(Just in Town)
2012-02-10 11:55 AM
Computer OU mixing up with PC name

We use Kixtart 4.6 and I stumbled on a issue (also wit older version)
We want to assign a printer based on computermembership of a certain OU.
One of the OU's is called 035, which refers to a classroom number.
The one with problems is OU 241, another classroom
Now with two PC's who both have the 035 numbers in their PCname (ie. PC0355 and PC0357) get the printer which is assigned to classroom (OU) 035, while they should have gotten another printer.
This is the script we use, hopefully someone sees what is the problem.
Part of the code and Select statement
;Find computerOU

$objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") 
$strComputerDN = $objSysInfo.computerName 
$struserDN = $objSysInfo.UserName 



;Assign printer based on computerOU

CASE INSTR($strComputerDN,"035")
	"PC staat in 0.35"+@CRLF
	" "+@CRLF

(KiX Supporter)
2012-02-10 03:58 PM
Re: Computer OU mixing up with PC name


I think you are going to need to explain yourself a little better and provide more of your script, assuming there is more. Otherwise you are going to be getting guesses.

If you are using Kix 4.60, I suggest moving to 4.62.

(MM club member)
2012-02-10 07:55 PM
Re: Computer OU mixing up with PC name

Yeah, this code is not complete, there is missing SELECT / ENDSELECT for starters.

(KiX Master)
2012-02-11 02:53 PM
Re: Computer OU mixing up with PC name

I use Howard's InContainer() UDF.