(Getting the hang of it)
2011-01-13 11:00 AM
Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

Hi all,
i have a strange problem.

first of all:
My Kixscript has the following features:
set wallpaper
map networkdrives
add printerconnection
and make an inventary log from the client

Year 2010:

I have an 2003 AD with Windows 2003 Active Directory Controller
I have only Windows XP clients
I have 2 kix scripts in 2 GPO´s. 1 for the users and one for the admins

the admin ou has no inheritance from the gpo below.

so everything is fine

i have an 2003 AD with Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 DC´s
I have Windows xp and Windows 7 x64 clients
I have 2 kix scripts in 2 GPO´s. 1 for the users and one for the admins

the admin ou has no inheritance from the gpo below.

and now the problem:

When i login an user on a Windows XP Client everything´s fine
When i login an user on a Windows 7 x64 Client everything´s fine
When i login an admin on a Windows XP Client everything´s fine
When i login an admin on an Windows 7 x64 Client the Script only add printer connection wallpaper and nothing else. My Network Mappings are missing

i can´t get a solution for that.
Can anybody help me?

EDIT: When i copy the script and wkix and start it lokal on my pc, everything is fine

Greetz backfight

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2011-01-13 12:01 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

Obviously, the script is running but one part is failing. Post the Admin script and we'll take a look at it.

Do you use any error checking/reporting in the script? If not, you should add some to indicate the progress through the script - "Cheking group XXX", followed by "member" or "not member"; "Mapping drive X:" followed by @SERROR; etc.. If you don't have this in your script, you can only guess why things don't work.


(Getting the hang of it)
2011-01-13 12:46 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

thats the admin script:


Break off

;Loeschen der Temp Dateien

run "\\***.local\sysvol\***.local\Policies\{81C8A747-9992-4E6D-9BD4-93A7DB5090CB}\User\Scripts\Logon\DelTemp\DelTemp.exe"

;Set Wallpaper

$RC=WriteValue ('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop', 'TitelWallpaper', '1', REG_SZ)
If @ERROR = 0
? 'Value written to the registry'
$RC=WriteValue ('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop', 'WallpaperStyle', '2', REG_SZ)
If @ERROR = 0
? 'Value written to the registry'
If SetWallpaper ('\\***.local\sysvol\***.local\Policies\{7838F237-5F30-44E8-80BC-75DF5E51EF99}\User\Scripts\Logon\Hintergrundbild\***_Kornfeld.bmp', 1) = 0
? 'Set current wallpaper to ***.bmp...'

;Set Uservariablen
SET "temp=C:\temp"
SET "tmp=C:\temp"

;Set Wallpaper

copy "\\***.local\SysVol\***.local\Policies\{7838F237-5F30-44E8-80BC-75DF5E51EF99}\User\Scripts\Logon\BG-Info\Bginfo.exe" "C:\temp\"
copy "\\***.local\SysVol\***.local\Policies\{7838F237-5F30-44E8-80BC-75DF5E51EF99}\User\Scripts\Logon\BG-Info\Config.bgi" "C:\temp\"

run "C:\temp\Bginfo.exe C:\temp\Config.bgi /timer:0"

;Set User Ansicht auf Detail

If InStr(@PRODUCTTYPE, "Windows 2000") Or InStr(@PRODUCTTYPE, "Windows XP")
run "\\***.local\sysvol\***.local\Policies\{81C8A747-9992-4E6D-9BD4-93A7DB5090CB}\User\Scripts\Logon\Ansicht-Explorer-Details.exe"

;Definieren der Server


;Verbinden von Netzwerklaufwerken

use "*" /delete

;Verbinden von Netzwerklaufwerken für die EDV Abteilung
IF InGroup("EDVGruppe")
use G: $fs01+"\daten1\benutzer\%username%"

;Verbinden der Netzwerkdrucker für alle Abteilungen

;Script Options
Break On
Dim $RC
$RC=SetOption("Explicit", "On")
$RC=SetOption("NoMacrosInStrings", "On")
$RC=SetOption("NoVarsInStrings", "On")
$RC=SetOption("WrapAtEOL", "On")


Dim $Server $Server="SRV"


Dim $Technik1 $Technik1="NRG_DSm7"

;Verbinden der Netzwerkdrucker für die EDV
If InGroup("EDVGruppe")

$RC = AddPrinterConnection("\\"+$Server+"\"+$Technik1)


; Hardware Informationen von allen Domain PC´s auslesen
; Umleitung der Ausgaben auf eine Datei mit Rechnernamen im Dateinamen

break on
dim $result


dim $verzeichnis, $datei, $dimm, $computer

$verzeichnis = '\\***\***.local anmeldeberichte\Anmeldungen\'
$datei = @Hostname+"_info.txt"

if not exist($verzeichnis)
? 'Kann Verzeichnis '+$verzeichnis+' nicht finden'
exit 1

$result=RedirectOutput ($verzeichnis+$datei ,1)
if @error
? 'Error '+@error+' - '+@serror
? "Datum der Erfassung = " + @date

? "Monat = " + @MONTH

? "Tag = " + @DAY

? "Uhrzeit = " + @time

? "Letzter Login von = " + @FULLNAME

? "User Privilegien = " + @PRIV

? "PC Name = " + WMIQuery("CSName","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "IP Adresse = " + @IPADDRESS0

? "MAC Adresse = " + @ADDRESS

? "OS Name = " + WMIQuery("Caption","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "Service Pack = " + WMIQuery("CSDVersion","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "Install Date = " + WMIQuery("InstallDate","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "OS Version Number = " + WMIQuery("Version","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "OS Build Number = " + WMIQuery("BuildNumber","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "Sprache = " + @SysLang

? "Registered User = " + WMIQuery("RegisteredUser","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "Boot Device = " + WMIQuery("BootDevice","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "System Device = " + WMIQuery("SystemDevice","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "Windows Directory = " + WMIQuery("WindowsDirectory","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "System Directory = " + WMIQuery("SystemDirectory","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "Last Boot Time = " + WMIQuery("LastBootupTime","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "OS Serial Number = " + WMIQuery("SerialNumber","Win32_OperatingSystem")[0]

? "System Manufacturer is = " + WMIQuery("Manufacturer","Win32_ComputerSystem")[0]

? "System Model is = " + WMIQuery("Model","Win32_ComputerSystem")[0]

? "System Serial Number is = " + WMIQuery("SerialNumber","Win32_BIOS")[0]

? "System BIOS Version is = " + WMIQuery("SMBIOSBIOSVersion","Win32_BIOS")[0]

? "System BIOS Date is = " + WMIQuery("Version","Win32_BIOS")[0]

? "CPU Modell = " + @CPU

? "CPU Manufacturer: = " + WMIQuery("manufacturer","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "Description: = " + WMIQuery("description","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "CPU Speed is = " + WMIQuery("CurrentClockSpeed","Win32_Processor")[0]+" Mhz"

? "Maximum Clock Speed = " + WMIQuery("maxclockspeed","Win32_Processor")[0]+" Mhz"

? "L2 Cache Size: = " + WMIQuery("l2cachesize","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "L2 Cache Speed: = " + WMIQuery("l2cachespeed","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "Family: = " + WMIQuery("family","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "Level: = " + WMIQuery("level","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "Stepping: = " + WMIQuery("stepping","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "Device ID: = " + WMIQuery("deviceid","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "Unique ID: = " + WMIQuery("uniqueid","Win32_Processor")[0]

? "System Memory = " + cint(Val(WMIQuery("TotalPhysicalMemory","Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration")[0])/1024) + " MB"
For Each $dimm in WMIQuery("Capacity","Win32_PhysicalMemory")
? "Dimm Size = " + cint(Val($dimm) / 1048576) + " MB"

? "Disk Name/s = " + join(WMIQuery("name","Win32_LogicalDisk"),', ')

? "Volume Name = " + join(WMIQuery("volumename","Win32_LogicalDisk"),', ') + " MB"

? "Size = " + join(WMIQuery("size","Win32_LogicalDisk"),', ')+ " MB"

? "File System = " + join(WMIQuery("filesystem","Win32_LogicalDisk"),', ')

? "Free Space = " + join(WMIQuery("freespace","Win32_LogicalDisk"),', ')+" MB"

? "Video Card is = " + WMIQuery("Description","Win32_VideoController")[0]

? "Video Res is = " + WMIQuery("VideoModeDescription","Win32_VideoController")[0]

? "Modem is = " + WMIQuery("Description","Win32_POTSModem")[0]

Dim $SO
Dim $RegArray,$Value,$Product,$Key
$RegArray = SearchReg("HKLM\Software\Microsoft","DigitalProductID",2)
If @Error
For Each $Value in $RegArray
If $Value
$Product = ReadValue(Join(Split($value,'<=>DigitalProductId'),''),'ProductName')
If $Product
$Key = Get_Product_Key(ReadValue(Join(Split($value,'<=>DigitalProductId'),''), 'DigitalProductID'))
? + $Product + ' = ' + $Key ?

$computer = @wksta
? WMIQuery2("Services on","Win32_Service",$computer)
? WMIQuery2("Processes on","Win32_Process",$computer)


exit 0

Function SearchReg($Key,$Str,$SrcIn)
Dim $Idx,$vName,$Value,$num,$SubKey,$fArr,$mbr
$SearchReg = ''
$num = 0
$Idx = 0
$vName = EnumValue($Key,$Idx)
$mbr = ''
If $SrcIn & 1
$Value = ReadValue($Key,$vName)
If InStr($Value,$Str)
$mbr = $Key + "<=>" + IIf($vName,$vName,'<Default>')
If ($SrcIn & 2) And InStr($vName,$Str)
$mbr = $Key + "<=>" + $vName
If $mbr
ReDim Preserve $SearchReg[$num]
$SearchReg[$num] = $mbr
$num = $num + 1
$Idx = $Idx + 1
$vName = EnumValue($Key,$Idx)
Until @Error
$Idx = 0
$SubKey = EnumKey($Key,$Idx)
While $SubKey
If ($SrcIn & 4) And InStr($SubKey,$Str)
ReDim Preserve $SearchReg[$num]
$SearchReg[$num] = $Key + '\' + $SubKey + "<=><KeyName>"
$num = $num + 1
$fArr = SearchReg($Key + "\" + $SubKey,$Str,$SrcIn)
If @Error = 0
For Each $mbr in $fArr
ReDim Preserve $SearchReg[$num]
$SearchReg[$num] = $mbr
$num = $num + 1
$Idx = $Idx + 1
$SubKey = EnumKey($Key,$Idx)
Exit VarType($SearchReg) = 8

Function Get_Product_Key($sProductID)
Dim $aiKeyChars[24],$bProductKey[15],$ilByte,$i,$sCDKey,$nCur
$aiKeyChars = Split('B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,M,P,Q,R,T,V,W,X,Y,2,3,4,6,7,8,9',',')
For $i = 0 to 14
$bProductKey[$i] = Val("&"+SubStr($sProductID,$i*2+105,2))
$sCDKey = ""
For $ilByte = 24 to 0 Step -1
$nCur = 0
For $i=14 to 0 Step -1
$nCur = $nCur * 256 | $bProductKey[$i]
$bProductKey[$i] = Int($nCur / 24)
$nCur = $nCur Mod 24
$sCDKey = $aiKeyChars[$nCur] + $sCDKey
If $ilByte Mod 5 = 0 And $ilByte <> 0
$sCDKey = "-" + $sCDKey
$Get_Product_Key = $sCDKey

FUNCTION WMIQuery($sWhat, $sFrom, Optional $sComputer, Optional $sWhere, Optional $x, Optional $root)
Dim $sQuery, $objEnum, $sValue, $sItem, $TMP, $SystemSet, $, $objInstance
If Not $sComputer $sComputer="." EndIf
if instr($sComputer,'\') $sComputer=right($sComputer,instrrev($sComputer,'\')) Endif
if not $root $root="\root\cimv2" Endif
$sQuery = "Select " + $sWhat + " From "+ $sFrom
If $sWhere AND $x $sQuery = $sQuery+" Where "+$sWhere+" = '"+$x+"'" EndIf
$SystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"+$sComputer+$root)
If @ERROR Exit VAL("&"+Right(DecToHex(@ERROR),4)) EndIf
$objEnum = $SystemSet.ExecQuery($sQuery)
If @ERROR Exit VAL("&"+Right(DecToHex(@ERROR),4)) EndIf
For Each $objInstance in $objEnum
If $objInstance
$=Execute("$"+"sValue = $"+"objInstance."+$sWhat)
if VarType($sValue) & 8192
For Each $sItem in $sValue $tmp=$tmp+'|'+Trim($sItem) Next
$WMIQuery = split(substr($tmp,2),'|')
Exit VAL("&"+Right(DecToHex(@ERROR),4))

Function WMIQuery2($what,$where,$computer)
dim $wmi, $list, $objs, $obj
$wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" + $computer + "/root/cimv2")
$list = "" $objs = $wmi.instancesof($where)
For Each $obj in $objs
$list = $list + $obj.description + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
$list=Left($list, Len($list))
? $what +" "+ $computer + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + $list

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2011-01-13 02:38 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

One of the problems with this kind of script is that it's difficult to add debugging or status info. You show one but I imagine you have several USE statements. You'd need to add diag messages after each one.

A better approach would be to create a function to actually map the drive and display any error message that occurred. Then, you'd call the function with the drive letter and UNC path to map as arguments. Something like:
DoMapDrive('G:', '\\server\share'

Function DoMapDrive($_Drv, $_Path)

  Use $_Drv $_Path
    'DoMapDrive:' + $_Drv + ' ' + $_Path + ':' + @SERROR + @CRLF
    Exit @ERROR

  Exit 0
This is over-simplified, but illustrates how a single function can be used to display messages only when an error occurs. Adding the function and changing your Use statements should not be difficult.

I just worked with a client on a similar problem, using our commercial login script. Because we used a function to map the drives, we could dump a diagnostic report that reported that the PC could not validate the groups. That led to a determination that the secure channel for the PC was corrupt. Point is - the error messages from the login process played a key part in problem identification. Without them, you're just guessing.


(Getting the hang of it)
2011-01-13 02:46 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

Hi Glenn,
i´m sorry but i´m not a gifted programmer.

Can you show me how to implement the error checking in my script?

For me it is very difficult :-/

Greetz backfight

(KiX Supporter)
2011-01-13 02:49 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

GPO script and mapping drives, smells like UAC to me. You have a couple of options...

Disable UAC

Run the Unsupported RegHack -
"Important This workaround may make your system unsafe. Microsoft does not support this workaround. Use this workaround at your own risk."

Use something like RunAsInteractiveUser() -

If you choose to use RunAsInteractiveUser() I would be most appreciative of knowing your outcome/results.

(Getting the hang of it)
2011-01-13 03:41 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

You are a genius!!! Your Microsoft URL and this blog: Blog
solved the problem


(KiX Supporter)
2011-01-14 06:21 AM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

This is the translated version of the link provided above... I'm assuming he went with disabling UAC.


Windows 7 and Windows Vista provide the UAC (User Account Control), which is sometimes erroneously referred to as User Access Control, a security feature that many a user can drive you crazy. Especially companies secure their networks and clients from as far that UAC is useless and can be disabled. In addition to the manual disabling of each client individually, giving the change via the registry is also a way to make this in a domain using GPO. The domain level but it must be at least 2008.

First you need to create a machine policy. Edit that and go to

Policy - Windows Settings - Security Settings - Local Policies - Security Options

Sort the rules by name. The guidelines of the User Account Control can be seen now at the top. Now set the following options:

All administrators in Admin Approval Mode Run - Disabled

Detect application installations and prompt for elevation - Disabled

Behavior of the rights request prompt hillside without secure desktop - Elevate without prompting

Their domain in the English language is not installed, the settings as follows:

Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode - Disabled

Detect application installations and prompt for elevation - Disabled

Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators - Elevate without prompting

(Getting the hang of it)
2011-01-14 10:10 AM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

Hi all,
i have another problem that seems to be a problem like the Networkmappings.

I have a Windows 2008 R2 Print Server
In my loginscript is a part to add these printer from this print server

But the connection add doesn´t work

When i use a windows 2003 print Server with 32 bit drivers everything is fine.

Do u have an solution for that?

Greetz Backfight

(Getting the hang of it)
2011-01-14 11:05 AM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

EDIT: In my script was a bug. Sorry. I´ve forgotten to enter the printserver name :-)

Now everything works fine

(KiX Supporter)
2011-01-14 12:07 PM
Re: Script on Windows XP Client run but on Windows 7 not

Small things have big impact and it are always the small things that get overlooked.
Great that you got it running.