(Just in Town)
2009-08-06 04:16 PM
Setting Console Window Position and Size

Please excuse this newbie, but is there a way to center the console window and/or modify the size. I can maximize it using the SETCONSOLE ("Maximize") but I wanted to set the window a certain size and center it on the screen.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


(KiX Supporter)
2009-08-06 04:20 PM
Re: Setting Console Window Position and Size

Hi and welcome to the board.

As far as I know it cannot be done with the normal console window.
You might want to take a look at kixforms. It's and add on to kixtart and enables you to use a GUI that you can position wherever you want with the size you want.

click here for the kixforms website

(Just in Town)
2009-08-06 04:22 PM
Re: Setting Console Window Position and Size

Thanks for the quick response. I will give that a try.

Richard H.Administrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-08-07 12:22 PM
Re: Setting Console Window Position and Size

You may change the windowed console width/height with the CMD built-in mode command:
Shell "cmd /C MODE CON: lines=40 cols=80"

(KiX Master)
2009-08-07 08:24 PM
Re: Setting Console Window Position and Size

I've not played with it in a long time, but if its using the same one as the DOS console then you could modify the Registry to do that.

Something like this, but if it is using its own then it probably will not work but Richards method might.

Function SetUpConsole()
  Dim $BK1,$BK2,$W
  $BK2='HKCU\Console\Command Prompt'