(Fresh Scripter)
2008-08-11 10:05 AM
IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround

Hello all.

I am new to KiXtart scripting so I have a basic question/problem...

First here is the code:

If InGroup("Group1")
  $Out = "Forced database to: Kroon Users" 
  $x = WriteLine (9 , $tab + $Out + @CRLF )
  $dbini = ReadProfileString($datafile, "Databases","Group1")
  $basisshare = $datashare + "\map\map1"
If InGroup("Group2")
  $Out = "Forced database to: Kroon dealerdatabase"
  $x = WriteLine (9 , $tab + $Out + @CRLF )
  $dbini = ReadProfileString($datafile, "Databases","Group2")
  $basisshare = $datashare + "\map\map2"
  $usergroup = "Usergroup"
  $Force = "CT70"
  $Out = "Forced database to: Kroon Users/Kroon dealerdatabase - No Permissions!!!"
  $x = WriteLine (9 , $tab + $Out + @CRLF )
  $Out = "Rolling back ini update (if any)."
  $x = WriteLine (9 , $tab + $Out + @CRLF )
  $error = WriteProfileString ($userfile, "Stations", $StationUsers[$FirstEmpty,1], " ")
  If $error <> 0
    $Out = "Error writing to " + $userfile + ", quitting script"
    $x = WriteLine (9 , $tab + $Out + @CRLF )
  Goto End

As you can see there are 2 IF statements. Now the script doesn't execute as I want it to. Users only member of the Group1 do not connect to the right database because the 2nd IF statement is also executed and because they are not member of Group2 they are forced to End.(because of the Goto End statement.

I have little programming experience and in other languages you could use the ELSEIF statement.
That way there would be more options to use. But in KiXtart the ELSEIF doesn't work...(or I am programming it the wrong way).
Is there another way to handle this problem?
Do I need to use a SELECT here to get the right group for the users?

I hope you understand what I am trying to explain.
Thanks in advance.


(Fresh Scripter)
2008-08-11 11:27 AM
Re: IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround

As I asked in my previous post I have tried to do it with a SELECT.
I have tested it and it seems to work fine!

Is it a correct way to use? Or are there other better options?

Best regards,


Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2008-08-11 11:59 AM
Re: IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround

Yes, Select is the appropriate choice - it's like a multiple if statement, but only one choice is made. The thing to keep in mind with Select is the proper ordering of the comparisons. You might also need to employ AND or OR logic, so it takes a bit of extra planning.


(KiX Supporter)
2008-08-11 12:02 PM
Re: IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround

Kix does not have and ElseIf statement but it does have an Else statement so you could do something like shown below.

If $x = "1"
	;Do stuff
	;Do other stuff

(Fresh Scripter)
2008-08-11 12:36 PM
Re: IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround


But, in my case, if u need more then 2 options the IF-ELSE-ENDIF is not enough.
Thanks for your replies.


(KiX Supporter)
2008-08-11 02:05 PM
Re: IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround

Select is the way to go... but else if is an option, just not with elseif ;\)

If $x = "1"
	;Do stuff
  if $y= 1
	;Do other stuff
        ;Do fun stuff

(KiX Master)
2008-08-11 09:37 PM
Re: IF ELSEIF ENDIF workaround

And even Allen's example can also be placed within a SELECT CASE making it quite versatile scripting.