2004-06-24 09:44 PM
NT User Accounts Objects

Hello ,
I need to retrieve almost all info. about a userID . The following script returns :
UserID and Description
but I dont know other Object Names .

Function Groupmembers($target, $group, optional $flag)

$group = getobject("WinNT://$target/$group")

for each $member in $group.members
$nome = $member.name
$desc = $member.description
? $nome + " " + $desc +


Could anyone send me the list of all user objects like :
- last logon date
- password expiring date
- other objects

(MM club member)
2004-06-24 10:19 PM
Re: NT User Accounts Objects

You don't have to use always Kix.... Use Dumpsec

(Hey THIS is FUN)
2004-06-25 09:32 AM
Re: NT User Accounts Objects

I would recommend starting here:

MSDN ADSI Reference

and browsing the object model to see the various properties and methods of each ADSI object that can be used.

Somewhere on MSDN (couldn't find the link in a quick search - sorry!) there is also a downloadable ADSI SDK, which includes all the helpfiles and documentation, so you can read it locally, if necessary.

Hope this helps.