(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 02:26 AM
Passing variables between kix sessions

Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out a way to pass a string between scripts, which is called using the RUN, due to being run as an administrator with CPAU.exe. The required string is located in Script 'A', which calls CPAU.exe to run Script 'B' which requires the variable.

Because it is called like:

RUN "%comspec% /c " + $netlogon_path + "CPAU.exe -dec -file " + $netlogon_path + "audit.job -lwop"

It effectivly goes Script 'A' --> Command prompt --> CPAU.exe --> Script 'B', i've pretty much ruled out doing it by Error codes etc. Should i do it by setting a local or global variable? Or by writing the variable to a txt file on the local PC which is read by script 'B'? Do it using a registry key?

Because it's a logon script, it's run by limited user accounts.

Oh and for info on CPAU.exe (

Thanks in advance


(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-19 03:26 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

I see where your coming from. audit.job is a tokenized (obfuscated) CPAU that calls some other kix script with credentials ?

Anyways, I would use the local var approach, it should work:

SETL "MYVAR=String to pass"

RUN "%COMSPEC% /C ..."

Then in your script B, ...

? "MyVar = " + "%MYVAR%"


(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-19 03:34 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

hmmm, i dont know ... guess it would depend on whether that var got inherited somehow into that new session (you might need that -profile switch but still, would be surprised if that worked).

Registry or file might be your only hope. Registry seems little more cleaner to me i don't know. Your call.


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 03:38 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Okay Registry sounds good. I'm clueless on the in's and outs of the registry. What path does a limited user have access to?

Thanks for the reply


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 03:39 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Yes, the whole idea of going via CPAU.exe was to pass Local Administrator credentials not in plain text (as the script is readable by anyone with access to NETLOGON)

Probably not 'best practice' to swap credentials during logon script, but hey, it works.

(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-19 03:45 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Now I'm thinking registry is probably not an option either. Assuming the user doesn't have write access to HKLM, and that the user's HKCU is either a) the wrong one or b) not there ...

Sounds like FILE is the only way to go ... I would use a quick INI file in a temp folder or maybe somewhere in ALLUSERS ?

(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-19 04:00 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Ok, was just doing some tests ...

1) Passing an environment variable no workie

2) Accessing HKCU from a process started with alternate credentials no workie.

Hey - had to try it eh ? You give any of this a shot ?

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 05:07 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

I'll give it a crack now. Thanks for the feedback

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 05:38 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

What is the best way to go about the file way?

All users have read/write to c:\temp\

What is the best way of creating the ini file using Kix? Had a look through the UDF's and the builtin commands and am not sure how to:

A) Create a file
B) Write a .ini style entry to the created file
C) Call said value and store it as a variable on script 'B'.

I'll continue to look through the Manual/UDF's/Forums for any clues.



(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 06:30 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Okay, got "C)" done:

My INI file:
nasip =

In Script "b":

$nasip = ReadProfileString("c:\temp\variables.ini", "vars", "nasip")

Now for A) and B)... (above worked with a .ini file i manually created and pasted under c:\temp)

(MM club member)
2008-02-19 07:15 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

To create a file you can always do

Open (1,"my_ini_file.ini",5)
Close (1)

As for writing the line you would use WriteProfileString()



Copies a string to an initialization file.


WRITEPROFILESTRING ("file name", "section", "key", "string")


File name

String identifying the initialization file. If this parameter does not include a full path, Windows searches for the file in the Windows directory.


String containing the name of the section of the initialization file where string is copied. If the section does not exist, it is created. The section name is not case-sensitive, and can contain any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.


String containing the name of the key to associate with string. If the key does not exist in the specified section, it is created. If this parameter is empty, the entire section, including all entries within the section, is deleted.


String to write to the file. If this parameter is empty, the key identified by key is deleted.


On Windows 9x, use of the tab character (\t) is not supported as part of this parameter.


This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit Windows-based applications. Win32-based applications store initialization information in the registry.


Profile string written

Error code
Function failed

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-19 07:28 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Yay, got it working!

Code on Script 'A':

If not exist("c:\temp\variables.ini")
WRITEPROFILESTRING("c:\temp\var2.ini", "vars", "nasip", "")

Code on Scipt 'B'

$inipath = 'c:\temp\variables.ini'
IF exist($inipath)
$nasip = ReadProfileString($inipath, "vars", "nasip")
?"INI file at path: " $inipath " does not exist."

It looks like WRITEPROFILESTRING creates the INI if it dosnt exist by default, i might use this method as it cuts down on 2 lines.

Thank you both muchly for the help!


Glenn BarnasAdministrator
(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-19 01:03 PM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

You don't need to create an ini file before you can use it - the WriteProfileString() will create the file if it is not present.

C:\Temp does not exist unless you created it, especially on newer environments. It might be safer to do
WRITEPROFILESTRING("%TEMP%\var2.ini", "vars", "nasip", "")

In script A - don't even bother checking if it exists..
$nasip = ReadProfileString($inipath, "vars", "nasip")
If @ERROR or Not $NasIp
  'Error: '
    @SERROR ?
    Exit @ERROR
   'Data is not valid' ?
   Exit 87

Also - minor - the "?" is a substitute for @CRLF, which generally comes at the END of an output line, and not a shortcut for a PRINT statement, as in early BASIC languages. This will come to bite you when you start creating more complex output structures.

Why are you using an IP address? Hard-coding IPs is not a good idea!


(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-19 02:42 PM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

lukeod, like Glenn mentioned, do your systems have a pre-existing c:\temp that everyone can write to ?

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-20 01:43 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

The script is a temporary means of pushing out a WPA/PSK/TKIP SSID to a few thousand laptops at 27 different sites on independant domains, using microsofts network setup wizard etc. The setup is dodgy as hell but its the only possible way i could find of doing so untill we have a central active directory to do it via Certificates / Radius.

C:\Temp exists on *most* computers, and permissions set via group policy enable users to create folders under C:\ with 'modify' permissions to any folder they create (mostly for storing .PST files too big for their Home directories). They cannot put files under root C: or do anything to c:\Windows though so it aint so bad.

%temp% - that's not a bad idea and i'll have to have a look at it.

as for the '?' - havn't been using from habbit from other languages, infact i've barley ever programmed at all before, my experience in programming consists of a semester of VB.NET at highschool, i'm attempting to teach myself how to script. I've just redone the generic logon script for each site, i might post up a copy at some stage to see what you guys think before i roll it out to the schools. It's much better than the previos ones - which had a seperate COMPUTERINGROUP and MAPPRINTER UDF for each printer : \ .

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-02-20 02:04 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Where would be the best place to post my (sanitised) logon script for any suggestions? Create a new thread under 'Basic Scripting'?



(KiX Supporter)
2008-02-20 02:11 AM
Re: Passing variables between kix sessions

Yeah, Basic Scripting should work.