(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-28 11:09 PM
Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

I am trying to put together a script that tells me if a users has a particular group/privilege on their account.

For example,

I want to see which users have access to a specific group.

If the user has access, I want the script to dump their name into a file telling me they have access to this group.

My sticking point is I am not sure how to read active directory to pull a list of @userid to query against.

I would like to be able to query all the accounts in AD.

Any help would be greatly appreciate.



(KiX Supporter)
2008-01-28 11:26 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

You could get all usernames from AD like this.

$oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://@LDomain")
$oDomain.filter = "User",""
For Each $oUser In $oDomain
	$oUser.Name + ': ' + $oUser.FullName ?

Instead of doing $oUser.Name + ': ' + $oUser.FullName ? you could use the UserGroups() UDF to get all groups that user is in and check if group X is one of them. If it is write the username name to a file.

UDF Library » UserGroups() - returns all groups of a given user

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 02:18 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Right On,

I agree. The first section of my code to pull out the users groups is the UserGroups() UDF.. I just needed a wrapper to fit around the UsersGroup UDF to feed it user names.. \:\)

Thanks.. bud


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 03:21 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Is there a way to pull acitive exchange email address from AD?


(MM club member)
2008-01-29 04:22 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain


Attribute name = "Mail"

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 05:19 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

I have noticed an issue with the script i am writing... the first result of any query doesn't get processed..



are assigned to XXX User.

when i read the groups from AD with UserGroups UDF I don't see the first group it pulled from the list.

I Would only see


Does anyone have any ideas?


(MM club member)
2008-01-29 06:02 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Are you looking at 1 - 3? If so you need to remember that Arrays are 0 based so your return would really be 0-2

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 06:13 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

The groups that are being looked at don't have numbers just values like

Group1 = Eng.
Group2 = Sales.
Group3 = Quality.

Except when i try to do a print statement of the first variable assigned a group IE Eng. it overlooks it and doesn't print it, but it will print 2 - 3.

Hope I am clear enough.. not sure how to explain it.


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 06:30 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

$groups = UserGroups(@domain,@userid)

For Each $x in $groups
	? $x
Sleep 15

Function UserGroups($target,$user,OPTIONAL $datatype)
;UserGroups, returns the groups of a specified user
;    An array containing all groups of the given user.  the array data type
;    is controlled by the  flag
;    $groups = usergroups({Target},{Userid},[OPTIONAL datatype])
;    {Target}................the domain or local computer you want to preform the action on.
;                for faster workstation access include the domain name "domain/computer"
;    {Userid}................The userid you want to lookup
;    [datatype]..............Optional flag for what type of data to return
;                0 = default, the groupname
;                1 = the ADSI group object
;                2 = the ADSI group's ADSPath
;    ;this will return all groups of a given user in the the local domain
;    $groups = UserGroups(@domain,@userid)
;    ;this will give you all the ADSI groupobjects of the user jsmith in the kixtart domain
;    $group = UserGroups("Kixtart","jsmith",2)
    DIM $group, $temp[2], $i
    $user = getobject("WinNT://$target/$user,user")
    if @error <> 0 and vartype($user) <> 9 exit(@error) endif
    for each $group in $user.groups
            case $datatype = 0 ;return the
                $temp[$i] = $
            case $datatype = 1 ;return the groupobject
                $temp[$i] = $group
            case $datatype = 2 ;return the group.adspath
                $temp[$i] = $group.adspath
            case 1
        if $i = ubound($temp)
            redim preserve $temp[$i+2]
        $i = $i+1
    if $i <> 0 
        redim preserve $temp[$i-1]
        $UserGroups = $temp
        redim preserve $temp[$i]
        $usergroups = ""

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 06:33 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

The above code skips the group that is read first.

I have run it, and it fail to print the first group on my access list. The way I am determining this is I look at the results, and then i view my access groups in active directory.

Hope that explians it better.


(MM club member)
2008-01-29 06:34 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Change your script to this and see what your get.
$groups = UserGroups(@domain,@userid)
$count = 0
For Each $x in $groups
	? "Element "+$Count+" ="+$x
        $count = $count + 1
Sleep 15

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 06:53 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain


I have been digging around, and it looks like the first read group is not the only group being ignored.. Almost like there is a selective pattern of non-read groups?


(KiX Supporter)
2008-01-29 07:37 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Could that be nested groups? For example does the user belong to group1 and group2 and group1 is a member of group3 so the user is only a memebr of group3 because he is in group1?

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 07:42 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Good Idea,

I will check


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 07:52 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

It doesn't look like the goup i want is a nested one.

thanks for the tip though.


(KiX Supporter)
2008-01-29 08:03 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

I just did some tests and it seems to only return the regular groups. Nested groups are not returned. One could use the ListNestedGroups() udf for this.

Can you post the code you have so far? Can you also state (some of) the names of groups that are not shown? Do they contain any special characters?

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 09:47 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

How would i use define someones user name in LDap form?


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 10:11 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

The names of the Groups don't contain any special chars. Its straightforward.


There is however spaces

Eng Depart

Things of that nature.

I think your on the right track about the nested. I mean I looked and didn't see any nesting, but I only checked a few.

I would like to get the ListNestedGroups UDF working and see if it returns more accurate data.


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-29 10:32 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

$Groups = ListNestedGroups(@userid)
For each $grp in $Groups
	 ? $grp

Does this look right?

(KiX Supporter)
2008-01-29 11:19 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Nope. You need the distinguished name for the ListNestedGroups UDF.
The TranslateName UDF can get this for you.

This works for me.
Break on

;Get the DN name from AD for the current user.
$DN = TranslateName (3, "", 3, @LDomain + "\" + @userid, 1)

;Get all groups and add <nested> to nested groups (see options).
$groups = ListNestedGroups("LDAP://" + $dn[0],1)

;Show each group.
For Each $group in $groups

;sleep 5 seconds.
Sleep 5

;FUNCTION         TranslateName()
;AUTHOR           Howard A. Bullock (
;VERSION          2.0
;ACTION           Translates from one name type to another. Good for converting an NT4 name
;                 like domain\user into an LDAP distinguished name or the reverse.
;SYNTAX           TranslateName ($InitType, $BindName, $LookupNameType, $LookupName, $ReturnNameType)
;PARAMETERS       $InitType (Required)
;                  -  Integer value
;                     1 = ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_DOMAIN
;                     Initializes a NameTranslate object by setting the domain that the object will bind to.
;                     2 = ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_SERVER
;                     Initializes a NameTranslate object by setting the server that the object will bind to.
;                     3 = ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC
;                     Initializes a NameTranslate object by locating the global catalog to which the object
;                     will bind.
;                 $BindName (Required)
;                  -  String value
;                     If an $InitType = 3 (ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC), then the $BindName = "".
;                     InitTypes 1 and 2 require a name of a domain or server to be input. 
;                     Note: "" may default to the current server or domain.
;                 $LookupNameType (Required)
;                  -  Integer value
;                 $LookupName (Required)
;                  -  String value see below
;                 $ReturnNameType (Required)
;                  -  Integer value see below
;                  Documentation of Name Types. Lookup the more info on
;                  Not all name types work. "1", "2", and "3" have been the most useful. 
;                 1 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779
;                 Name format as specified in RFC 1779. For example, "CN=Jane Doe,CN=users, DC=Microsoft, DC=com".
;                 2 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_CANONICAL
;                    Canonical name format. For example, " Doe".
;                 3 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4
;                 Account name format used in Microsoft® Windows© NT® 4.0. For example, "Microsoft\JaneDoe".
;                 4 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_DISPLAY
;                 Display name format. For example, "Jane Doe".
;                 5 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_DOMAIN_SIMPLE
;                 Simple domain name format. For example, "".
;                 Simple enterprise name format. For example, "".
;                 7 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_GUID
;                 Global Unique Identifier format. For example, {95ee9fff-3436-11d1-b2b0-d15ae3ac8436}.
;                 8 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_UNKNOWN
;                 Unknown name type. The system will try to make the best guess.
;                 User principal name format. For example, "".
;                 10 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_CANONICAL_EX
;                 Extended canonical name format. For example, " Jane Doe".
;                 Service principal name format. For example, "www/"
;                 12 = ADS_NAME_TYPE_SID_OR_SID_HISTORY_NAME
;                 A SID string, as defined in the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL), for either
;                 the SID of the current object or one from the object's SID history.
;                 For example, "O:AOG:DAD:(A;;RPWPCCDCLCSWRCWDWOGA;;;S-1-0-0)" For more information see
;                 Security Descriptor String Format under "Security" in the Microsoft Platform SDK documentation.
;REMARKS          Not name types seem to work.
;RETURNS          This function returns an ARRAY of three values:
;                               Name of the type specified by $ReturnNameType (String)
;                               Error number (Long Integer)
;                               Error text (String).
;DEPENDENCIES     OS: Active Directory aware client
;EXAMPLES         $DN = TranslateName (3, "", 3, "@Domain\@wksta$", 1)
;                 ? "DN = " + $DN[0]
;                 ? "Error = " + $DN[1]
;                 ? "ErrorText = " + $DN[2]
;                 $DN = TranslateName (3, "", 3, "@LDomain\@userid", 1)
;                 ? "DN = " + $DN[0]
;                 ? "Error = " + $DN[1]
;                 ? "ErrorText = " + $DN[2]
Function TranslateName ($InitType, $BindName, $LookupNameType, $LookupName, $ReturnNameType)

   Dim $InitType, $BindName, $LookupNameType, $LookupName, $ReturnNameType
   Dim $NameTranslate, $ReturnName, $Error, $ErrorText

   $Error = 0
   $ErrorText = ""
   $ReturnName = ""
   $NameTranslate = CreateObject ("NameTranslate")
   $Error = @error
   $ErrorText = @serror
   If $Error = 0
      $NameTranslate.Init ($InitType, $BindName)
      $Error = @error
      $ErrorText = @serror
      If $Error = 0
         $NameTranslate.Set ($LookupNameType, $LookupName)
         $Error = @error
         $ErrorText = @serror
         If $Error = 0
            $ReturnName = $NameTranslate.Get($ReturnNameType)
            $Error = @error
            $ErrorText = @serror
   $TranslateName = $ReturnName, $Error, $ErrorText

;Function	ListNestedGroups()    
;Authors	NTDOC and Glenn Barnas  
;		(Glenn came up with new method to Golf down the original code) 
;Action		Retrieves a list of all the groups an account is a member of including 
;		nested groups which normally are not seen.  This can be useful for locating 
;		security holes where users have rights they shouldn't have due to nested groups. 
;		Based on The Scripting Guys code from here 
;	        MS Scripting Guys 
;		Grabbing again from the MS Scripting Guys 
;		Due to the way the Groups method and Active Directory work, normal scripts can’t return  
;		all of Ken Myer’s group memberships unless it checks to see whether Groups A and B belong  
;		to any other groups.  This script can now do that. 
;		The Scripting Guys code shows the nested groups but also allowed duplicates to be returned. 
;		This KiX UDF does not because the guys at Korg cared the most to bring you the best 
;		In the example you'll see Administrators twice, but strictly speaking they're not duplicates 
;		Running the Scripting Guys code returns 3 entries for Administrators 
;		The Source looks large only because we commented it and showed a good example of running it 
;Syntax		ListNestedGroups($_Account,Optional $_Nested)   
;Version	1.0      
;Date		2006-Mar-23      
;Date Revised	xxxx-xxx-xx   
;Revised Reason   
;Parameters	ListNestedGroups($_Account,Optional $_Nested)  
;		$_Account = The full LDAP path to the account you want to check  
;		$_Nested  = This is a two part flag to determine what nested groups to show  
;		0 or blank = Show all groups including nested 
;		1 = Show all groups but flag the nested groups with <Nested> tag 
;		2 = Show only Nested groups 
;Returns	Array of the groups, or Error level on error 
;Dependencies	None, this is a two part UDF that uses a sub-function to operate 
;KiXtart Ver	Written and tested with KiXtart v4.52 beta 2 on 2000/XP/2003 against 2003-AD and 2000-AD 
Function ListNestedGroups($_Account,Optional $_Nested)
  Dim $_objUser, $_colGroups, $_objGroup, $_Grps, $_NFlag
  Dim $_W, $_Element, $_TempString, $_OD, $_CN, $_ERR
  ; init the vars 
  $ListNestedGroups = 0                          ; default return value if errors occur 
  $_Nested = Val($_Nested)                       ; force to numeric value 
  $_NFlag = IIf($_Nested = 1, ' <Nested>', '')   ; set the output message for nested groups 
  $_objUser = GetObject($_Account)               ; instantiate the object 
  $_ERR = Val('&' + Right(DecToHex(@ERROR), 4))  ; get last 4 nybbles (2 bytes) of the error code 
  If $_ERR Exit $_ERR EndIf
  $_colGroups = $_objUser.Groups                 ; get the collection 
  For Each $_objGroup in $_colGroups
    $_OD = GetNested($_objGroup)                 ; nested group name 
    $_CN = $_objGroup.CN                         ; parent group name 
    ; Write the nested group name (and optional NESTED tag) to the index file 
    If $_OD <> ''
      If InStr($_TempString, $_OD) = 0
         $_TempString = $_TempString + $_OD + $_NFlag + Chr(10)
    ; write the parent group name to the index file, unless in nested-only mode 
    If $_Nested < 2
      If InStr($_TempString, $_CN) = 0
         $_TempString = $_TempString + $_CN + Chr(10)
  ; enumerate the index and put the value(s) into an array 
  $_Grps = Split(Left($_TempString,Len($_TempString)-1), Chr(10))
  ; Return the array of groups, and exit with success 
  $ListNestedGroups = $_Grps
  Exit 0
; Sub-Function for returning nested groups 
Function GetNested($objGroup)
  Dim $_colMembers, $_strMember, $_strPath, $_objNestedGroup, $_ERR
  ; init the return value to a null string 
  $GetNested = ''
  ; get the collection 
  $_colMembers = $objGroup.GetEx("memberOf")
  ; enumerate the collection 
  For Each $_strMember in $_colMembers
    $_strPath = "LDAP://" + $_strMember
    $_objNestedGroup = GetObject($_strPath)
    $GetNested = $_objNestedGroup.CN
  Exit 0

(KiX Supporter)
2008-01-30 08:56 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Ok, Silver platter time.

This is a complete working script for what you want/need to do.
Do not forget to include the TranslateName() UDF an the ListNestedGroups() UDF.

Break on

$rc = Open(1, "c:\useringroupx.txt", 5)

$oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://@LDomain")
$oDomain.filter = "User",""
For Each $oUser In $oDomain
	;Get the DN name from AD for the specific user.
	$dn = TranslateName (3, "", 3, @LDomain + "\" + $oUser.Name, 1)
	;Get all groups and add <nested> to nested groups (see options).
	$groups = ListNestedGroups("LDAP://" + $dn[0],1)
	;See if the user is in a group with GroupX in its name nested and not nested.
	For Each $group in $groups
		If InStr($group, "GroupX")
			$rc = WriteLine(1, $oUser.Name + " is a member of group: " + $group + "." + @CRLF)

$rc = Close(1)

UDF Library » ListNestedGroups() - Query AD for all groups of an account + nested
UDF Library » TranslateName() - converts a name from one type to another

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-30 11:20 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

I wanted to say thank you for all your help.

I appreciate it alot..


(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-30 11:20 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

Oh, heheh

The script is done, and it works great!

(Getting the hang of it)
2008-01-30 11:22 PM
Re: Gathing all the @userid's from a Domain

I just looked at your script... thas much nicer than mine.. I am going to study it, and see how to create scripts like that.

Thx bud,