(Fresh Scripter)
2015-05-28 01:49 PM
Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

I have VBA/VBS scripts that are deliberately obfuscated by the use of character concantenation.

$a='StrReverse(Chr(84) & Chr(69)& Chr(71)), StrReverse(Chr(103) & Chr(110)& Chr(112)& Chr(46)& Chr(54)& Chr(53)& Chr(56)& Chr(49)& Chr(53)& Chr(48)& Chr(55)& Chr(47)& Chr(117)& Chr(114)& Chr(46)& Chr(99)& Chr(105)& Chr(112)& Chr(101)& Chr(118)& Chr(97)& Chr(115)& Chr(47)& Chr(47)& Chr(58)& Chr(112)& Chr(116)& Chr(116)& Chr(104))'

I then need to convert the VBA/VBS Expression to a KiXtart Expression.

StrReverse(Chr(84)+Chr(69)+Chr(71))+" "+StrReverse(Chr(103)+Chr(110)+Chr(112)+Chr(46)+Chr(54)+Chr(53)+Chr(56)+Chr(49)+Chr(53)+Chr(48)+Chr(55)+Chr(47)+Chr(117)+Chr(114)+Chr(46)+Chr(99)+Chr(105)+Chr(112)+Chr(101)+Chr(118)+Chr(97)+Chr(115)+Chr(47)+Chr(47)+Chr(58)+Chr(112)+Chr(116)+Chr(116)+Chr(104))

Then I want to evaluate it but what I get is the above as just a string of characters.

How do I go from a string to something that can actually be evaluated and not just treated as a string of characters ?

I tried - Execute() and that does evaluate it as an expression but the result is a boolean for success or failure. The result of the expression is shown in the command console but I want the result of the evaluated expression to then be made a string I can easily manipulate and copy.

** Note. I have created a function StrReverse() like what exists in VBS/VBA.

(KiX Supporter)
2015-05-28 04:48 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

Can you reword what you are trying to do. I'm a little fuzzy on what you want.

(Fresh Scripter)
2015-05-28 05:54 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

Sure. I extract an expression from VBA/VBS. It is a sub-script that concatenates characters together.

I copy that in a string then I convert the VBA/VBS sub-script to KiXtart syntax.

However, when I am done I have just a string of characters.

What I want is it to be a KixTart Expression that can be evaluated.

(KiX Supporter)
2015-05-28 09:26 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

To save time and my sanity... can you tell me what your string is after being converted from the chr(?)?

(Fresh Scripter)
2015-05-28 09:30 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

It is in the first post.

The first Code Segment is VBA/VBS

The second is the KiXtart compliant expression.

The result of the concatenated string is; GET

(KiX Supporter)
2015-05-28 09:33 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

The result was what I was after. Thanks.

Is Get a function, exe, part of an object? How were you envisioning to use that?

(Fresh Scripter)
2015-05-28 09:48 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

My objective is just to have a Human Readable ASCII text and mentally parse the results.

The text however must be easily manipulated such as in a TXT file.

(KiX Supporter)
2015-05-28 09:57 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

Goodness... After re-reading all your posts... I got it... Give me 10 minutes.

(KiX Supporter)
2015-05-28 10:01 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

break on

$string="Chr(71) + Chr(69) + Chr(84)"
? $string
$RC=Execute("$" + "Output=" + $String)
? $output

(Fresh Scripter)
2015-05-28 10:22 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

Cool !

That works.


Now it is just a matter of implementing it.

(Fresh Scripter)
2015-05-28 10:36 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

I had no idea you can do a variable assignment within the Execute() function.

Once you see it, it seems so simple.

Thank you Allen

(KiX Supporter)
2015-05-28 10:37 PM
Re: Convert VBS/VBA Concatenation Expression to KiXtart Expression

Once I finally understood what you wanted, I was like "oh just that" \:\)

Glad to help.