(Fresh Scripter)
2004-02-20 12:27 PM
printer question

Hi all,

I'm working on a login script and I need to add a printer(s), to win98 client(s). I first want to use "addprinterconnection" but that is NT only

So I wrote my own lil script
   Run("c:\windows\command.exe /C" + "start \\\hpdesk")

Sleep 1
$ReturnCode = SendKeys("{ENTER}")

But now you will get that anying add printer wizard. is there a way to solf this, of to suprase the wizzard.
I tryed sendkey's and that is working. But if the user see,
the wizzard that start to do things with anyone pressing the keyboard. Then they will totaly freak out

I hope someone can help me

(KiX Supporter)
2004-02-20 02:25 PM
Re: printer question

Here you go.. I just remember the search phrase - sendkeys rule.

Add Printer on 9x clients!

You will find that most us here do not use 9x.



(Fresh Scripter)
2004-02-22 09:03 PM
Re: printer question

yeah I know, 9x isn't my first choise, but hell you can't make a primay school buy 30 XP licenies

(KiX Master Guru)
2004-02-22 09:26 PM
Re: printer question

let me say...
win95 is better than 10 XP licenses!
and one win98 beats 4 XP's