(Just in Town)
2008-05-20 02:40 PM
kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix


I have a problem after updating from version 4.20 to 4.60. All our users (w2k domain) have under their user in the domain the logonscript "kix32" nothing more. All files are located in the netlogon share of all our dc's. When logging on while kix32.exe version 4.2 is running, everything works well, it finds the script named kixtart.kix (or kixtart.scr).

When I copy version 4.6 to the netlogon share I only see the application window for some milliseconds and then is closes without errors but no script is executed. When editing the user to "kix32.exe kixtart.kix" then it works again or when I rename the file "kixtart.kix" to "username.kix" it is also working.

What mistake am I doing? Because of about 2500 users we do not want to edit the user profile tab...And we only have this problem while logging on. When I start the kix32.exe version 4.6 via unc path "by hand" from the netlogon share it works ?!?!

Any help appreciated...

(KiX Supporter)
2008-05-20 05:50 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

I think you need to specifically call the KiXtart file..

%logonserver%\netlogon\kix32 %logonserver%\netlogon\kixtart.kix

What happens is that when w/kix32 is excuted, it will execute in the %temp% folder under the user context you are running in. I do believe there is an FAQ that talks about this here.

Oh wait.. Here is the URL..
KiXtart Starter's Guide

Here a bunch of FAQs that may help you..
KiXtart FAQ & How to's



(Just in Town)
2008-05-21 08:42 AM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix


I read all those documents more than twice. Up to V4.2 everything worked well. And now not, a feature? In the documentation of kix32 (the word file) on page 10:

By default, KiXtart automatically looks for a personal script for the current user ("Username.KIX"). If it does not find one, it looks for the default script, "KIXTART.KIX".

and page 11:

On Windows 2000/XP:
1. Open Users and Computers and select the user.
2. Right-Click, select Properties, and then select the Profile tab.
3. In the Logon Script box, type "Kix32".

This is, what I did. But kix doesn't look for a file named "KIXTART.KIX", only "USERNAME.KIX".

So I have to edit the user-based loginscipt to "kix32 kixtart.kix" and this is what I want to avoid.

(MM club member)
2008-05-21 09:00 AM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

I had that with a previous admin, I just wrote a script that went trough all the users in the AD and check if the first word was "kix32.exe", if so, change it to "kix32.exe start.kix". Took the script 1 minute \:\)

(MM club member)
2008-05-21 09:22 AM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

Dim $objAdsPath, $obj, $filter[0]
$filter[0] = "User"
$objADsPath = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local")
$objAdsPath.filter = $filter
For Each $obj in $objAdsPath
  If Left($obj.scriptPath,9) = "kix32.exe"
    ? $obj.CN
    $obj.Put("scriptPath","kix32.exe start.kix")

(Just in Town)
2008-05-21 10:01 AM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

Thanks for the script. This will help me a lot!

So is it correct that kix32 doesn't look for the default file (script) anymore?!

(KiX Master)
2008-05-21 07:41 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

Something similar since at the time we had multiple script paths and OUs.

Examples of script paths
'France\WKIX32.EXE France\LOGON.KIX'
'Tokyo\WKIX32.EXE Tokyo\LOGON.KIX'

Example of DN

Function ModifyLogonScript($DN,$Script)
Dim $User, $Users
$Users = GetObject('LDAP://'+$DN)
For Each $User In $Users
  If $user.class = "USER"
    If $User.loginscript <> $Script
      ? "Acct " +$User.SamAccountName +" = " + $User.loginscript + " <-> " + $Script

(Just in Town)
2008-09-01 11:32 AM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

Yep, it appears to be a bug. I experienced the same exact issue. This wasn't a problem with previous upgrades. You can work around the issue. Just add checks for @userid+.kix on the netlogon share, if not exist, run kix32.exe \\mydomain.org\netlogon\kixtart.kix. Can't tell you what a pain this was to figure out. What threww me was once you are logged in, the script will run normally after launching it. It just flat would not run correctly as part on the logon process witthout specifying the full path to the kixtart.kix. User.kix would work fine.

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2008-09-01 02:25 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

It's a known bug in 4.60. Any version prior to that and you can simply specify "kix32.exe" in the user profile. For version 4.60, you have to specify "kix32.exe kixtart.kix" in the user profile. It's one of the reasons we us 4.60 for admin scripting but 4.53 for our login scripts.

Kix always supported @USERID.KIX for custom login scripts - only the default script is broken.

When you have hard to explain problems, you should always review the Beta forum, since these types of things are discussed there. You'd either have more hair or would be able to sit more comfortably if you had, depending on whether it was a PITA or hair-pulling problem. ;\)


(Just in Town)
2008-09-01 06:07 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

I don't believe 4.60 is a beta version. It's been released almost a year now. This is a pretty significant flaw that strikes at the heart of what is the beauty and simplicity of the program. Don't get me wrong, I really like Kixtart, been using it forever, just surprised this has slipped through for so long. In fact, if Beta 1 ver 4.60 addresses this, I'll become a beta tester.

(KiX Supporter)
2008-09-01 07:45 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

Glenn just meant issues with kixtart are discussed in the beta forum. 4.60 has been out about a year. The current beta's are older, so be on the look out for a 4.61 beta maybe. Ruud (the author) was here about a month ago looking over issues, so maybe he will be updating soon.

(Just in Town)
2009-05-26 06:49 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

I am having the same issues as above. My user profiles are setup to run WKIX32.exe. In version 4.53 and earlier, this runs fine, but when using v4.6, this done not run. If I specify WKIX32.exe KIXTART.KIX in a user's profile, the logon script runs, as it should, with v4.6, but if I just specifiy WKIX32.exe, the logon script does not run at all.

If, after a user has logged on and they run the logon script manually, by typing: \\DOMAIN\NETLOGON\wkix32.exe, this runs as it should, but NOT when the user first logs on. v4.53 and earlier does not have this issue, just v4.60. I have also tried v4.61b1, and have the same problem.

I would like to upgrade to v4.6x, but this is a serious bug for us.

Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2009-05-26 08:47 PM
Re: kix32 is not looking for the general kixtart.kix but only username.kix

Welcome to KORG!

This is a known issue with 4.60.. stay with 4.53 or test 4.61.
