(MM club member)
2001-01-09 03:52 PM
change keyboard settings to US international

Because of the Eurosymbol I want to change the keyboard settings to US International on all our Windows95 workstations. When you use the US International keyboard you can use the ALT GR + 5 keycombination for the Eurosymbol. It looks very simple: You only have to change the value in regkey
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\substitutes\00000413]
@="00000409" to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\substitutes\00000413]

Wrong!! Very Wrong!! All the things I tried did not work...

There must be a lot of people with the same problem. So if someone knows how to solve this problem... I think you can help a lot of other people

(MM club member)
2001-01-09 10:03 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Hi Co,

You also need the file:


I can't test if this is the only extra thing you need, but you certainly need this file.

P.S are you sure you want to switch to US International? It also changes the function of some other keys like the quotation mark ("). This becomes a 'sticky' key that waits for the next key before it is printed. This is nice if you need letters like these: ë . We decided not to switch to US International because we didn't want to bother the users with this change. We just told them to use ALT-0128


Roger the Young
The code is out there...

(MM club member)
2001-01-09 11:22 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

CO, What keyboard were you using before?


(MM club member)
2001-01-10 01:17 AM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Woops, I didn't even ask that, and started ranting anyway.

That will teach me to read before I rant.


Roger the Young
The code is out there...

2001-01-11 12:29 AM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Hi there Co,

I've been working on this problem for quite a while now, but found no sulution.
Within the registry you can change the locale settings, but you can't change the keyboard layout!
If you check the registry while changing the keyboard layout (as you probably did), you see the regkey HKCU\...\substitude changing. This is NOT the right key that you have to change!
If you add another keyboard you will see that the substitude key has a new entry, concluding that the substitude key is an entry for "alternate" keyboards.
Try deleting all the key entries (substitude and preload\1 hives and work from that!
It gives a new perspective to your problem.
I've messed around with the following entries, but nothing did the job completely...
DELTREE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes")
DELTREE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\substitutes")
DELTREE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1")
DELTREE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1")

ADDKEY ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1")
ADDKEY ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1")

WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")
WRITEVALUE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)","00010409","REG_SZ")

DELVALUE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)")
DELVALUE ("HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)")

READTYPE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\substitutes\00010409", "(Standaard)")
READTYPE ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboardlayout\preload\1", "(Standaard)")

These are the full packet of entries that you will need. Just experiment by disable some entries and see what it does... have fun and good luck!

B.T.W. my temp solution is renaming kbdusx.kbd (located in c:\windows\system) to kbdnl.kbd and kbdus.kbd (leave timestamps the same) and override the files on the client machines. You will cover 99% of all th W95 client, because there is always a dutch or VS keyboard installed.

I know, it's not a nice solution, but you can reverse the process at any time.

[This message has been edited by SLM (edited 10 January 2001).]

2001-01-11 12:33 AM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Sorry for the messed up layout...!

Grtx, Eric

(MM club member)
2001-01-10 01:11 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

We use now US 101 keyboard and Dutch language. Of course we can use this keyboardsetting together with the ALT + 0128 Keycombination. But you know how users are: "I have a Eurosymbool on my keyboard but it doesn't work".

2001-01-10 01:21 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

You can always walk through the building on a Saturday and make the modifications yourself (good for your health). Or delegate the job to a support dude...

I'll keep working on this problem... laters!

[This message has been edited by SLM (edited 10 January 2001).]

[This message has been edited by SLM (edited 10 January 2001).]

(MM club member)
2001-01-10 01:32 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Lijkt me geen goed idee. zijn er duizend in Haarlem en tig andere in de rest van Noord-holland....

Maar je komt uit de buurt dus als je niets te doen hebt..

(MM club member)
2001-01-10 01:57 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Hi Co,

A lot of people are wondering what you just posted.

Because this is an international board please keep everything in English.

Translation of previous post:

I don't think that's such a good idea. There are thousand computers in Haarlem and many more in the rest of Noord-Holland (providence of the Netherlands). But you are from around here, so if you're not doing anything...


Roger the Young
The code is out there...

(MM club member)
2001-01-10 02:23 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

OK Dad You are right.

2001-01-10 02:30 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

Hi there Co,

...OK lets get serious now. I think you can make something out of the registry entries displayed above. I've contacted some people from Microsoft to take a look at the problem.

SLM Inc90

(MM club member)
2001-01-10 03:27 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

You are right, we are moving in a wrong direction.

I tried is to make a script with things like addkeys, deltrees and writevalue's. Just like you did SLM But all this doesn't work.

After that, I exported the registrykeys from Hkey_current_User and Hkey_users to a regfile. I placed this file in the logon directory. I am now trying if this works
With SHELL "%COMSPEC% /e:1024 /c Copy @Ldrive\Algemeen\Toetsenbord.reg c:\windows\temp"
SHELL "%COMSPEC% /e:1024 /c c:\windows\regedit -s c:\windows\temp\Toetsenbord.reg"

If this doesn't work i want to try if i can change the value of the "layout file" in the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\control\keyboard layouts\00000409]
"layout file"="kbdus.kbd"
"layout text"="Verenigde Staten 101"

in "layout file"="kbdusx.kbd"

I hope it works. If it does i let you know...

(MM club member)
2001-01-10 04:52 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

It only works if there is no keyboardkey in hkey_users\username. Then Win95 takes the key in .default.

Uitdaginkje... Oeps, sorry Drillsergeant!

(MM club member)
2001-01-11 08:54 AM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

deltree ("hkey_users\"@userid"\keyboard layout") (?????)

(MM club member)
2001-02-16 11:33 AM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international

I did it an other way! Make a package with SMS Installer. change your keyboardsettings and close the package. This works very good!!!

(KiX Supporter)
2002-04-16 10:13 PM
Re: change keyboard settings to US international


The way of changing keyboard language layout can be done during a
system startup. We must also made a change from UK to US keyboard.
We only following changes to registry

[HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboard layout\toggle]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\toggle]

[HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboard layout\preload\1]

[HKEY_USERS\.Default\keyboard layout\preload\2]

; keyb us: 409=us 809=uk

Important which "keyboard layout" will load as first one. By adding following
copy \\server\netlogon\keyb-us.reg c:\keyb-us.reg
regedit c:\keyb-us.reg
to "autoexec.bat" file.

The parameters of none-windows versions of REGEDIT are:
Imports and exports registry files to and from the registry.

REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] filename1
REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] /C filename2
REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] /E filename3 [regpath1]
REGEDIT [/L:system] [/R:user] /D regpath2

/L:system Specifies the location of the SYSTEM.DAT file.
/R:user Specifies the location of the USER.DAT file.
filename1 Specifies the file(s) to import into the registry.
/C filename2 Specifies the file to create the registry from.
/E filename3 Specifies the file to export the registry to.
regpath1 Specifies the starting registry key to export from.
(Defaults to exporting the entire registry).
/D regpath2 Specifies the registry key to delete.
