($ffh2, "d:\Outputs\" + $folder + "\info.txt") = 0
      $line = ReadLine($ffh2)
      While @ERROR = 0
	$count = $count + 1
	If $count = 11
          $trimmed = Right($line,-3)
          ? $trimmed
        $line = ReadLine($ffh2)
      $RC = Close($ffh2)