(Just in Town)
2009-12-20 01:51 PM
4.61: Errorlevel not set to 1 after script crashes

For information, refer to this thread:

I still get this problem with the released 4.61 from the website. Can someone confirm that it's not just me?!


(Just in Town)
2010-01-08 11:03 AM
Re: 4.61: Errorlevel not set to 1 after script crashes

No-one else has this problem? Or is it just not that much of a big deal? It's nice to have an errorlevel of 1 when the script crashes as we have a error handling routine in our batch files to notify us in the event of a dodgy script.

(KiX Supporter)
2010-01-08 11:19 AM
Re: 4.61: Errorlevel not set to 1 after script crashes

Same here. Errorlevel is 0 when a script crashes that is called from a batch file.
Not such a big deal for me because I do not use batch file to start my scripts but that is just my personal opinion it might be different for others.